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Institutional Graduation Path

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Presentation on theme: "Institutional Graduation Path"— Presentation transcript:

1 Institutional Graduation Path
A Discussion Guide for Senior Management Where When Facilitated by Assessor Print out the Proposed Graduation Path for BoD to review

2 Where in the process: step 3 and 4

3 Institutional Graduation Path
By identifying institutional risk management gaps, MFIs can develop their Institutional Graduation Path—a strategic improvement pathway toward bringing their risk management practices in line with RMGM guidelines. Use this slide to lead them into discussion of their Institutional Graduation Path. Goal Tier level? Level of adherence?

4 Objective By the end of the workshop, you will have clarity on
Where [INSERT NAME OF MFI] stands in relation to RIM’s RMGM guidelines on risk management [INSERT NAME OF MFI] draft Institutional Graduation Path Prioritized strategies and action plans for enhancing risk management

5 Agenda [Copy/paste in workshop agenda from Practical Tool 6.1]
This is a sample.

6 Co-Facilitators Timekeeper Flipchart
Notes (decisions, parking lot, action items) Photos

7 Ground Rules Turn off mobile devices Be on time
Respect everyone’s thoughts and opinions Discussion of risk management level is not a reflection of your department’s performance Need Flipchart Discuss ground rules

8 Prioritization Criteria
Urgency Strategic Plan Resources Needs Technical Assistance (TA) RIM Risk Management House What else? Brainstorm session – add/edit/delete as the the participants discuss. Too many criteria will not be helpful. Guide the room to choose top 3 criteria to apply as you run through all the risk management improvement areas. Write the criteria on a flip chart and place somewhere visible from anywhere in the room.

9 [INSERT NAME OF MFI] Strategic Objectives
Complete this slide prior to the workshop by filling in the MFI’s Strategic Objectives. Ask the MFI to provide to you. Quick review your financial institution’s strategic objectives to align with the Institutional Graduation Path. Ideal to ask CEO to present this slide.

10 SWOT Analysis Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats
If the FI has conducted a SWOT Analysis as part of their strategic planning or business planning, insert the analysis into this slide. Review the External realities (Opportunities & Threats) and Internal capacity (Strengths & Weaknesses). The purpose is to get the audience to enter the mindset of thinking strategically for the institution when discussing risk management development. This is a quick review – don’t spend too much time on this.

11 RMGM Assessment Results and Prioritization
Developing the Institutional Graduation Path Where When Facilitated by Assessor Print out the Proposed Graduation Path for BoD to review

12 Current RMGM Assessment Results
RISK AREA SCORE MAX SCORE COMPLIANCE Foundations 4.5 11.0 40.9% Floor: Strategic Risk Management 24.0 37.0 64.9% Pillar 1: Credit Risk Management 38.0 74.0 51.4% Pillar 2: Financial Risk Management 7.5 40.0 18.8% Pillar 3: Operational Risk Management 28.0 65.0 43.1% Roof: Financial and Social Goals 33.0 33.3% Total 113.0 260.0 43.5% Pull from RMGM Chart. Don’t spend too much time with the results, especially with the scores. 1) For details, offer the diagnostic tool and the final report

13 Current RMGM Assessment Results
Pull from Diagnostic Chart

14 How should your risk management house look?
Ask the audience the representation of each area; Reminder about Foundation drives the Floor that drives the Pillars and ultimately the Performance Results on the Roof. ;Reminder about the balance and interconnectedness. Refer to staff’s Self-Assessment – what this MFI house actually looks like based on the scoring results. For example, narrow foundation and floor with very thick Credit Risk with almost non-existent other pillars.

15 How your risk management house currently looks
Draw the house based on RMGM scores using graphics provided within Practical Tool 5.1 – Risk Management House Component Graphics Discuss the unbalance Anything surprising? Anything that stands out?

16 Detailed Findings and Improvement Areas
Where When Facilitated by Assessor Print out the Proposed Graduation Path for BoD to review

17 Detailed Findings and Improvement Areas
The Foundation Where When Facilitated by Assessor Print out the Proposed Graduation Path for BoD to review

18 Governance & Strategy USE FLIPCHARTS
Present a summary findings for this component from assessor’s perspective. Present the detailed findings from RMGM Assessments with assessors comments, review the unmet guidelines\ Discuss the unmet guidelines and answer any questions. Be prepared to edit the findings, if the MFI makes a good case. Discuss its urgency, if its adherence aligns with strategic plan, resources available, and if outside technical assistance is necessary. Discuss the level of priority Enter high priority guidelines onto this slide for everyone to see.

19 Risk Culture Culture – not quantifiable yet extremely important. Risk management is changing a way of doing everything, not an add on department to an institution. Use culturally appropriate example to give a good understanding of what risk culture looks like. Strong risk management system is founded in the organization’s culture of asking the necessary questions and transparency. USE FLIPCHARTS Present a summary findings for this component from Assessor’s perspective. Present the detailed findings from RMGM Assessments with Consultant Comments, review the unmet guidelines\ Discuss the unmet guidelines and answer any questions. Be prepared to edit the findings, if the FI makes a good case. Discuss its urgency, if its adherence aligns with Strategic Plan, Resources available, and if outside TA is necessary. Discuss the level of priority Enter high priority guidelines onto this slide for everyone to see.

20 Internal Controls & MIS
Effectiveness and completeness of internal controls Timeliness and accuracy of MIS Information support to make decisions and notify, communicate performance and risks USE FLIPCHARTS Present a summary findings for this component from Assessor’s perspective. Present the detailed findings from RMGM Assessments with Consultant Comments, review the unmet guidelines\ Discuss the unmet guidelines and answer any questions. Be prepared to edit the findings, if the FI makes a good case. Discuss its urgency, if its adherence aligns with Strategic Plan, Resources available, and if outside TA is necessary. Discuss the level of priority Enter high priority guidelines onto this slide for everyone to see.

21 Detailed Findings and Improvement Areas
The Floor – Strategic Risk Where When Facilitated by Assessor Print out the Proposed Graduation Path for BoD to review

22 Governance Risk USE FLIPCHARTS
Present a summary findings for this component from assessor’s perspective. Present the detailed findings from RMGM Assessment with assessor’s comments, review the unmet guidelines. Discuss the unmet guidelines and answer any questions. Be prepared to edit the findings, if the MFI makes a good case. Discuss its urgency, if its adherence aligns with strategic plan, resources available, and if outside technical assistance is necessary. Discuss the level of priority. Enter high priority guidelines onto this slide for everyone to see.

23 Strategic Risk USE FLIPCHARTS
Present a summary findings for this component from assessor’s perspective. Present the detailed findings from RMGM Assessment with assessor’s comments, review the unmet guidelines. Discuss the unmet guidelines and answer any questions. Be prepared to edit the findings, if the MFI makes a good case. Discuss its urgency, if its adherence aligns with strategic plan, resources available, and if outside technical assistance is necessary. Discuss the level of priority. Enter high priority guidelines onto this slide for everyone to see.

24 Detailed Findings and Improvement Areas
The Pillars Where When Facilitated by Assessor Print out the Proposed Graduation Path for BoD to review

25 Pillar 1: Credit Risk Credit Transaction Risk
USE FLIPCHARTS Present a summary findings for this component from assessor’s perspective. Present the detailed findings from RMGM Assessment with assessor’s comments, review the unmet guidelines. Discuss the unmet guidelines and answer any questions. Be prepared to edit the findings, if the MFI makes a good case. Discuss its urgency, if its adherence aligns with strategic plan, resources available, and if outside technical assistance is necessary. Discuss the level of priority. Enter high priority guidelines onto this slide for everyone to see.

26 Pillar 1: Credit Risk Portfolio Risk
USE FLIPCHARTS Present a summary findings for this component from assessor’s perspective. Present the detailed findings from RMGM Assessment with assessor’s comments, review the unmet guidelines. Discuss the unmet guidelines and answer any questions. Be prepared to edit the findings, if the MFI makes a good case. Discuss its urgency, if its adherence aligns with strategic plan, resources available, and if outside technical assistance is necessary. Discuss the level of priority. Enter high priority guidelines onto this slide for everyone to see.

27 Pillar 2: Financial Risk Liquidity Risk
USE FLIPCHARTS Present a summary findings for this component from assessor’s perspective. Present the detailed findings from RMGM Assessment with assessor’s comments, review the unmet guidelines. Discuss the unmet guidelines and answer any questions. Be prepared to edit the findings, if the MFI makes a good case. Discuss its urgency, if its adherence aligns with strategic plan, resources available, and if outside technical assistance is necessary. Discuss the level of priority. Enter high priority guidelines onto this slide for everyone to see.

28 Pillar 2: Financial Risk Foreign Exchange Risk
USE FLIPCHARTS Present a summary findings for this component from assessor’s perspective. Present the detailed findings from RMGM Assessment with assessor’s comments, review the unmet guidelines. Discuss the unmet guidelines and answer any questions. Be prepared to edit the findings, if the MFI makes a good case. Discuss its urgency, if its adherence aligns with strategic plan, resources available, and if outside technical assistance is necessary. Discuss the level of priority. Enter high priority guidelines onto this slide for everyone to see.

29 Pillar 2: Financial Risk Interest Rate Risk
USE FLIPCHARTS Present a summary findings for this component from assessor’s perspective. Present the detailed findings from RMGM Assessment with assessor’s comments, review the unmet guidelines. Discuss the unmet guidelines and answer any questions. Be prepared to edit the findings, if the MFI makes a good case. Discuss its urgency, if its adherence aligns with strategic plan, resources available, and if outside technical assistance is necessary. Discuss the level of priority. Enter high priority guidelines onto this slide for everyone to see.

30 Pillar 2: Financial Risk Investment Portfolio Risk
USE FLIPCHARTS Present a summary findings for this component from assessor’s perspective. Present the detailed findings from RMGM Assessment with assessor’s comments, review the unmet guidelines. Discuss the unmet guidelines and answer any questions. Be prepared to edit the findings, if the MFI makes a good case. Discuss its urgency, if its adherence aligns with strategic plan, resources available, and if outside technical assistance is necessary. Discuss the level of priority. Enter high priority guidelines onto this slide for everyone to see.

31 Pillar 2: Financial Risk Capital Adequacy Risk
USE FLIPCHARTS Present a summary findings for this component from assessor’s perspective. Present the detailed findings from RMGM Assessment with assessor’s comments, review the unmet guidelines. Discuss the unmet guidelines and answer any questions. Be prepared to edit the findings, if the MFI makes a good case. Discuss its urgency, if its adherence aligns with strategic plan, resources available, and if outside technical assistance is necessary. Discuss the level of priority. Enter high priority guidelines onto this slide for everyone to see.

32 Pillar 3: Operational Risk People Risk
USE FLIPCHARTS Present a summary findings for this component from assessor’s perspective. Present the detailed findings from RMGM Assessment with assessor’s comments, review the unmet guidelines. Discuss the unmet guidelines and answer any questions. Be prepared to edit the findings, if the MFI makes a good case. Discuss its urgency, if its adherence aligns with strategic plan, resources available, and if outside technical assistance is necessary. Discuss the level of priority. Enter high priority guidelines onto this slide for everyone to see.

33 Pillar 3: Operational Risk Process Risk
USE FLIPCHARTS Present a summary findings for this component from assessor’s perspective. Present the detailed findings from RMGM Assessment with assessor’s comments, review the unmet guidelines. Discuss the unmet guidelines and answer any questions. Be prepared to edit the findings, if the MFI makes a good case. Discuss its urgency, if its adherence aligns with strategic plan, resources available, and if outside technical assistance is necessary. Discuss the level of priority. Enter high priority guidelines onto this slide for everyone to see.

34 Pillar 3: Operational Risk Systems Risk
USE FLIPCHARTS Present a summary findings for this component from assessor’s perspective. Present the detailed findings from RMGM Assessment with assessor’s comments, review the unmet guidelines. Discuss the unmet guidelines and answer any questions. Be prepared to edit the findings, if the MFI makes a good case. Discuss its urgency, if its adherence aligns with strategic plan, resources available, and if outside technical assistance is necessary. Discuss the level of priority. Enter high priority guidelines onto this slide for everyone to see.

35 Pillar 3: Operational Risk External Events Risk
USE FLIPCHARTS Present a summary findings for this component from assessor’s perspective. Present the detailed findings from RMGM Assessment with assessor’s comments, review the unmet guidelines. Discuss the unmet guidelines and answer any questions. Be prepared to edit the findings, if the MFI makes a good case. Discuss its urgency, if its adherence aligns with strategic plan, resources available, and if outside technical assistance is necessary. Discuss the level of priority. Enter high priority guidelines onto this slide for everyone to see.

36 Pillar 3: Operational Risk Legal & Compliance Risk
USE FLIPCHARTS Present a summary findings for this component from assessor’s perspective. Present the detailed findings from RMGM Assessment with assessor’s comments, review the unmet guidelines. Discuss the unmet guidelines and answer any questions. Be prepared to edit the findings, if the MFI makes a good case. Discuss its urgency, if its adherence aligns with strategic plan, resources available, and if outside technical assistance is necessary. Discuss the level of priority. Enter high priority guidelines onto this slide for everyone to see.

37 Detailed Findings and Improvement Areas
The Roof – Financial and Social Goals Where When Facilitated by Assessor Print out the Proposed Graduation Path for BoD to review

38 The Roof: Financial and Social Goals
Not about “are you reaching your goals?” More about do you have ways to measure your goals are coherent, smart, adequate, achievable goals within your institution’s risk appetite? USE FLIPCHARTS Present a summary findings for this component from Assessor’s perspective. Present the detailed findings from RMGM Assessments with Consultant Comments, review the unmet guidelines\ Discuss the unmet guidelines and answer any questions. Be prepared to edit the findings, if the FI makes a good case. Discuss its urgency, if its adherence aligns with Strategic Plan, Resources available, and if outside TA is necessary. Discuss the level of priority Enter high priority guidelines onto this slide for everyone to see.

39 Review the Big Picture Priority by Risk Management House component?
Does the Institutional Graduation Path strengthen your Risk Management House?

40 Group Work: 1 Hour Select a note taker Select a spokesperson
Complete the Institutional Graduation Path in your group Discuss the following: Review priority decision Who is the lead? Who needs to approve such an improvement plan? For the improvement to complete within 12 months, write down start date and end date, time and $ budget Presentation by spokesperson Refer to Practical Tool 6.2: Institutional Graduation Path Workshop Template & Facilitator’s Guide

41 Group Work: In Your Risk Area
Prioritize and Plan

42 Any Questions? Contact Information [ENTER ASSESSOR’S NAME] [ENTER ASSESSOR’S ]

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