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Region Training Conference 2016

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1 Region Training Conference 2016
Member Recognition We will be discussing Member Recognition, what it is, and why it is important. Region Training Conference 2016 Name, Position

2 What is Recognition? Ask the members what they believe recognition is. If you would like to, bring candy or something small to encourage members to participate!

3 What is Recognition? rec•og•ni•tion [rek-uhg-nish-uhn]
the acknowledgment of achievement, service, merit, or etc. In Key Club, recognition involves acknowledging a member, an officer, an advisor, a community correspondent, etc. for their hard work. Explain what recognition means to YOU! The importance of recognition and how this may encourage members to do more and go above and BEEyond.

4 What are actions that can be identified as recognition?
Head nod Hug Handshake “Thank you” Awards Certificates Small Gifts It’s the little things that count! Small gestures of thank you are what really make a big difference.

5 Club Recognition Officers should recognize when members have made an achievement Member in good standing Serving 100 hours Serving 200 hours BEE creative! Start a tradition that may continue for years! Examples: Certificates, Gift Cards, leis, pins, etc. What officers should be doing to encourage members to continue serving. These are examples of things members can be recognized for. Also, encourage members to start traditions in which they can be recognized for!

6 CNH Contests The following contests are open to all the members of CNH. Current guidelines apply to the current CNH District administrative year DCON 2016 – DCON 2017 (April 10, 2016 – April 7, 2017)

7 Awards: Club Club Attire: The Club Attire award shall provide recognition to Key Clubs that best demonstrate and promote the values of our organization via their Club Attire. Club Newsletter: The Club Newsletter award shall provide recognition to Key Clubs that have developed exemplary club newsletters at the club level. Club of the Year: The Club of the year shall provide recognition to Key Clubs that have demonstrated overall club excellence during the District administrative year. Club Poster: The Club Poster award shall provide recognition to Key Clubs that best demonstrate the values of our organization via poster. There are many different awards that clubs are able to receive. Here is the list of awards that clubs are able to receive and how they are able to acquire them. All clubs should try to achieve at least one award!

8 Club Video: The Club Video award shall provide recognition to Key Clubs that best demonstrate the values of our organization via video. Most Improved Club: The Most Improved Club Award shall provide recognition to Key Clubs that have demonstrated the greatest improvement during the district administrative year. Year in Review: The Year-In-Review award is an international recognition contest. There are traditional and non-traditional forms of Year-In-Review. Traditional is a conventional scrapbook while non-traditional is a digital scrapbook or composition of other media containing pictures, souvenirs, examples, newspaper clippings or other representations of its activities during the club administrative year. Here are more awards that clubs are able to receive.

9 Awards: Member Member of the Year: Member of the Year is a district recognition contest judged on the division level. Applicants submit their application to their respective Lieutenant Governors by the deadline set by the Lieutenant Governor. One recognition winner will be selected from each division. At DCON 2017, each Member of the Year will be announced. Sandy Nininger: The Sandy Nininger award is a district recognition contest given to an outstanding, dues-paid, Key Club member who has done an outstanding job serving the District. Talent: Talent is a district recognition contest. Winners have the opportunity to showcase their talent and perform at DCON. There are many different awards that members are able to receive. Here is the list of awards that members are able to receive and how they are able to acquire them.

10 Awards: Officer For officer recognition, applicants can choose the level that they would like to apply for All levels are recognized at DCON, but Distinguished applicants walk across the stage at DCON  Level 1: Appreciation President Requires a completed checklist Secretary Level 2: Outstanding Treasurer Requires an E-Portfolio Vice President Level 3: Distinguished Officers are able to apply for 3 different levels: appreciation, outstanding, and distinguished. Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers, and Vice Presidents are able to apply for these awards. If you are chosen to receive the award, you will be recognized at DCON!

11 Awards: Service Major Emphasis Single Service
These service projects are international recognition contests and now electronically submitted. At DCON, distinguished winners will be announced, but only the top submissions will go on to compete at the international level at ICON.  Major Emphasis Single Service There are two different service awards you are able to receive. Major Emphasis and Single Service are both international recognitions to be received at International Convention!

12 Awards: Advisors Advisor of the Year Marvin J Christiansen
The advisor of the year is a district recognition contest judged at the division level. It is given to an outstanding advisor who fosters service leadership, long-term commitment, and growth in Key Club while promoting club representation and member involvement in serving his or her community.  Marvin J Christiansen The Marvin J. Christiansen Advisor Award recognizes the achievements of a Kiwanis Advisor serving the California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District. It is the highest recognition award presented to a Kiwanis Advisor at the CNH Key Club District level.  There are two different awards that advisors are able to receive. Here is the list of awards that advisors are able to receive and how they are able to acquire them.

13 Member Recognition Program
The Member Recognition Program (MRP) is judged on the club level to recognize as many applicants as possible. Records are in the MRP tab in the Club MRF. There are a list of requirements needed to reach each level (bronze, silver, gold, platinum), platinum being the most difficult. All winners will receive a certificate and have their names showcased at DCON. Member Recognition Program is recorded by the club secretary and is judged on the club level to recognize as many applicants as possible. You are able to receive bronze, silver, gold, or platinum.

14 MRP Rubric Requirements Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Dues Paid Yes Service Hours 50 hours 100 hours 150 hours 200 hours Additional Requirements 5 of 9 6 of 9 9 of 13 10 of 13 Training Events 2 4 Events with Kiwanis Family 3 5 Interclubs 6 Division Events District Events 1 International Events Articles/Visuals Submitted Chair of an Event Host Division /Region/District Workshop Club Committee Member District or Division Committee Member Club or Leadership Position Lives Saved from MNT 20 50 100 All officers should aim to be at least Bronze! Each club should have a designated person who can help organize and record data in the MRP tab while promoting MRP. Encourage members to keep track of their own progress. Lt. Governors will send in the final list of names to the District.

15 CNH Contest Overview Contest Submission Deadline:
Wednesday, February 22, 2017 Read the guidelines Make sure you have everything completed! Name your file correctly Ask questions! Turn in your submission before 6:00 PM Do not procrastinate! Turn it in to the CNH Contest Archive at

16 BEEyond Awards Recognition is not limited to receiving an award.
Recognition should be year long and may involve more than just a medal. Recognition should come from the heart! You do not necessarily need an award to be recognized! Let everything come from the heart. Do not do something only because you know you ill receive a reward for it.

17 As a Key Clubber Each of your actions should positively influence others Whether you are a member or leader in this organization, every single thing YOU do for Key Club is IMPORTANT! YOU are an inspiration to someone YOU are someone’s friend and support The service you do makes the works a better place An officer position does not determine your worth but rather your ability to act as a leader. Your actions will define you because EVERYTHING you do is important!

18 As a Recognizer Both giving and receiving recognition are positive experiences! Reaching out on a personal level As simple as saying “Good luck!” or “Thank you! The little things matter Remember: Members make Key Club what it is today, so take time to appreciate them! Appreciating someone is what really keeps them going, knowing that what they do helps others and that others are grateful for their help will allow others to feel happy about what they are doing and allows them to continue doing so.

19 ? ? Questions? Comments? Concerns? Go for it!

20 Acknowledgements The CNH Key Club District would like to acknowledge the following individuals who have contributed to this presentation over the years. Michelle Ng, Member Recognition Committee Chair,

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