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Cycles Overview – Due FRIDAY

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1 Cycles Overview – Due FRIDAY
DO NOW March 7, 2016 Objective If you need a na new notebook, please get one SOON! Prompt What is happening to the apples in this picture? How does this happen? Reminders: --Write HW in agenda --Voice level at 0 during Do Now --Tutorials this week: Monday lunch, Monday afterschool, Thurs. Lunch This week’s HW: Cycles Overview – Due FRIDAY

2 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does matter cycle and change through living systems? OBJECTIVES: -Observe cycles of matter -Discuss how and why matter cycles -Define Cycles and Biomass

3 Decaying Watermelon Timelapse
35 Days shortened to 1 minute. Turn and Talk: What decomposers are at work in this video? What might be the benefits to decay? Are there any negative consequences to decay?

4 What if? Turn and Talk Describe what it would be like if no organisms were ever broken down, if that they remained preserved at the surface of the Earth.

5 Bacteria What do you know about bacteria? Bacteria


7 Cycles Glossary – Page 142 Make a new glossary page on page 142 Title: “Cycles Glossary” and set up page like this: Word & Definition Examples

8 Add to Glossary page 52 Cycle A periodically repeated sequence of events.


10 Add to Glossary page 52 Biomass The matter that comes from living, or previously living organisms. Decomposition The breakdown or decay of organic materials by bacteria, fungi, insects, or other means. Turn and talk: Give some examples of biomass in your life.

11 VIDEO Rabbit Decomposition Timelapse

12 Thanks! – Page 53 Write a thank you letter to bacteria for breaking down all of the organic material left by dead plants and animals. Include the reasons the bacteria are a good thing for breaking down matter.

13 Cycles Overview – Due FRIDAY
March 8, 2016 DO NOW Objective SWBAT observe how matter cycles and changes through living systems. Prompt Which of the following compounds are organic? How do you know? A. C6H12O D. B. CO2 C. H2O2 Reminders: --HW Due Friday --Voice level at 0 during Do Now --SIGN UP for tutorials if you want to come (Thurs. Lunch) This week’s HW: Cycles Overview – Due FRIDAY

14 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does matter cycle and change through living systems? OBJECTIVES: -Discuss where we can find Carbon -Explore the carbon cycle on laptops -Talk about composting bins

15 Where in the world is…? Carbon Sandiego?? Think/Pair/Share Where can Carbon be found in your world?

16 Brainpop Carbon Cycle

17 Carbon Cycle Game Go to the following webpage: ***Fill out your foldable as you play the game.

18 Carbon Cycle Debrief Tape To Page 54

19 Composting Vermicomposting VERMI = Worm

20 Cycles Overview – Due FRIDAY
March 9-10, 2016 DO NOW Objective SWBAT observe how matter cycles and changes through living systems. Prompt Look at the graph at your table and read the information. What are the possible causes for the changes in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere? Reminders: --HW Due Friday --Voice level at 0 during Do Now --SIGN UP for tutorials if you want to come (Thurs. Lunch) --Quiz Friday over Transfer of Energy in Food Webs/Cycles This week’s HW: Cycles Overview – Due FRIDAY

21 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does matter cycle and change through living systems? OBJECTIVES: -Watch a clip from Rocky Mtn. Natl Park about ammonia pollution -Explore the Nitrogen Cycle Stations -Observe compost bin in garden

22 COMPOSTING Vermicomposting Video Backyard Composting

23 Composting Graphic

24 Composting Outside Expectations
Stay with the group Be an active participant No more than level 2 voice

25 Video Ammonia Deposition in Rocky Mountain National Park

26 Station Activity Complete your handout as you rotate through stations. Expectations: -Stay on task -Do not leave your group -Voice level 2

27 Brainpop Nitrogen Cycle

28 Nitrogen Cycle Debrief

29 Atmosphere (air) How did you arrive? Where are you at?
Where are you going? or Bacteria have transformed you into nitrogen gas and you are now part of the atmosphere! Lightning strikes! Nitrogen gas is make into a solid and travels to the soil! Blue green algae and bacteria convert you into a solid bringing you to the soil! Atmosphere (air) Debrief Question(s): Based on the pie chart above, what percentage (%) of the atmosphere is nitrogen? 21% b. 0.1% c. 78% Bean plants extract you from the air and bring you to the soil! Forest Fire! The wood you were within is burnt and you have been released into the atmosphere. or Some nitrogen can get into the water in clouds and then fall as rain!

30 Surface Water How did you arrive? Where are you at?
Where are you going? You fall into a lake or stream so now you are part of surface water. or You are just the sort of nitrogen that plants need to live. You are now within a live plant! You are decomposed and become dissolved in surface water! Surface Water or What’s that in the water? You have dissolved into surface water! You travel through the rivers and streams to the ocean! Debrief Question(s): 2. If plants need nitrogen to grow, then how will adding extra nitrogen to the water affect the growth of aquatic (water) plants like algae? Aquatic plants will die Aquatic plants will grow rapidly Aquatic plants will not be able to preform photosynthesis. You dissolve and wash into the surface water! or The groundwater you are dissolved within travels and you become part of the surface water! You percolate deep underground in the groundwater!

31 Rain Water How did you arrive? Where are you at? Where are you going?
Some nitrogen can get into the water in clouds and then fall as rain! You fall into a lake or stream so now you are part of surface water. or You fall on the land and become part of the soil! Rain Water Debrief Question(s): 3. According to the map above, which parts of the United states from 1989 to 1991 had higher concentrations of nitrogen in the their rain. South West United States North East United States North West United States You percolate deep underground in the groundwater! or You rain into the ocean!

32 You percolate deep underground in the groundwater!
How did you arrive? Where are you at? Where are you going? You percolate deep underground in the groundwater! or or You dissolve and wash into the groundwater! The groundwater you are dissolved within travels and you become part of the surface water! Ground Water or or Debrief Question(s): 4. Aquifers are like underground likes that store water. Texas has many aquifers, which we draw from for our drinking water. Which major aquifer does Austin sit above? (see large map on back) The groundwater you are dissolved within travels and you become part of the ocean! Look out! Water is on the move! You have washed into the groundwater!


34 Fertilizers How did you arrive? Where are you at? Where are you going?
or A farm supply company has picked you up and made you into fertilizer! You dissolve and wash into the surface water! or You become part of the soil! Fertilizers Debrief Question(s): 5. If nitrogen is present in the waste of animals, like cows and humans, then which statement below must be true? Animals must consume organisms that contain nitrogen. Animals must breathe in and absorb nitrogen gas into their bodies. Animals must transform other elements in their bodies into nitrogen. or You are just the sort of nitrogen that plants need to live. You are now within a live plant!

35 Soil (Dirt) How did you arrive? Where are you at? Where are you going?
Bean plants extract you from the air and bring you to the soil! You dissolve and wash into the groundwater! Blue green algae and bacteria convert you into a solid bringing you to the soil! You become part of the soil! You dissolve and wash into the surface water! Soil (Dirt) Lightning strikes! Nitrogen gas is make into a solid and travels to the soil! or You are just the sort of nitrogen that plants need to live. You are now within a live plant! Debrief Question(s): 6. Ammonium, NH4, is a nitrogen compound found in animal waste and in soil. Ammonium, NH4, is an organic compound: True or False. You are decomposed and become part of the soil! or Bacteria have transformed you into nitrogen gas and you are now part of the atmosphere! You fall on the land and become part of the soil!

36 Ocean How did you arrive? Where are you at? Where are you going? Texas
You travel through the rivers and streams to the ocean! Texas Louisiana Look out! Water is on the move! You have washed into the groundwater! You rain into the ocean! Gulf of Mexico or Ocean You are just the sort of nitrogen that plants need to live. You are now within a live plant! Debrief Question(s): 7.A lot of nitrogen compounds enter the Gulf of Mexico (show in red on the map above) and settle near the coast. What is the most likely source of the excess (or extra) nitrogen. Organisms that live in the Gulf of Mexico produce more waste Nitrogen fertilizers from farms runoff into rivers that dump into the Gulf of Mexico. Hurricanes push nitrogen up to the coast where it collects. You are decomposed and become dissolved in the ocean! or or Bacteria have transformed you into nitrogen gas and you are now part of the atmosphere! The groundwater you are dissolved within travels and you become part of the ocean!

37 Animal Waste How did you arrive? Where are you at?
Where are you going? Congratulations! The animal that you were within has excreted and you are in its waste. Go to animal waste! or Look out before someone steps in you! Now you are decomposing in the soil! or A farm supply company has picked you up and made you into fertilizer! Animal Waste Debrief Question(s): 8. Many farmers use animal waste as fertilizer for their crops. Why would farmers use animal waste to help their crops grow? The smell of waste keeps away organisms that might eat the crops Plants need nitrogen to grow, and animal waste contains nitrogen Animal waste has lots of sugars in it that the plants can use for energy or What’s that in the water? You have dissolved into surface water!

38 Dead Plants & Animals How did you arrive? Where are you at?
Where are you going? The plant that you are within has died. Go to dead plants and animals. or You are decomposed and become part of the soil! You are decomposed and become dissolved in surface water! Dead Plants & Animals Debrief Question(s): 9. Organisms that break down and recycle dead matter are classified as _____. Herbivores Decomposers Producers You are decomposed and become dissolved in the ocean! or The animal that you are within has died. Go to dead plants and animals. Forest Fire! The wood you were within is burnt and you have been released into the atmosphere.

39 Live Plants How did you arrive? Where are you at? Where are you going?
You are just the sort of nitrogen that plants need to live. You are now within a live plant! or or The plant that you are within has died. Go to dead plants and animals. Live Plants Debrief Question(s): 10. Which plant structure allows the plant to absorb nitrogen from the soil? Leaves Stem Roots or or An animal has eaten the plant that you are within! Go to live animals!

40 Live Animals How did you arrive? Where are you at?
Where are you going? An animal has eaten the plant that you are within! Go to live animals! or or The animal that you are within has died. Go to dead plants and animals. Live Animals Debrief Question(s): 11. Animals that consume or eat only plant matter are classified as ____. Herbivores Carnivores Omnivores or or Congratulations! The animal that you were within has excreted and you are in its waste. Go to animal waste!

41 Dead Zones Dead Zones

42 Video Eutrophication Song

43 For Quiz Friday… Vocabulary is important! Study your glossary handout.
Study food chains, webs, and pyramids. Know your Water, Carbon, and Nitrogen Cycles. Also review: Plant behaviors/stimuli (ex: turgor pressure, geotropism)

44 Cycles Overview – Due TODAY
March 11, 2014 DO NOW Objective SWBAT assess knowledge about how matter cycles and changes through living systems. Prompt How is Nitrogen released back into the environment from living things? Reminders: --HW Due today --Voice level at 0 during Do Now --Be on best behavior for substitute This week’s HW: Cycles Overview – Due TODAY

45 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does matter cycle and change through living systems? OBJECTIVES: -Take a test on how Energy Flows and Matter Cycles through an ecosystem.

46 Quiz Voice Level 0 Read silently when finished

47 Grade Quiz Trade papers with shoulder partner Pencils put away
10 points each

48 Composting 101 Composting 101

49 Composting Survey Take a survey of your classmates about composting.
Think of 2 questions to ask your classmates. Collect data on their responses. Choose the best way to graph your data: pie, bar, or line?

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