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Recruiting Members based on generational marketing concepts.

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1 Recruiting Members based on generational marketing concepts.
Greetings from FMB and sisters in 29 countries. TU to any particular people/for any special contributions from the area; any personal links with the area; pick up on their projects. Want to talk about the theme and relate it to the challenges we face at Federation, Region/NA/Network and Club levels. Theme describes what we do (PA + leading change for women) and how we do it (Clubs/ Regions need to be places where women have fun and know that they are making change happen).

2 In General What do Women Want?
To work on causes which matter to them To know that they are making a positive difference to those causes To enjoy being part of a group and for its activities to be fun Must have the last before the first two matter! So not enough to support a cause which people believe in – must enjoy the experience of supporting it. Feedbabck tells us that members and potential members do believe in our mission and vision and yet we struggle especially to retain. The bottom line is they like th cause but they don’t like our current way of working …which is good news because we can change that much more easily.

3 The Challenge Changing how we operate, govern ourselves and communicate to suit a “market” which has changed significantly from the one for which the organisation was designed . . . . . . So that we can thrive not just survive? Committees unappealing. Ditto meetings unless they are enjoyable and achieve – they are expensive in time and money. Every club and Region meeting must be enjoyable VFM. Possibly mention changes re SI too e.g. incorporation, review of Federations etc Generational differences re communication preferences – but even if we recruit from 40 year olds upwards – same new preferences apply. Want to look at how Federation (the FMB level) has responded to these challenges and throw out some questions to you. Headings which follow are the goals (in summary) of the SIGBI Strategic Plan and they are the goals which all FMB work and meetings are about.

4 Steps to recruiting and retaining new members
Refresh and revitalise your Club Identify the age group of members you wish to recruit and develop a strategy to attract them Develop a retention approach

5 Programme Action to improve the lives of Women and Girls
PA at the heart of all your work and plans Focus on a few Educate to Lead Projects Take part in a SIGBI Day of Action Focus activity around the UN days of action Educate, Empower, Enable should be in every thing you do Five objectives now (were 32), clear theme, four days to do PA and Recruit through it, one Federation project, UKPAC also focused. Resolutions planned and followed up, impact recorded and publicised monthly. Still 3Es and still Educate to Lead. Last year of BIG Project. Impact of Day of Action and three other special days. DEG for the 80th. PA booklet –10 copies for each club - use for recruitment and promotion.

6 You are not alone in this venture so…..
Using Special Days to Recruit Flagship Projects Publicising the Impact of your work Using Publications and tools to help 42% of Clubs don’t fill out PFRFs – so much of your impact is lost. Cannot publicise what we don’t know about!

7 Maintain and increase the membership of SIGBI
Easy Stages Guides Discount for new members at conference Membership Statement Advice from younger members; focus groups Leadership development All initiatives to help Clubs run smoothly and to know what works and what goes wrong. Also to help get new members to conference.

8 Communication: Unite Organisation and raise the profile of SIGBI
New branding and new website design New banners, publications and advert PA Booklet Enhanced use of Social Media New approach to Club/member mailings Need to do the branding, focused image ‘stuff’ before the more difficult issues. Encourage use of calendar.

9 New Flexible ways to run a club
Look at the new ways to run a Club and see if they are for you Reviewing content of meetings to see if some of it could be dealt with using new technology Reviewing costs and charges Reviewing what ‘business’ needs to come to meetings; other ways of ‘doing business’

10 Age Profile of SIGBI, is this like your Club?
= 4% 65 – 74 = 19 % 55 – 64 = 37 % 44 – 54 = 27 % = 3% = 1%

11 Objectives Review your age profile
Understand and acknowledge that there are generational differences that we need to cater for to recruit and retain members Value diversity Learn to adapt our message/ communications to suit specific age ranges Identify which age range you would like to recruit from

12 Identifying your market
Baby boomers born Largest substantial growth of our time Post WW2 babies nearing retirement or are “empty nesters” Generation X born This group are seen as searching for an identity and unifying purpose First generation to grow up in new family structures created by divorce First lack key children so they are very independent. Generation Y The Millennials born Very e friendly and are used to social networking They can change jobs frequently in their careers

13 How to attract the Baby Boomers
Position our brand, use the logo, adverts, professional leaflets etc as promotional tools to connect these women to our winning brand. Simple nostalgic messages work best in posters i.e. “we are women at our best helping other women to be their best ” Have social and professional recognition events to invite prospective new members to attend Have very creative and innovative PA

14 Continued Make PA an adventure and have an element of risk to it
PA needs to have an element of personal achievement to it Turn your recruitment event into a networking event. Direct mail, face to face invitations, internet, and are great ways to keep in touch. Use facts not a hard sell Be clear about expectations for them as members Provide for professional improvement through leadersahip

15 More ideas An opportunity to learn new skills will attract them to attend an event, or a club meeting etc Get them involved in events even when not members, let them lead part of a short term project which will give them instant results Don't give tasks that involve lots of paper work so cut this out of your club as much as you can Loosen the reigns and let them bring their skills to you Sell the message that we are women working for women and girls

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