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Section 4 – Link Access Module (Lam) aka Data Adapters

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Presentation on theme: "Section 4 – Link Access Module (Lam) aka Data Adapters"— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 4 – Link Access Module (Lam) aka Data Adapters
Lam Overview

2 Objectives

3 Topics In This Section Lam Basics REST Lam Walkthrough
Binaries Service Script Lam Configuration File REST Lam Walkthrough Starting Lam From Command Prompt

4 lam.conf Basics

5 Components of Lam Configuration
Lam Binary $MOOGSOFT_HOME/bin lamtype_lam Service Script Lam binary Specify lam.conf Lam Service Log Level lam.conf Port Capture Log Parsing Token>>Field Mapping Lambot Pass or Drop Event Manipulate Fields Set Custom Info Service Script Lam Binary Lam Service Log Level lam.conf to use lam.conf IP,Port/File Name Capture Log Parsing Token>>Field Mapping LAMBot.js file to use LAMBot.js Pass or Drop Event Manipulate Fields Set Custom Info

6 Lam Binaries

7 Lam Binaries Located in $MOOGSOFT_HOME/bin

8 Lam Service Startup Script

9 Lam Service Startup Scripts
Located in /etc/init.d Follow Naming Convention All lower case Lam Name/Type Ends with ”lamd” Always configure to run on startup

10 Script Settings SERVICE_NAME=restlamd SERVICE_INSTANCE="" PROCESS_HOME=/usr/share/moogsoft PROCESS_NAME=bin/rest_lam PROCESS_OWNER=moogsoft PID_FILE=/var/run/moogsoft/$ LOG_FILE=/var/log/moogsoft/$SERVICE_NAME.log CONFIG_FILE=$PROCESS_HOME/config/rest_lam.conf LOG_LEVEL=WARN

11 Script Environment export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_20 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PROCESS_HOME/lib:/usr/GNUstep.... export MOOGSOFT_HOME=$PROCESS_HOME

12 Remaining RETVAL=0 MOOG_WRAPPER=$PROCESS_HOME/bin/utils/ start, stop, restart, reload, status Functions

13 Lam Configuration File

14 Lam conf file monitor: Lam name, class, port, other high level information agent: a variable you can define and reference for the Lam and the name and location for the capture JSON Formatted text parsing: Defines how to separate message into tokens constants: place to map incoming severity to AIOps severity conversations: helpers for converting values from one format to another mapping: used to map the incoming json payload to the AIOps event fields filter: specifies the Lambot and any modules you want to make available to the Lambot

15 Monitor Section Describes the the object to be monitored Defines
Class of Lam For Network Based LAMs Address Lam listens to Port Lam listens to For Log File Lam Files to monitor

16 Agent Section Defines Name of the Lam Capture Log

17 Parsing Section Any received data needs to be broken up into tokens
Define what to consider the beginning and end of the message Delimiters section is used to define How to handle quotes What, if anything, to ignore Delimiters to use to break the message into tokens

18 Variables Section For each event in the file, there is a positioned collection of tokens Way to define friendly name for the token parts of the event Used in the mapping section to associate tokens with event values

19 Constants and Conversions Sections
Rules that can be used on tokens for lookups and/or conversion Lookups – Simple matching of token to other value Can specify value to use when match not found Conversions – Used to convert token from one data type to another

20 Mapping Section Describes how parsed tokens get mapped to alert fields
Enabling CJsonDecoder bypasses rules and uses property names from JSON catchAll defines variable that will contain all the values not mapped to fields in rules

21 Filter Section Defines whether the Lam uses a Lambot
Specifies a JavaScript to use to pass or drop the event If commented out all events are passed “as-is” to the message bus

22 REST Lam Walk Through

23 REST Data Ingestion Config Example
Let’s take a look at a sample configuration together. Here’s an example without authorization enabled.

24 REST Data Ingestion Config Example
Let’s take a look at a sample configuration together. Here’s an example without authorization enabled.

25 REST Data Ingestion Config Example
conversions. constants = lookups Simple way to convert one constant to another conversions = type change string to integer integer to string date to integer (using string to integer) severity – string to list to integer Let’s take a look at a sample configuration together. Here’s an example without authorization enabled.

26 REST Data Ingestion Config Example
Let’s take a look at a sample configuration together. Here’s an example without authorization enabled. JSON property names or field tokens from variables section if CJsonDecoder is not used

27 Friendly URL to port Mapping for LAMs
Solarwinds nginx Proxy Lam Provided by nginx solarwinds Lam listening on port 17778

28 Starting and Troubleshooting Your New Lam

29 Command Line Options rest_lam –help [rest_lam Moog Version 5.2.1_ESR (c) 2011/2012 Moogsoft Ltd] Usage: rest_lam Command line options: --cluster [Name of HA cluster (to overwrite the config file)] --config [Specify full path to config file, default $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/appname.conf] --group [Name of HA group (to overwrite the config file)] --instance [Identify this Lam with a unique name] --mode [Start the process in passive/active mode (default will be active)] --service_instance [Suffix for the service's name] -h, -help, --help [Display this help information] --version [Display version information for this app] --loglevel (INFO|WARN|ALL|NONE) [Set minimum level for logging level, default of ALL]

30 Starting Lam from Command Line
Useful for testing Does not require a service script Example: rest_lam --config myrest_lam.conf --loglevel INFO

31 Lam Logs Default Location: /var/log/moogsoft Two types of logs
Service Log – restlamd.log Data Capture Log – rest_lam.log LAMs not processing? Consult the Moog Troubleshooting Guide

32 Lab 4 - Data Ingestion I Configure a REST data ingestion settings

33 Labs To Run AIOps Admin Training AIOps Implementer Training Section 1
Lab 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d AIOps Implementer Training Section 2 Lab2a Section 4 Lab 4a, 4b, 4c

34 Lab Summary AIOps Admin Training AIOps Implementer Training Section 2
Lab 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d – Logging into your student instance, Create situations, Run ChatOps, Clear dynamic data AIOps Implementer Training Lab2a – ssh to system, Installation Validation Section 4 Lab 4a, 4b, 4c – Create New Rest Lam, Using Constants in lam.conf, Using other JSON fields in lam.conf

35 Questions

36 AIOps Implementer Enablement Training
Kirk Sievers Day 2

37 Where are we? Architecture Intro to moogfarmd Installation LAMBots
Exploring Data Ingestion Link Access Modules (LAMs) Intro to moogfarmd LAMBots Basics of Alert Creation Maintenance Window Manager Alert Rules Engine Alert Clustering Enriching Alerts Enriching Situations Integrating with 3rd Party Tools Configuring Moog Tool Runner Message Bus Housekeeping Tasks Entropy Security You Are Here

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