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Orientation for HDR Students Doctoral & Masters by Research

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1 Orientation for HDR Students Doctoral & Masters by Research
Professor Jaya Dantas 27 July 2017

2 Welcome to Curtin University!
Largest University in WA with ~46,000 students in total ~2400 HDR students, ~ 44% International students* Member of the ATN group of Universities UniSA, UTS, RMiT, QUT, Curtin * Extracted from BI tool, 10 January 2017

3 What we will cover in this session
Overview of the HDR Process Things you need to know Important Contacts, Online Information and Resources

4 Overview of the Research Degree Process Stage 1:
Application for Admission Application for Candidacy Enrolment Research Integrity Training Turnitin Ethics Clearance

5 Overview of the Research Degree Process Stage 2
Research and Writing of Thesis Annual Progress Reports International Sponsored Students Reports

6 Overview of the Research Degree Process Stage 3
Submission of Thesis for Examination Graduation

7 Essential things you need to know
Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research All researchers including students must adhere (covers principals and practices of responsible research; data management; supervision; publishing; authorship; peer review; research misconduct) Student Charter (student responsibilities) Rule 10: Degree of Doctor by Research and Rule 11: Degree of Master by Research (covers enrolment; candidacy; progress; thesis submission/examination; terminations & appeals) Essential Facilities for HDR Students (details in next slides) Applying for Candidacy Ethics approval – human research or animals. Apply after Candidacy approval, before data collection.

8 Essential things you need to know cont’d
Research Integrity Training - All HDR students must complete this (on Blackboard) before Candidacy submission. More on following slides. Curtin’s Research Management Policy: … A strong research culture will demonstrate: (a) honesty and integrity; (b) respect for human research participants, animals and the environment; (c) good stewardship of public resources used to conduct research; (d) appropriate acknowledgment of the role of others in research; and (e) responsible communication of research results. Responsible research is demonstrated through the adoption of Curtin’s Guiding Principles, Values and Signature Behaviours and the Curtin University Code of Conduct. Curtin Values – Integrity, Respect, Courage, Excellence, Impact

9 Essential Facilities for HDR Students
The Essential Facilities guidelines – includes support for consumables and fieldwork, and a separate Consumables list and Concur Guidelines. $2,000/year for lab-based students $1,400/year for non-lab-based students Receipts for reimbursement must not be more than a year old (reimbursement is via Concur) Computer access Space access Library support Support for Conference Attendance for Doctoral students only $2,500 during the period of candidature See also Travel & Insurance for HDR’s

10 Management of Research Data
See next presentation - Research Data Management by the Library Curtin Research Data and Primary Materials Policy – covers collection; storage; ownership; access; data sharing; retention periods; confidentiality; destruction. ORD - Data Management website The Library: Research Data Management Planning Tool – to help you create a data management plan. Your supervisor can then request R:drive storage on your behalf Research Data Management LibGuide Retention and disposal of data should be in line with WA State government Disposal Authorities and Curtin’s Records and Information Management guidelines.

11 Intellectual Property
As a general rule the University does not claim ownership of Intellectual Property created by Students There are several exceptions and all supervisors and students should consult the Ownership of Intellectual Property Policy, (under “I” for IP) or contact the IP & Commercialisation team

12 Conflicts of Interest Conflict of interest or duality of interest? See section 7 of the Australian Code of Conduct …. You have an interest in the research because you stand to benefit or lose from it (prestige, qualifications, employment…) You have a duality of interest if you have an interest because of different roles you play, or might play e.g. researcher and owner of a company that might use the intellectual property. Sometimes the obligations you have in each role conflict. Declare your interests. Declare early. Discuss with your thesis committee.

13 Authorship Section 5 of ‘The Code’:
Attribution of authorship depends to some extent on the discipline, but in all cases, authorship must be based on substantial contributions in a combination of: conception and design of the project analysis and interpretation of research data drafting significant parts of the work or critically revising it so as to contribute to the interpretation. Curtin Policy & Procedures: Authorship, Peer Review and Publication of Research Findings Information Regarding Authorship and Joint Authorship for HDR Students and Their Supervisors

14 Plagiarism and Academic Integrity
Principles of academic integrity align with Curtin’s core values (integrity, respect, courage, excellence and impact). “Plagiarism is a form of fraud and intellectual theft, and is a serious breach of academic integrity. It means presenting the work or property of another person as one's own without appropriate acknowledgment or referencing.” (Sourced from the Information for Students at ) See Academic Integrity at Curtin: Student guidelines for avoiding plagiarism and the Student Checklist to Prevent Plagiarism See also Management of Plagiarism Policy and Procedures

15 Research Integrity Training & Turnitin
Research Integrity training - Developed by Epigeum in collaboration with Australian Universities Compulsory for all researchers - HDR students and staff HDR students complete BEFORE candidacy submitted. Found on Blackboard, login via Student OASIS (pic next slide) It contains links for ‘Originality Checking’, i.e., Turnitin – text matching software – to assist students avoid plagiarism Use the Turnitin links to check candidacy proposal and thesis chapters See Research Integrity website and What is Turnitin

16 Research Integrity training cont’d

17 Reporting - APRs and ISSRs
Annual Progress Report (APR): Every March. login via (closed now) International Sponsored Students Report (ISSR): Every August Questions relate to: confirmation of information (contact details, course, etc.), Application for Candidacy, ethics clearance, progress, your FOR code and the supervisory relationship Documents to upload: a summary of your progress/timeline (mandatory) and a confidential statement of any concerns (optional) Purpose: monitor progress, confirm your academic status for the following period

18 Conflict Resolution Rules and Policy:
Section 15, Grievance Procedures, of Rule 10: Degree of Doctor by Research and Rule 11: Degree of Master by Research Complaints Procedures Contacts: Integrity and Standards Unit (ISU) Manager, Conflict Resolution E: T: (08) PG Students Committee Student Assist Officers within the Curtin Student Guild E: T:

19 Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition
2015 3MT Curtin winner Adnan Mannan, School of Pharmacy, representing Curtin at the Trans-Tasman finals at UQ Hone your communication skills Showcase your research, network with other students Entries close 14 August, heats 5th Sept, final 18th Sept Curtin 3MT contact

20 Collaboration through “Advancing WA Research Education” (AWARE)
AWARE is a collaboration between the Graduate Research Schools of the 5 WA universities offers opportunities for WA HDR students through InSPiRE, iPREP and events subscribe on the AWARE website

21 e-Grad School (eGSA) Offered through the ATN universities, FREE for Curtin Students Offers online resources and modules for HDR students via the LEAP and MORE series Development of career-enhancing skills and knowledge for HDRs and research managers. The modules are offered online, 5 weeks duration – allow 2-3 hours per week for each module, balance with other commitments Do independently OR with a highly qualified moderator

22 ATN eGSA – what it offers
Online modules - LEAP and MORE series: Leadership and Communication Research Commercialisation Global Sustainability Entrepreneurship Project Management Public Policy Developing Your Career Critical and Creative Thinking Practice-led Research in Creative Arts, Media and Design Curtin eGSA

23 Sources of information
GRS webpages Student policies and procedures (for HDR) Student forms (for HDR) Resources for HDR students & Seminars and Training Applying for Candidacy (includes Guide for students and proposal examples) Notes and iLectures from previous seminars Rule 10 (Doctoral) and 11 (Masters) HDR Orientation Resources – (today’s slides)

24 Sources of Information cont’d
Office of Research and Development – responsible for Planning and Research Policy Development University-wide support for Researchers e.g. Funding, Contracts, Consulting Services IP and Commercialisation Research Integrity, including: Research Ethics – Human and Animal Biosafety, radiation and hazardous material safety

25 Contacts - GRS (within ORD)
GRS staff – see list Graduate Research School – Future Students – Graduate Research School – Current Students – Thesis Examination enquiries Research Training – Postgraduate research scholarship

26 Other Important Contacts
Thesis Committee Members Supervisor Co- and/or Associate Supervisor(s) Chair Head of Area Postgraduate Coordinator Other University areas Library (Study and Research Tools) The Learning Centre University Counselling and Health Services Guild – see Postgraduate Students Committee (PSC) Or visit the GRS Resources webpage for more links

27 Being a Curtin HDR Student
Engage Communicate Enjoy Questions?

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