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14 Most Powerful Words for the EOG

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Presentation on theme: "14 Most Powerful Words for the EOG"— Presentation transcript:

1 14 Most Powerful Words for the EOG
Infer Analyze Signify Trace Evaluate Formulate Summarize Explain Contrast Compare Predict Support Conclude Describe

2 What can you infer about this man
What can you infer about this man? Support your answer with evidence from the cartoon.

3 Analyze two of these problems by writing directions in words your Language Arts teacher can understand. (8-3) 15-2X4-6 30-2∙3 (4) + 4 (5)

4 What is significant about being your own person with your own thoughts, beliefs, and feelings?

5 Trace the steps of your morning in order from the time you got up to the time that you arrived at school.

6 Evaluate this person’s behavior, giving good reasons for your evaluation.

7 Formulate a menu for your ideal meal

8 Summarize the following paragraph.
My name is Sheldon Curtis. I was wounded during the War Between the States. I was only 14 years old when my own outfit left me to die. Pinkus Aylee found me and took me to his mother’s house. Even though they were slaves, they nursed me back to health and his mama died protecting us from marauders while we hid under the cabin.

9 Explain why it is important to recycle.

10 Contrast these two pictures.

11 Compare these two places.

12 Predict what will happen next. Give good reasons for your prediction.

13 NERMS students need bigger lockers
NERMS students need bigger lockers. Argue for or against this statement giving at least three good supporting reasons for your point of view.

14 Read this mystery and come to a conclusion that answers the final question. (with thanks to Mr. Baker) A man was found murdered Sunday morning. His wife immediately called the police. The police questioned the wife and staff and got these answers: The wife said she was sleeping. The cook was preparing breakfast. The gardener was gathering vegetables. The maid was getting the mail. The butler was polishing shoes in the pantry. The police instantly arrested the murderer. Who did it and how did they know?

15 Describe this scene.

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