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I. Introduction to Literary Criticism

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1 I. Introduction to Literary Criticism
1st Year – 2nd Year Code No.: 1st Lecture I. Introduction to Literary Criticism Dr. Gehan M Anwar Deeb Lecturer of English Literature & Translation

2 Objectives of Lecture I:
Introducing Ourselves, Defining the term ‘Literary Criticism’, Identifying Some selected literary terms used in critical analysis, and Exploring the approaches/types of criticism,

3 From where does the word “criticism” derive?
Our English word “criticism” derives from the ancient Greek term krites, meaning “judge.”

4 What does literary criticism mean?
Evaluation, Analysis, Description, or Interpretation of a literary work.

5 In this context, "criticism" means a close reading and analysis of a literary text, such as:
a poem, a short story, a play, a novel, or even a movie. When you analyze a literary text, you will deal with basic literary elements, like Close study of these elements will then lead to an essay focusing on one aspect of the work.

6 Some selected literary terms used in critical analysis
1) Poetry: rhyme pattern, rhythm, alliteration, figurative language (imagery, metaphor, symbol, allusion), paradox, irony, etc.

7 Some selected literary terms used in critical analysis
2) Drama: Comedy or Tragedy: character, plot, setting, dramatic irony, poetic language, motifs, mood (tone) levels of conflict, poetic devices, etc.

8 Some selected terms used in critical analysis
3) Fiction & Non-fiction: Fiction: Narrative technique (1st, 3rd person narrator, objective, points of view), tone, setting, sequencing of events ("plot"), poetic language, levels of irony, motifs. Fiction (epic, novel, short story, picaresque, fable, allegory, romance), Non-fiction (essay, biography, autobiography, history, philosophy).

9 An example for literary criticism in a thesis statement
"Although most critics regard Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra as a great love tragedy, it is actually a mockery of a tragedy, for Cleopatra is incapable of love, and Antony is interested only in sex." You should introduce evidence from the play to prove your thesis. See Definition of ‘Criticism’

10 Major Critical Approaches/Types
There are many critical approaches however here are some major ones to which we may be referring: Formalist Biographical Historical Psychological Mythological Sociological Gender Reader-Response Deconstructionist Cultural Studies

11 Kinds of Approaches Reader-based
Literature does not exist separate from those who read it An individual’s background and feelings are part of how they read and interpret literature Text-based Primarily look at the work itself, separate from context in which it was written or who wrote it Context-based Examines the context in which a work was produced

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