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Robin Cooper Dawson Black Kayla Alston

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1 Robin Cooper Dawson Black Kayla Alston
Review PowerPoint Robin Cooper Dawson Black Kayla Alston

2 Abolitionist Movement (the movement to end slavery)
Involved: Harriet Tubman- Slave that conducted the Underground Railroad to help slaves escape. Harriet Beecher Stowe- wrote “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” which was about a life as a slave. John Brown- led a raid at Harpers Ferry in which they did not succeed

3 Abolitionist Continued
William L. Garrison- had multiple follow his idea of slavery being bad. Details: Revivalist tents led abolitionists to see slavery as the product of sin and demand emancipation as the price of repentance.

4 Temperance Movement Involved: Susan B. Anthony- less famous, but not less important to her was her work promoting stronger liquor laws. Importance: to ban the sale of alcohol Details: Prohibition lasted but issues started following the Civil War, the movement began to grow with the support of many women and churches.

5 Sojourner Truth An abolitionist, minister, Ex- Slave, Woman’s Rights Activist Gave her famous speech “Isn't I A Woman?” in 1851 at a Women’s right convention in Ohio. Changed her name from Isabelle to Sojourner and became a traveling preacher which is what her name means.

6 Harriet Beecher Stowe-
Revivalist Harriet Tubman- William L. Garrison- Susan B. Anthony

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