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Presentation on theme: "Balboa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Balboa

2 Read Pg 77 A Theme is the key message or insight of a work. Readers must analyze clues about characters and events, then make connections.​ 1. Re-read lines Make inferences to identify ONE of Balboa's character traits. What could this trait suggest about the Theme?​

3 Cont’d pg 77 Authors use Literary devices to create effects in Plot. ​
Foreshadowing hints at events occuring later in a story, and adds suspense and drama.​ In Media Res means that the story starts in the middle of action​ 2. At what point in the action does the story begin? Why does Murray begin the story this way?​ 3. Define Pristine: How would civilization affect the mountain's pristine setting?

4 Read pg 78 Authors use literary elements like character to develop theme. Analyzing a characters speech, thoughts and actions is one way to trace the development of a theme.​ 4. Cite lines that show Balboa is aware of the discrepancy between who he is and how he wants to be known(write down the line #'s)​

5 Pg 78 Con’t 5. Identify terms that describe how Balboa would like others to view him.​  6. Re-read lines and pay attention to what Balboa does when he hears the twig snapping. What does Balboa's reaction suggest about his character? Turn and share with your partner.​

6 Read pg 79 A Flashback may provide background information that offers readers insight about character, plot and theme. ​ 7. Identify lines that function as a transition to the flashback and the sentence that begins the flashback. ​ 8. Cite the past-tense verbs that signal that this scene is a flashback.​

7 Read pg 80 Analyzing a character and making inferences about the character's motives can help you identify the theme. A character may have both a reason, a logical explanation and a motive: an underlying purpose, for doing something. ​ 9. Identify Balboa's reason for naming his dog Leoncico and then infer his motive for doing so.​ 10. What does this suggest about the theme? Share with your partner.​

8 Pg 80 Con’t 11. What do Leoncicos muscles and his protruding shoulders and hip bones have to do with his name?​ 12. Re-read lines : Cite the lines that explain how Balboa first met Encisco. ​Share with a partner

9 Read Pg 81 Authors may develop a theme by providing deeper insight into characters thoughts and Motives.​ 13. Read lines : How does the image of Balboa and Leoncico contribute to the development of the theme?​​​

10 Pg 81 Con’t Authors may use Flashback to help readers  identify Conflict, the key problem in the plot, and thus, theme.​ 14. Identify the flashback and analyze the conflict between Balboa and the monk. Share with your partner.​​

11 Read pg 82-83 Characters perceptions are often the basis for their motives. Perceptions are interpretations or impressions; they influence characters' thoughts, behaviors, and actions. Both Characters‘ perceptions and motives offer clues to an authors message.​

12 Pg Con’t 15. Re-read lines : Cite Textual evidence that reveals what Balboa thinks of the Indians and what his strategy is in dealing with them.​ 16. Re-read lines : How does the flash forward at the end of this story affect the story's overall meaning and aesthetic impact?

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