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LHC Upgrades: Detectors & Technologies for Flavour Physics

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Presentation on theme: "LHC Upgrades: Detectors & Technologies for Flavour Physics"— Presentation transcript:

1 LHC Upgrades: Detectors & Technologies for Flavour Physics
Three Critical technologies for flavour physics Triggering Particle Identification (RICH) Vertex Detectors Emphasis on Areas of UK involvement

2 Luminosity & Timescales
ATLAS & CMS Phase 1&2, LHCb upgrade Later in next decade Goals: GPDs 3000 fb-1 Super-LHC L = 1035 cm-2s-1 400 interactions / crossing LHCb (timescale indep. of SLHC) 100 fb-1, from 5 years at L = 2 ×1033 cm-2s-1 5 interactions / crossing Leading positions in ATLAS, CMS, LHCb upgrades SoIs approved by PPAN for all three projects Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009

3 CMS – double sensor layers
Triggering Strong UK Involvement Tracking Trigger modifications for upgrades LHCb: Displaced vertex triggering at 40MHz CMS/ATLAS: investigating track triggers CMS – double sensor layers Upper Sensor Lower Sensor Pass Fail ~100μm ~1mm ATLAS Sensor spacing at Pt cut Di/triple µ triggers Single µ and e L1 trigger rates will greatly exceed 100kHz Also look at Region of Interest approach Investigating µµµ, Bsµµ Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009

4 LHCb Trigger System Cope with multiple interactions / beam crossing
Existing 1st Level Trigger 1MHz readout based on: High pT Muons Calorimeter Clusters Current 1st Level Trigger Performance Require Displaced Vertex Trigger At 1st level 40MHz readout of detector Events with muons – trigger efficient Events with hadrons – need improved trigger Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009

5 Particle Identification – LHCb RICH
UK involvement: Calorimeter (CMS) Calo trigger (ATLAS &CMS) Cherenkov (LHCb, NA62) Before RICH After RICH Retain current performance at high occupancy with 40MHz readout Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009

6 UK 76% project, 7 institutes
RICH design - baseline UK 76% project, 7 institutes RICH Baseline Similar to current layout: Higher p / Lower p 40MHz readout photon detectors RICH1 Three radiators for momentum coverage GeV Perfomance of Aerogel (low p) being simulated Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009

7 RICH Design - alternatives
Super-RICH Time of flight RICH Super-RICH One combined RICH, two radiators Around current RICH2 position Time of Flight RICH Quartz plate ~20 ps timing required K/π separation up to ~ 20 GeV/c Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009

8 Photon Detector Technology
Multi-Anode PMTs Flat Panel PMTs Micro-Channel Plates Hybrid Photon Detectors As current – external chip Considerations: Quantum efficiency Cross-talk between channels Gain variation Mag. field sensitivity Lifetime Commercial Availability Cost, reliability Also potential UK manufacturer for MCP (Photek) Flat-panel Hammamatsu MCP Burle-Photonis For ToF RICH Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009

9 Material budget critical
Vertexing Bs time dependent analysis but also background suppression Not just resolution, low mass critical Fast use in triggering CMS tracker LHCb VELO 40fs proper-time resolution 8mm from beam BsDsK Material budget critical Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009

10 UK Silicon Detector System Expertise
Major LHC silicon detectors produced in UK ATLAS SCT LHCb VELO CMS APV Sensors Mechanics Electronics Assembly Alignment/Metrology Software Quality Assurance DAQ Commisioning 11 UK institutes 25% modules Assembly 25 UK institutes 100% modules & replacement 2 UK institutes FE chip & readout system Major Si system replacement for upgrades (Phase II) Significant components produced in UK industry Strong possibilities for Economic Impact initiatives Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009

11 Enabling Technologies
Low-mass Thermo-Mechanical Novel processing technologies SiC foam PocoFoam (Low-mass) ATLAS CF, TPG CVD Diamond TSV BCB LHCb Through Silicon Vias Dielectric Layer Radiation Hard Sensors, MeV neutron equiv./ cm2 Planar n-in-p 3D UK lead in RD50 activities Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009

12 ATLAS – replacement B Layer (insert 2014)
For main silicon tracker discussion – see M. Weber talk tomorrow Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009

13 LHCb Pixel Strawman Retract During LHC Injection Beam aperture
390 mrad LHCb Pixel Upgrade Layout 60 mrad modules x z cross section at y=0 15 mrad interaction region s = 5.3 cm LHCb Pixel Module Retract During LHC Injection Beam aperture 7mm to active silicon Hybrid / Cooling outside acceptance Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009

14 Thanks to Roger Forty, Ken Wyllie, Maria Smizanska, Geoff Hall
Summary UK in leading position for LHC upgrades Clear path to upgrades, R&D underway Key technologies under development Triggering LHCb: 40MHz readout, displaced vertex trigger ATLAS/CMS: track trigger, then 100kHZ readout Particle ID (RICH) UK major player, simulating alternative designs Key RICH technology is photon detectors Vertexing & Tracking Primary UK expertise in Si detector systems Strategic importance to UK particle physics Thanks to Roger Forty, Ken Wyllie, Maria Smizanska, Geoff Hall Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009

15 ATLAS Backup Slides Thanks to Maria Smizanska, Phil Allport
Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009

16 ATLAS Tracker Upgrade Layout
Barrel Pixel Tracker Layers: Short Strip (2.4 cm) -strips (stereo layers): Long Strip (9.6 cm) -strips (stereo layers): r = 3.7cm, 7.5cm, 16cm, 20cm r = 38cm, 49cm, 60cm r = 75cm, 95cm (≤400 collisions per beam crossing) Tracker Radiation Field Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009

17 Tracking performance for low pT muons in upgraded ID and pileup up to 400
Presented with permission of Jeff Tseng Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009

18 LVL1 muon trigger rates at SLHC Aleandro Nisati
LVL1 muon trigger rates at SLHC Aleandro Nisati SLHC-ATLAS-Muon Meeting ( ) In CMS triple Level-1muon trigger rate – lower by factor 100 vrt di-muon This is used to trigger e.g. on tau-3muons. Comment by M.Smizanska Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009

19 Another way of controlling L1 trigger muon rates –– comment by M.S. Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009

20 Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009

21 CMS backup slides Thanks To Geoff Hall
Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009

22 BPIX Upgrade Phase 1 (2013) 4 layer pixel system 4, 7, 11, 16 cm  1216 full modules CO2 cooling based Ultra Light Mechanics BPIX modules with long 1.2m long microtwisted pair cables Shift material budget from PCB & plugs out of tracking eta - region Modify PSI46 ROC for 160MHz digital readout & Increase depth of buffers Serialized binary optical readout at 320 MHz to old, modified px-FED Recycle & use current AOH lasers  320MHz binary transmission Same FEC’s , identical TTC & ROC programming Keep LV-power supply & push more current through cables Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009

23 BPIX Upgrade Phase 1 (2013)  1216 modules (1.6 x present BPIX)
Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009

24 The track-trigger challenge
Impossible to transfer all data off-detector for decision logic so on-detector data reduction (or selective readout) essential The SLHC hit density and high combinatorial background will mean isolation cuts are less effective Aim not to degrade tracking performance – but trigger layers will need extra power compared to normal layers What are track-trigger requirements? still under study electron – Present HLT uses inner tracker point to validate projection from the calorimeter  muon - a tracker point in a limited -f window to resolve ambiguous muon candidates  & improve pT jets – information on proximity/local density of high pT hits ? separation of primary vertices (ie: in ~25cm) Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009 Geoff Hall TIPP09 24

25 Possible approaches readout electrodes send reduced data volume from detector for further logic eg factor 20 with pT > few GeV/c (1) cluster width information to eliminate low pT tracks (F Palla et al) simple but thinner sensors may limit (2) Compare pattern of hits in contiguous sensor elements in closely spaced layers pT cut set by angle of track in layer Upper Sensor Lower Sensor Pass Fail ~100μm ~1mm Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009 Geoff Hall TIPP09 25 25

26 Stacked Layer Algorithm Performance
Sensor separation is an effective cut on pT Width of transition region increases with separation due to: - pixel pitch - sensor thickness - charge sharing track impact point Max efficiency decreases with sensor separation due to larger column (z) windows + 1mm separation + 2mm + 3mm + 4mm Increasing separation Performance of a stacked layer at R = 25cm 10,000 di-muon events with smearing Cuts optimised for high efficiency: Row window = 2 pixels Column window = 3 1mm, 2mm; 4 3mm; 6 4mm Mark Pesaresi Chris Parkes, University of Glasgow PPAP Meeting, July 2009 26

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