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Banaras Hindu University

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1 Banaras Hindu University
Current Experience, Expression of interest and preliminary preparation for studies on CMS high -η muon upgrade A.K. Soma PhD Student Department Physics Banaras Hindu University Varanasi (INDIA)

2 Outline Banaras Hindu University , High Energy Physics Group
Past and Current Experience Expression of Interest in CMS high – η muon upgrade My Experience at CERN on CMS CMS Software. Understanding of existing Level 1 Trigger Hardware requirement [VFAT2].

3 Banaras Hindu University

4 BHU – Experimental High Energy Physics Group
Faculty: Prof. C. P. Singh (QGP Phenomenology) Dr. B. K. Singh (Experimental HEP) Dr. V. Singh (Experimental HEP and Neutrino and astropartical Physics) PhD Students (10) PHENIX Experiment at RHIC (since 1999) CBM Experiment at GSI (Germany) TEXONO Collaboration Photo emissive materials

5 Past & Current experience
Micro-pattern gas detectors GEM/THGEM Detector Simulation (Maxwell, Garfield etc) Photo emissive materials: CsI, CsBr, Bi-alkali photocathode High Purity Germanium detectors

6 Expression of Interest
CMS Experiment Studies on High – η muon Upgrade Simulation studies towards Trigger efficiency Micro-pattern gas detector .

7 Project work at CERN on CMS upgrade
Definition of the Problem CMS Software. Understanding of existing Level 1 Trigger . Hardware requirement [VFAT2].


9 Introduction and Installation
========================================= CMSSW is the software package for CERN CMS Experiment used version is 2_2_10 Connect to account by using nice account credentials scramv1 list | grep CMSSW_2_2_10 Checks the existence of the package. scramv1 project CMSSW CMSSW_2_2_10 Installs the package. /afs/ (on successful installation) cd CMSSW_2_2_10/src cmsenv This will set up runtime variables or environment to start. To start up the things programs are provided by Piet Verwilligen

10 On Programming and Analyzing
============================================== The desired programming files (CalibMuon, DQM, Geometry, MyAnalyzers, SimMuon) are placed in the directory CMSSW_2_2_10/src Precaution: Analyzer file has to be saved separately with some other names (can be as MyAnalyzers) The main source or program file file is saved in scratch0. cmsRun will compile the files the results can be seen on the terminal. A log file is also created for error analysis in the same directory. (if something goes wrong.) ROOT is used to analyze the data. $ root -l root[0] gSystem->Load("") root[1] AutoLibraryLoader::enable() root[2]new TBrowser b Then a small window opens up reach the root files and plot the desired objects. Note: ===== If your operating system is windows then installation of Xming or Xmanger is necessary to have the analysis in picture or vision mode. Please don’t care about this if you are on LINUX.

11 Cathode Strip Chambers
Global Trigger Level 1 GBT Global Muon Trigger (GMT) Hadron Calorimeter Electron Calorimeter Drift Tubes Cathode Strip Chambers Resistive Plate Chambers 4 from barrel Drift Tubes 4 from end cap CSC 8 from RPC’s 4 from end caps+ 4 from barrel Global Muon Trigger The selected muon trigger are extrapolated to calorimeter trigger and 4 best muon candidates are selected for the entire CMS and are sent to GBT .

12 VFAT2

13 Quotations ********************************************Stringent design technique to “deafen the listener” And “silence the talker” have been employed. ******************************************** (from measurements). All modules of the chip are 100% functionally correct.

14 Introduction ASIC Front – End Electronic Device.
Physical Description of VFAT A Photograph of VFAT2 Chip 0.25 micron CMOS technology chip. 9.43mm X 7.58 mm. 128 bits(Channels) Dead time free operation with up to 100kHz. Physics prospective FAST OR triggering. Tracking: Precise spatial information for a given triggered event. Salient Features of VFAT2 complex digital circuitry on a same piece of Si. Combination of Low noise amplification and Different Modes of Operation. Polarity Compatible device. Masking facility. Programmable Calibration Unit . Minimum threshold is 0.7 fC and Maximum is 18.7 fC. Trigger latencies are allowed up to 6.4 us on the basis of storage capacity. Data packets are streamed out 40Mbps.

15 Synchronization and Mono-stable Stage Analog and Asynchronous Stage
Data Packet Format Data Formatter

16 Operation and Measured Results

17 TOTEM Test Platform (TTP) 26cmX10cm card

18 Block Diagram of TTP

19 TTP Software VFAT Controller: FEC Package Based on Qt libraries.
First User Panel: I2C Components VFAT Operation Verification b. Second User Panel: to command during manual test. c. Third User Panel: Test Procedure Selection .

20 TTP Software 2. Analysis Software: TOTEM Online Monitoring Frame work
Qt based Graphical Interface ROOT Data processing Framework A hardware Configuration file A binary data file Input files to the Monitor A VFAT I2C configuration file

21 Test Procedures

22 Thank You

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