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Social & Ethical Responsibility

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Presentation on theme: "Social & Ethical Responsibility"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social & Ethical Responsibility
Chapter 24 Social & Ethical Responsibility Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management

2 Philanthropy Presentation
Create a PowerPoint Presentation defining “Philanthropy”. Research and identify the importance of philanthropy. Identify at least 10 famous philanthropists and provide a brief description of each and why each is considered a philanthropist. Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management

3 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Presentation
Create a PowerPoint Presentation defining “Environmental Protection Agency”. Research and identify at least 5 companies who have broken or been accused of breaking environmental laws/regulations. Summarize your findings. Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management

4 Ethical Behavior Presentation
Create a PowerPoint Presentation defining “Ethics”, “Ethical Behavior”, and “Business Ethics”. Research and identify at least 10 companies accused of unethical behavior. Summarize your findings. Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management

5 Code of Ethics Presentation
Create a PowerPoint Presentation defining “Code of Ethics”. Research and identify the code of ethics for at least 10 companies/businesses. Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management

6 Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management
Bribes Presentation Create a PowerPoint Presentation defining “Bribes”. Research and explain why bribery is unethical. Research and identify at least 5 companies accused of bribery. Summarize your findings. Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management

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