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General Office.

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1 General Office

2 Sick Building Syndrome is Making Employees Sick
People living in buildings built after 2000 are at risk from SBS As many as 25% of all buildings we live and work in today likely have issues associated with SBS SBS is not good for the health of the employees, and it is also bad for the health of the businesses that operate within these buildings Make the 68% banner with larger font in the words and the oval twice as high so it is more balanced with the EPA logo

3 Your Indoor Air is Making Employees Sick
Make the 68% banner with larger font in the words and the oval twice as high so it is more balanced with the EPA logo

4 Every Employee makes your indoor air worse Bad Breath & Body Odor
Hair Spray & Fragrances Dust & Dirt on Their Clothes Cigarette Smoke (3rd Hand) Colds & Flus they Exhale Banner for the bottom copy…

5 Banner for the bottom copy…

6 The Air You Breathe is Full of Harmful Particles
As you breathe, up to 20,000,000 particles may enter your body in just 1 hour: Hospital Operating Room (Normal Day) Outdoor Air (Normal Day) General Office (Normal Day) Change Outdoor Air 70 3,500,000 Tidy up look for the bottom banner

7 Your Bad Indoor Air Can Shorten Your Life

8 Your Bad Indoor Air is Bad for Your Business

9 Does Your Business Deserve Clean Indoor Air?
High res version of this full image with improved font for the copy [in use by over 7,000 dental professionals

10 Medical Office Air – A New School of Thought
High res version of this full image with improved font for the copy [in use by over 7,000 dental professionals

11 General Office Air – A New School of Thought
High res version of this full image with improved font for the copy [in use by over 7,000 dental professionals


13 Air Purification System that is Medical Grade

14 Particle Removal Stages

15 Gas & Odor Removal Stage

16 Virus, Fungus, & Bacteria Removal Stages

17 Re-Energize Stage

18 Independent Research Proves Our System Works





23 For Your Indoor Air the Choice is Crystal Clear…

24 Making The Air in Your Office This Crystal Clear

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