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CBT – Schizophrenia What can you do if drugs don’t work?

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Presentation on theme: "CBT – Schizophrenia What can you do if drugs don’t work?"— Presentation transcript:

1 CBT – Schizophrenia What can you do if drugs don’t work?
How would your treat someone using a non-biological approach? Describe the ideal client Describe the ideal practitioner

2 CBT – Schizophrenia AO1 AO3 What does a course of CBT look like?
What are the Strengths: AO1 What is the role of the Psychologist/Client? AO3 What are the Weaknesses: AO1 What are the steps involved?

3 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy AO1
Which perspectives does CBT acknowledge? CBT is effective when dealing with what kind of symptoms? Cognitive Symptoms include: Does CBT cure schizophrenia?

4 CBT: Schizophrenia AO1 What is the role of the Psychologist/Client?
Therapeutic relationship is important: AO1 What does a course of CBT look like? Why is it so important that they patient’s experience are accepted?

5 CBT- General Model Why CBT and not BCT? What causes abnormality?
Maladaptive thinking comes from Faulty cognitions may be through cognitive deficiencies () or cognitive distortions () Beck, . Maladaptive thinking maintains and How does CBT work? CBT focuses on the person’s maladaptive and with the to then subsequently change their and. Cognitive elements? Behavioural elements? Why CBT and not BCT?

6 How can CBT help someone with Schizophrenia?

7 CBT: Schizophrenia 1. Belief Modification (Delusions)
Find evidence for the delusions. Challenge their beliefs (respectfully). Help them to test whether their delusions is the only possible explanation.

8 CBT: Schizophrenia 2. Focusing and Reattribution (Auditory hallucinations) Who (#, gender, tone, loudness) Record (what do they say?, write it down) What are the patient’s beliefs and thoughts about the voice? AIM: to help the patient realise that they are self-generated, not to fear them but to accept them. Eleanor Longden- ‘ the most hostile voice were the ones…..

9 CBT: Schizophrenia 3. Normalising
Destigmatisation the psychotic experience and look at it rationally Reduce stress and anxiety Encourage support for self Develop coping strategies Arron Beck

10 Develop coping strategies
Modify environmental stresses Social causation– i.e. lack of support and feelings of isolation Change perceptions and interpretations of events- address cognitive biases Reduce physiological arousal- meditation Alleviating cognitive symptoms Difficulties in concentrating and paying attention Problems with working memory Difficulty with executive functioning How would you practically do this?

11 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
This links to the Methods section of the Clinical Course NICE has produced guidelines for the care of patients with psychosis schizophrenia Using the link above provide some information regarding these guidelines 1.2.3 Treatment options to prevent psychosis 1.3.4 Treatment options 1.1.2 Race, culture and ethnicity (to link back to cultural issues)

12 AO2- CBT in Action
Give examples of where the three areas are addressed. Explain how the cognitive and behavioural elements are discussed. What do you notice about the practitioner? What do you notice about the client?

13 Sue Morgan Non-Biological Treatment: CBT for Schizophrenia
Describe Sue’s symptoms and features in terms of Schizophrenia. EXPLANATIONS: Why she is experiencing Schizophrenia? neurotransmitters one other biological explanation: Genetics a non-biological explanation: Attention Deficit Theory Evaluate the explanations: (Strengths and Weaknesses) TREATMENT: Biological Treatment: Drugs Non-Biological Treatment: CBT for Schizophrenia Describe how you would help Sue using CBT. What issues might you encounter?

14 AO3 Evaluation Strengths Weaknesses

15 Exam Questions

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