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WEAVE Spectrograph all-hands Summary

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1 WEAVE Spectrograph all-hands Summary

2 4 ½ break out sessions Low Level Control System - Spectrograph High level Control System - Spectrograph Spectrograph integration into GHRIL Integration of Spectro slits at Oxford (Positioner) Spectrograph Optics, mainly coating discussions

3 Low Level Control System - Spectrograph
Summary: Introduction of low level software by INAF/IAC to NOVA Live working Demo !!!! pistons moving in Tenerife by control in Cambridge. Software looks good. Easy to learn/work with. Suitable for doing all tests in Dwingeloo on the Spectro and main issue on safety is build in We get remote acces for Dwingeloo team and for Remko (Amsterdam, Leiden, train) Around Feb transfer to Dwingeloo??


5 Low Level Control System - Spectrograph
Actions: Ip adress from ASTRON to provide for router (Johan) Each cover will have a coverswitch what goes to the intermediate boxes YES/NO? (Remko, Jose) Pressure sensor on each actuator?? (Jose) Bi-stable valve for the airpads, what type (Remko) Y-rod, survive individual homing of motors (Niels) Loctite for all end of cylinders to mechanism (Niels) (because end switches on cylinder and not on mech.) Account information for Remko and Dwingeloo (Jose) Safety stuff is not yet fully finished (Jose, Bernardo)

6 High level Control Software - Spectrograph
Summary: Low level software suits all testing in Dwingeloo OCS and SPE want to test High level software on modes before shipment Testing in last months before shipment is oké. Actions: Provide high level control software Q4’17 Sergio

7 Spectrograph integration into GHRIL
Summary: Several actions for the GHRIL room are scheduled like air handling work (4th of Sep. 2017), cover up walls, closing Nasmyth port, … Better put all actions in ICD document for reference Cleanliness discussions on packing, handling, cleanliness Slit units, dummy boxes (4x) for testing assembly (full dummy run) in October 2017 Responsibility on hoisting and handling from ground into Ghril is by ING up to closing roof. Unpacking and Assembly is NOVA (GHRIL and groundfloor)

8 Spectrograph integration into GHRIL
Actions: Buffer volume, valves, split off to airpads, Update the interface document, mech.interface Remko Check if a simple crane can go inside to lift detectors and VPHG-units Niels, Don List of packing/unpacking of instrument in document Eddy Slit covers as mock-up or the real boxes. For full dummy run in October Niels, Johan Dust monitor for checking cleanliness GHRIL room after upgrade Emilie Quality (dry) clean air at GHRIL for detector flushing Don Specifications for the

9 Integration of Spectro slits at RAL (Positioner)
Summary slit Oxford: Slit integration inside this clean area, Back Illumination of the slits required at Oxford Summary on strain relief Fibre bundle Conjugates are clamped at the spectrograph by Icotek. Spectro clamps the conjugate tubing at cover, the PU tubing is also clamped. strain relief discussion. Cradle clips to add, decision?

10 Integration of Spectro slits at RAL
Actions: Size of flow cabinet at Oxford to be defined. Slit integration inside this (or other) clean area. Ian Slit-integration-stand to fit into the flow cabinet at Oxford NOVA Back Illumination of the slits prefered as seperate frame for testing at Oxford, the frontsame as sspectrograph Niels No window in the box required anymore Niels, Johan Always bag (2x) before storing in boxes, instructions NOVA Double check the actual design on strain relief Spectro Remko Check to length of PEEK inside the PU tube (Prefered to have minimal overlap) Frederic yes/no extra wire for strain over length? Test in Oct ‘17 Kevin Dee Cradle clips to add? Kevin Dee

11 Spectrograph Optics Summary:
TNO issue on L1-2 asphere surface discussed and preferences defined Coating proposal of Esperanza discussed and answere can be send out Same for mirror VPHG coating of HR plates discussed and concluded prefered solution

12 Spectrograph Optics Actions
L1-2 asphere, manuf. with preferred options, suggestions Johan L1-2 Measurement report : NOVA check inner diameter. Ask Radius of the first surface is more convex or concave. Johan Esperanza with reaction, discuss in skype coming Thu. Johan Histogram on distribution the angle of incidence effect Ian, RAL Ask INAOE on optimizing coating with the historgram Johan Coating mirror reaction to INAOE Johan VPH plate coating: Update quotations Schott + INAOE Johan

13 WEAVE Spectrograph Action:
Put previous actions in bi-weekly meeting list (Johan) Johan Pragt, NOVA, the Netherlands , ALH meeting


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