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Presentation on theme: "THE DESIGN CRITERIA FOR WASTEWATER SYSTEMS (30 TAC Chapter 217)"— Presentation transcript:

TCEQ TRADE FAIR 2017 MAY 16, 2017 AUSTIN, TEXAS TCEQ TRADE FAIR 2017 MAY 16, 2017 Louis C. Herrin, III, P.E. Engineer, Water Quality Division Louis C. Herrin, III, P.E. Engineer, Water Quality Division

2 chapter 217 Subchapter A Subchapter B Subchapter C Subchapter D
Administrative Requirements Subchapter A Treatment Facility Design Requirements Subchapter B Conventional Collection Systems Subchapter C Alternative Collection Systems Subchapter D Preliminary Treatment Units Subchapter E Activated Sludge Systems Subchapter F Fixed Film and Filtration Units Subchapter G Natural Treatment Facilities Subchapter H Sludge Treatment Units Subchapter J Chemical Disinfection Subchapter K UV Light Disinfection Subchapter L Safety Subchapter M Subchapter A Administrative Requirements Subchapter B Treatment Facility Design Requirements Subchapter C Conventional Collection Systems Subchapter D Alternative Collection Systems Subchapter E Preliminary Treatment Units Subchapter F Activated Sludge Systems Subchapter G Fixed Film and Filtration Units Subchapter H Natural Treatment Facilities Subchapter J Sludge Treatment Units Subchapter K Chemical Disinfection Subchapter L UV Light Disinfection Subchapter M Safety

3 chapter 217 Effective December 4, 2015 §217.1 Applicability
This chapter applies to any person who proposes to construct, renovate, or re-rate a wastewater collection system or commission permitted wastewater treatment facility… And a picture of the cover of the current design criteria book Effective December 4, 2015

4 chapter 217 Check the status of your summary transmittal letter. A picture is the web page box that you can check the status of your project.

5 History of MAJOR CHANGES OF the Wastewater Treatment Design Criteria in Texas
The first consolidated design criteria was adopted by Texas State Department of Health on 9/18/1950. This document was revised on 9/11/1961, 9/18/1968, 9/13/1970, 9/1/1974, 6/1/1981, 4/20/1990, 8/28/2008, 12/4/2015 The first consolidated design criteria was adopted by Texas State Department of Health on 9/18/1950. This document was revised on 9/11/1961, 9/18/1968, 9/13/1970, 9/1/1974, 6/1/1981, 4/20/1990, 8/28/2008, 12/4/2015

6 General Procedure a.       What’s the Summary transmittal letter procedure and what is needed in the letter b.      How to request a variance c.       What type of projects get called in and how often, d.      What’s maintenance and why it doesn’t need to be submitted for review e.      Regions will be looking for approval letters at inspection. A cartoon picture of mailman delivering a letter

7 General Procedure f. Review procedure regarding TWDB, EAPP
g.       We approve on a project basis.  We’ll meet with suppliers/manufacturers to discuss new technology and approaches, but no carte blanche approval letters for technology h.      We meet and provide feedback on pilot studies if requested A picture of a map of the southern Edwards Aquifer Region

8 Rerating a WWTP Information necessary for rerating a wwtp
At least two of flow and influent data Information on how the wwtp is operating Design of the wwtp Picture of a wastewater treatment plant

9 Water Line vs. Wastewater Line
When a project is the installation of a water line that may cross a sewer line, then start with 290.  If it is a sewer line that may cross a water line, then start with 217.  But, coordinate with both rules to ensure that the most stringent directive is followed in cases where there are differences Picture of a collection system

10 Prohibition What are the prohibitions in the design criteria?
How many prohibitions are in the criteria? How can I get a variance to a prohibition? What is the prohibition do we see the most? A picture of a prohibition sign.

11 General Information Liner certification requirements
Trend on small plants (sleds, MBR, IFAS, MBBR) Closure plans Let your permit expire A picture of a part of a wastewater treatment plant being torn down

12 QUESTIONS? A background picture of a Question Mark?


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