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2016 Science CST, CMA, and CAPA Nuts & Bolts

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Presentation on theme: "2016 Science CST, CMA, and CAPA Nuts & Bolts"— Presentation transcript:

1 2016 Science CST, CMA, and CAPA Nuts & Bolts
April 14, 2016 May 10, 2016 Assessment Services

2 Overview Test Security Before Testing During Testing After Testing
Agenda Overview Test Security Before Testing During Testing After Testing Assessment Services

3 Overview

4 Who Takes the Science CSTs, CMAs, and CAPA?
All students in Grades 5, 8, and 10 must take a science assessment Except those exempt by parent or guardian BLM page 39 in manual Assessment Services

5 Why are We Administering the Science CSTs, CMA, and CAPA?
Is part of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System which has replaced STAR Federally required Will continue to be administered until new tests aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are implemented Assessment Services

6 When is the Testing Window?
Traditional calendar schools: April 25- May 20, 2016 Year Round calendar schools: May 24- June 22, 2016 Assessment Services

7 Testing Schedule CST CAPA CMA Pages 54-55 in manual
Assessment Services

8 Test Security

9 Test Security Forms for the 2015-16 School Year
Site Coordinators must read, sign, and return the Security Agreement Test Administrators must sign the Security Affidavit Make copies and keep for at least 1 year Return originals to Assessment Services in RED envelope (provided) All materials must be kept in a LOCKED, SECURE area BLM Assessment Services

10 Security BLM Assessment Services

11 BEFORE Testing

12 Accessibility Resources
Universal Tools: available to all students; based on student preference and selection Designated Supports: need to be indicated by an educator or group of educators Accommodations: based on individualized education programs (IEPs) or Section 504 plans Handout Pages in manual Assessment Services

13 Special Education, 504 Students, and English Learners
Identify CAPA & CMA test-takers Review IEP and 504 Plans for accommodations that must be made available to students Plan for any supports that EL students will use during testing Assessment Services

14 Unlisted Resources Unlisted resources (previously known as individualized aids) shall be made available if specified in the student’s IEP or 504 plan and only upon CDE approval NEW Assessment Services

15 Unlisted Resources in TOMS
NEW Online request must be submitted under the UL Resources tab in TOMS Approval will be granted by the CDE Requires an IEP or 504 Plan Must be submitted 10 days prior to testing Assessment Services

16 Receiving Materials Verify Quantity Reseal Boxes Fax Form
SAVE BOXES INVENTORY UPON RECEIPT ORDER ADDITIONAL MATERIALS SECURE ALL MATERIALS Verify Quantity Note missing materials; contact Denise ASAP if there are discrepancies Fax Form Reseal Boxes Store in a SECURE, LOCKED area BLM Count each booklet; packs of 20 don’t always contain 20 Assessment Services

17 Identifying and Training Staff
CST & CMA Examiner = employee of SDUSD who has been trained and has signed a CAASPP Security Affidavit CAPA Examiner = certificated employee of SDUSD who has received CAPA examiner training and has signed a CAASPP Security Affidavit CAPA Examiner Training video posted at services/cstcmacapa Proctor = employee of SDUSD who has been trained and has signed a CAASPP Security Affidavit. See page 8 in manual Assessment Services

18 Required Training for Staff
See Handout Required Training for Staff Ensure Consistency Directions For Administration (DFA) must be read verbatim Ensure Test Security Monitor students; actively supervise Collect test booklets and answer documents before dismissing students Ensure there is enough time to complete a part before beginning the part Do not send unsupervised student(s) with test materials to alternate location Report all irregularities/incidents ASAP Examiner Training PowerPoint on Website Assessment Services

19 Prepare Testing Locations
Create an ideal testing environment- free from noise with good lighting & ventilation Remove or cover all instructional materials visible to students related to the content of the test Make arrangements for students w/IEPs & 504s (i.e. read aloud) Set up a quiet room where students who need more time to test can be escorted by an adult Arrange an activity and separate room for students not tested (exempt by parent) Assessment Services

20 Preparing & Distributing Materials
Materials provided by school: No. 2 pencils with erasers “Testing- Do Not Disturb” signs Scratch paper Make arrangements for students w/IEPs & 504s BLM Check materials out and in DAILY– see Inventory Control form; Assessment Services BLM

21 DURING Testing

22 Directions For Administration (DFA)
“SAY” boxes must be read exactly as written “T” in “SAY” boxes indicates that everything in the box may be orally translated for EL students if regularly done in the classroom; can translate “SAY” boxes only and may not assist students with test questions Assessment Services

23 Managing Emergency Situations and Testing Incidents
Test administration incident = any situation that occurs before, during, or after testing that does not conform to the instructions stated in the DFA or the coordinator’s manual Disruption in testing (fire alarm, power outage, evacuation) Test administration error (randomly distributing Pre- ID’d answer documents) Student cheating (mark A2, Special Conditions) Pages and 51 Assessment Services

24 Testing Irregularities
Pages in manual Testing irregularities = circumstances that may compromise the reliability and validity of test results Coaching students, leaving instructional material up during testing, allowing students to use additional materials not specified in the IEP/504, etc. Inappropriate test preparation Breach in security (i.e. copying tests) Contact Assessment Services ASAP Assessment Services

25 Test Security Continued
NEW STAIRS (Security and Test Administration Incident Reporting System) requires test site coordinators to submit an online form to report an incident If an appeal is required, an will be sent instructing the coordinator to file an appeal in TOMS Must report within 24 hours Contact Assessment Services for all irregularities and breaches Assessment Services

26 Reporting Incidents in TOMS
Contact Assessment Services to verify that the incident is an irregularity/breach Select the [STAIRS/Appeals] button on left navigation bar Select [STAIRS] button Follow the prompts in the online form Follow the directions provided in the response you receive from Only submit an appeal request if you have been directed to do so (must include STAIRS case #) Must report within 24 hours Assessment Services

27 Pre-ID Labels & Answer Documents
Sites will receive blank answer documents and pre-id labels Pre-ID labels were generated from CALPADS on February 7 (traditional) and March 7 (year round) For new students without pre-id labels, there is minimal demographic information to complete There is only one answer document for all grades for CMA and CST; there is separate CAPA answer document Assessment Services

28 CST/CMA Answer Docs - FRONT
Students must use the correct answer document; check barcode label Barcode Label ID = Must Be Completed by HAND Page 61 in manual Assessment Services

29 CST/CMA Answer Docs - FRONT
Box 1: all students must complete box number 1 of the answer document, even if Pre-ID was used Box 7: must be marked whether the student is taking the CST Science or the CMA Science

30 CST/CMA Answer Documents INSIDE
Pages in manual Students must hand-grid the version number CMA CST Ensure students are recording answers in the correct section Assessment Services

31 CST/CMA Answer Documents - BACK
Box A1: only complete if directed by Erin (testing irregularities) Box A2: Special Condition codes on page 58 in manual (i.e. absent, parent exempt, cheated, refused to test) Page 64 in manual = Hand-grid ONLY if applicable Assessment Services

32 CST/CMA Answer Documents - BACK
Box A3a: must be completed for ALL students who have an IEP or 504 Box A3b: hand-grid only if used by student; codes on pages in manual Box A4: hand-grid only if used by student; codes on page 60 in manual Page 64 in manual = Hand-grid ONLY if applicable = Hand-grid ONLY if used by student Assessment Services

33 CAPA Answer Docs - FRONT
Barcode Label ID Students must use the correct answer document; check barcode label Page 65 in manual = Must Be Completed by HAND = Hand-grid ONLY if applicable Assessment Services

34 Administering the CAPA for Science Observer’s Answer Document
Use blank from overage for Observers 1 – Name, etc. 3 – Date of Birth 4 – Name 5 – Gender 6a – CAPA Level 6b – Grade 8 – Student ID 9 – SSID

35 CAPA Answer Docs - Back Observers and Examiners must sign the back of the CAPA answer document Page 66 in manual Assessment Services

36 AFTER Testing

37 Prepare SCORABLE Answer Documents
Check that the demographic information is complete & correct Hand-grid A2, A3, & A4 if applicable Check that version #s have been completed Check for tears, stray marks, pen marks Check for paper clips, scratch paper Transcribe answers to clean answer document if original is damaged Assessment Services

38 Prepare SCORABLE Answer Documents Continued
Separate all answer documents by GRADE Within each grade, separate by TEST TYPE Within each test type separate documents for students who were EXEMPT by parent (P on A2) and who were ABSENT (A on A2) for the entire test window Grade 5 CAPA Grade 5 CST/CMA = ABSENT = EXEMPT Assessment Services

39 Parent Exemptions- in TOMS
NEW Page 13 in manual Parent Exemptions and Medical Emergencies must be indicated under the Score Status tab by clicking on the Condition Codes button Must be done BEFORE end of testing window Assessment Services

40 Apportionment Form Complete one grade level at a time
Indicate your school’s first day of testing Sign and have principal sign Return in RED envelope Assessment Services

41 Principal’s Certification
Return in RED envelope Principal’s signature Assessment Services

42 School & Grade Identification (SGID)
Complete 1 SGID per grade level for CST/CMA Complete 1 SGID for all CAPA answer docs; leave grade level blank for CAPA IMPORTANT: Include documents for students not tested with reason why in A2 Pages 20 & 53 in manual Assessment Services

43 Packing Scorable Materials
See pages in manual SGID on top of each stack of answer docs SCORABLE materials returned in the white box with ORANGE labels Packing Order = CAPA CST/CMA (lowest grade level on top) Assessment Services

44 Preparing Non-Scorable Materials
VOID answer documents if: Student transferred to a different school before your first day of testing Original answer document was damaged and transcribed to new answer document Student used a Large Print or Braille version Damaged- transcribed VOIDED answer documents go in NON-SCORABLES Assessment Services

45 Packing Non-Scorable Materials
Page 48 in manual TOP NON-SCORABLE Materials Return in GREEN labeled boxes Unused Freight Kit Materials USED Scratch Paper (return or securely destroy) CAPA Unused CAPA Answer Docs VOIDED Answer Documents Examiner’s Manuals & Tests CSTs/CMA (by grade level) DFAs Unused & VOIDED Answer Documents Test Booklets BOTTOM Assessment Services

46 RED Envelope Do not pack RED envelope in scorable and nonscorable boxes; keep separate Signed Certification & Apportionment Form Signed Security Affidavits Parent Exemptions Make copies for your files and submit originals Assessment Services

47 Traditional School Deadline:
TRADITIONAL CALENDAR SCHOOLS Return your materials to the Supply 2351 Cardinal Lane by 4:30 p.m. on your assigned day Traditional School Deadline: Elementary Schools: Friday, May 20, 2016 Secondary Schools: Monday, May 23, 2016 Assessment Services

48 Year Round School Deadlines:
YEAR ROUND CALENDAR SCHOOLS Return your materials to Assessment Services, ANNEX 3 by 4:30 p.m. on your assigned day Year Round School Deadlines: Schools starting with A-J: June 22, 2016 Schools starting with K-Z: June 23, 2016

49 Assessment Services Website: CST/CMA/CAPA Resources

50 Contact Information Erin Gordon (619) ; Denise Ormsbee (619) ; Assessment Services main phone: Fax Number (619) Websites: Assessment Services

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