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Sustainability and Greening at City Schools

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2 Sustainability and Greening at City Schools
Information Session Tues, Sept 19 – North Ave. Wed, Oct 18 – Green Street Academy Dr. Sonja Brookins Santelises Chief Executive Officer, Baltimore City Public Schools

3 Agenda Introductions Sustainability Ambassador Green Leader AU
Green, Healthy, Smart Challenge grant Baltimore Energy Challenge grant Maryland Green Schools Program Q&A

4 Sustainability resources
Partners Working to support sustainability and greening throughout the district, including the Sustainability Plan, utility conservation, environmental literacy, and the Green Schools Network Joanna Pi-Sunyer Green Schools Coordinator Sustainability resources

5 Partners Teaches low and no-cost ways to save energy to residents, businesses, and nonprofits, and schools. We have helped communities reduce their energy usage. The School Energy Hub offers grants to schools for student-led energy conservation projects, supported by an AmeriCorps volunteer. Becca Bakre Director Jelene Feyijinmi School Coordinator

6 Partners Abby Cocke Environmental Planner
Andrea Calderón Youth Sustainability Coordinator Develops and advocates for programs, policies and actions by government, citizens, businesses, and institutions that improve the long-term environmental, social, and economic viability of Baltimore City.

7 Cheryl Casciani Director of Neighborhood Sustainability
Partners BCF is a philanthropic foundation created by and for the people of Greater Baltimore, where many donors join together to make the region they love a better place, today and for future generations. BCF serves our community in a variety of ways, by building a civic endowment; helping donors plan and implement their charitable giving; and working in partnership with others in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors Cheryl Casciani Director of Neighborhood Sustainability

8 Meeting Baltimore City’s Sustainability Goals
Education & Awareness Goal #1 Turn Every School in Baltimore City into a Green School

9 Theory of Change Providing resources and incentives to schools
Building Grassroots Leadership A Green School System in Baltimore Changing Internal Systems Developing Partnerships

10 What is a Green School? Conserves energy and natural resources Saves taxpayer money Improves the quality of indoor air Provides natural light Allows students and teachers to hear one another Uses non-toxic products throughout Teaches kids about the environment and fosters student leadership Uses the building and grounds as teaching tools Decreases water use and run-off Reduces trash through reuse, recycling and composting Promotes physical activity Promotes healthy eating Protects habitat A school that creates a healthy environment, conducive to learning while saving energy, resources and money

11 The Impacts of Green Schools
Green schools help kids: Hear See Breathe Move Think Feel Green schools can: Improve student performance Reduce student and staff absenteeism Attract and retain teachers Improve relationships with the community Save money


13 Sustainability Ambassador
Each school must appoint a Sustainability Ambassador! Responsibilities include: School Sustainability Plan by Nov 15 Recycling Utility conservation Optional activities End-of-year questionnaire Coordinated by Joanna

14 Recycling Each school must recycle!
Any bin is fine, as long as it’s marked “recycling” City of Baltimore picks up from every school once a week Recycling Toolkit

15 Utility Conservation Toolkit
Each school must conserve utilities! Save money by using less electricity, natural gas, steam and water ($30 million annually) Engage students about energy and the environment Reduce our impact on the environment Utility Conservation Toolkit

16 Each school must use green cleaning supplies and practices!
Cleaning for Health Why? Green cleaning products and practices use less toxic materials, improve air quality, and protect the health of workers and occupants Inside air is often more polluted than outside air Required by Maryland law and City Schools Each school must use green cleaning supplies and practices! What? City Schools’ staff custodians use Diversey chemicals Contract custodians and charter schools may use Diversey or choose another approved line Cleaning for Health Toolkit

17 Information and Application
Green Leader AUs A teacher may earn between 1 and 4 Achievement Units for being a Green Leader May be the Sustainability Ambassador or others Up to 3 teachers at each school Lead recycling, energy conservation, water quality and/or other projects Apply by September 29 to Joanna Information and Application

18 Green Leader AUs - cont’d
Categories of work correspond to the MAEOE Green Schools award program Examples of documentation: photos with captions sign-in sheets for clubs s, newsletters links to student work narratives Tools - Weebly, Google Sites One page per category If multiple teachers at one school, clear documentation of each person’s work Example: Southwest Baltimore Charter School

19 Environmental Literacy
Embedding experiences into curricula” 4th grade – Every Kid in a Park 5th grade – Save the Bay, with a schoolyard assessment 7th grade – What lives in the Harbor? with the National Aquarium Biology – Watershed Investigation Multiple opportunities for integration with ELA, math, science, arts, and PE

20 Schools with the Green School Award and green grants

21 Green, Healthy, Smart Challenge Grant
Program details: $1,00-$2,500 per school Student-led environmental projects Choose from a menu of projects or design your own Application is just three pages Applications accepted on rolling basis until Nov 3; contact Andrea at Application

22 Student Leadership PowerDown competition winners with BEC staff
Youth Leadership Summit Baltimore Beyond Plastic rally Environment Club members

23 Contact Abby
Green School Award What? MD Association of Environmental & Outdoor Education (MAEOE) runs the MD Green School Awards Program Open to all K-12 schools state-wide Rigorous but non-competitive Must be renewed every four years Why? Higher test scores Eligible for larger grant awards Part of school identity and prestige Recognized state-wide and beyond Links to additional resources and opportunities How? Create a website or powerpoint to show your work Covers two years of activities in instruction, professional development, student-led sustainability practices, partnerships, and celebrations Want to learn more? Contact Abby

24 * Maryland Assn of Environmental and Outdoor Education

25 Partners

26 School Energy Hub Grant
Program details: Up to $1,00 for student-led, energy-themed projects Adult Project Coordinator who will lead project, track receipts, submit report, complete online questionnaire 5-10 students; 2 students and Project Coordinator will interview with BEC Apply by Oct 31 to Jelene Application

27 Resources for Schools Student Environmental Leadership opportunities & Service Learning hours MD Assn of Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE) – Green School Award program Partners can assist – professional development, on- and off-site activities, etc. City Schools Inside: Resource Guide for Going Green Toolkits: Cleaning, Energy, Recycling, Schoolyard Gardening Green Leader AU information Monthly e-blast Green, Healthy, Smart Challenge grants for student-led greening projects Baltimore Energy Challenge grants to teach students and community members about energy conservation

28 Points of Contact City Office of Sustainability City Schools
Green Schools Coordinator Joanna Pi-Sunyer Energy Specialist Rajeshri Bachubhay City Office of Sustainability Environmental Planner Abby Cocke Green Schools Assistant Andrea Calderón Baltimore Energy Challenge School Coordinator Jelene Feyijinmi

29 Q&A


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