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Wonderful Sunday School Children!!

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1 Wonderful Sunday School Children!!

2 1. Where did Job live? (Job1:1)
 Buz  Ur  Uz  Oz  None of the above Answer: 3

3 2. What was said about Job’s character? (Job1:1)
 Eschewed evil  Feared God  Perfect  Upright  All of the above Answer: 5

4 3. Before all the trials how many sons did Job
have? (Job1:2)  Two  Five  Seven  Twelve  None of the above Answer: 3

5 4. What would Job do in the morning after his
sons' feasts? (Job1:5)  Pray for a blessing on the family  Offer burnt offerings for each child  Clean up  Cook them breakfast  None of the above Answer: 2

6 5. How did Job's sons and daughters die?
 Earthquake  Fire  Flood  House fell on them  None of the above Answer: 4

7 6. What did Job do when his asses, camels, oxen
and sheep were taken? (Job1:20)  Doubted God  Got bitter  Wept  Worshipped  None of the above Answer: 4

8 7. What did Job say when all this happened?
 blessed be the name of the LORD.  Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither  The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away blessed be the name of the LORD  All of the above Answer: 4

9 8. According to Job 2:4-7, the sore boils that
afflicted Job from the sole of his foot unto his crown were the idea of: (Job2:6-7)  Satan  Job’s wife  Job’s neighbor  the Lord  None of the above Answer: 1

10 9. How did Satan smite Job? (Job2:6-8)
 Blindness  Deafness  Headaches  Boils  None of the above Answer: 4

11 10. With what did Job scratch his sores with
which he was afflicted? (Job2:8)  Sheep jaw  A piece of broken pottery  Piece of stale bread  Olive branch  None of the above Answer: 2

12 11. Who told Job in his troubles to “curse God
and die”? (Job2:9)  Satan  Job’s wife  Job’s neighbor  Job’s friends  None of the above Answer: 2

13 12. What question did Job’s wife ask him?
 Do you still retain your integrity?  What will we do?  Why did all this happen?  All of the above  None of the above Answer: 1

14 13. How long did Job’s three friends sit down with
him on the ground, and not speak a word to him? (Job2:12-13)  Not a minute  Three days  Seven days  A month  A year Answer: 3

15 14. What did Job lament over to begin with?
 His birth  His wealth  His family  His health  All of the above Answer: 1

16 15. What did Job say had come upon him?
 Depression  Loneliness  Pain  Sorrow  The thing which he greatly feared Answer: 5

17 16. Now a thing was secretly brought to me, and
mine ear received a little thereof. In thoughts from the visions of the night, when _______ falls on men,(Job 4:12-13)  depression  deep sleep  dreams  sorrow  the Spirit of God Answer: 2

18 17. A spirit glided past my face, and the hair on
my body stood on end. It stopped, but I could not tell what it was. A form stood before my eyes, and I heard a hushed voice: `Can a mortal be more righteous than God? Can a man be more _____ than his Maker?(Job 4: 4:15-17)  forgiven  pure  rejected  delicate  None of the above Answer: 2

19 18. Who said this… ‘Blessed is the man whom
God corrects’? (Job 5:17)  Eliphaz  Job  Bildad  Zophar  None of the above Answer: 1

20 19. Job said that if his misery could be weighed,
what would it be heavier than? (Job 6:3)  Leaves of the trees  Sand of the seas  Waters of the oceans  Beasts of the fields  None of the above Answer: 2

21 20. What was the condition of Job’s flesh?
 Clothed with worms and clods of dust  Putrefying  Skin broken and loathsome  All of the above  None of the above Answer: 1, 3

22 21. To what did Bildad compare Job’s words?
 A fire  A strong wind  Death  Life  None of the above Answer: 2

23 22. How did Job declare his trust in God?
 Blessed is the man that makes the LORD his trust  O LORD my God in thee do I put my trust The just shall live by faith  Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him  None of the above Answer: 4

24 23. What did Job say his friends were?
(Job16:1-2)       False prophets  Hypocrites  Miserable comforters  True friends  None of the above Answer: 3

25 24. How did Job declare his faith in a resurrection?
 After my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God  I will arise  My flesh shall not see corruption  God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave  None of the above Answer: 1

26 25. What did Job esteem more than food?
 Family  Friends  God’s word  Health  None of the above Answer: 3

27 26. With what did Job make a covenant? (Job31:1)
 His ears that he would not listen to gossip  His eyes that he would not think on a maid  His feet that he would not walk in the ways of the ungodly  His mind that he would not think evil  All of the above Answer: 2

28 27. Why was Elihu angry with Job's three friends?
 They had found no answer, and yet had condemned Job  They had been rude to Job  They had blamed Job for everything  They had not listened to Job  All of the above Answer: 1

29 28. Why was Elihu at first afraid to give his
opinion? (Job32:6-7)  Because he was young  Because of his lack of education  Because he was not eloquent  All of the above Answer: 1

30 29. On what subject(s) did God question Job?
 The earth  The weather  The stars  The animals  All of the above Answer: 5

31 30. From where did God speak to Job? (Job40:6)
 A burning bush  A cloud  A still small voice  A whirlwind  None of the above Answer: 4

32 31. What animal moved its tail like a cedar?
(Job40:15-24)  Behemoth  Elephant  Hippopotamus  Leviathan  Unicorn Answer: 1

33 32. What caused the deep to boil? (Job41:31)
 Behemoth  Elephant  Hippopotamus  Leviathan  Unicorn Answer: 4

34 33. What did the Lord in his anger tell Eliphaz to
take to Job as a burnt offering?(Job42:8)  Seven bulls and seven rams  Two pigeons and two turtle doves  Six goats and six oxen  Five lambs and five ephahs of grain Answer: 1

35 he had before? (Job42:10-13)  After he prayed for his friends
34. When did God give to Job twice as much as he had before? (Job42:10-13)       After he prayed for his friends  Just before he died  When he fasted  When he repented  None of the above Answer: 1

36 his fortune was restored? (Job42:16)  40  93  120  140
35. For how many more years did Job live once his fortune was restored? (Job42:16)        93   140  None of the above Answer: 4

37 Congratulations!! 첨성대

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