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What are they in the virtual world?

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Presentation on theme: "What are they in the virtual world?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are they in the virtual world?
WITNESS: professional, personal, prophetic and pastoral. What are they in the virtual world?

2 CONVERSATION Description
This conversation… BEGINS and ENDS with more questions than answers Is led by someone both fascinated and fearful of the growth of technology (still not on FB or Twitter) Will be guided by a basic method for moral discourse Participants will have the opportunity to… Consider appropriate boundaries for the use of Social Media in ministry Ask their own questions regarding the place of social media technology in ministry Consider the ethical and theological questions that may be helpful in guiding this conversation

I found this Prezi from the UCC on Social Media Boundaries particularly helpful in outlining the basic framework and questions – to get us started. utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share

4 Definition WITNESS = (vb.)to see, hear, or know by personal presence and  perception “I witnessed a traffic accident.” (vb.) to bear witness; testify; give or afford evidence. “She witnesses through service.” (n.) a person or thing that affords evidence. “His witness is very persuasive.” (n.) testimony or evidence “We gave witness to the grace that we received.” WITNESS is always both active and receptive, both giving AND receiving.

5 What the internet is doing to our brains:

6 other related Questions…
When should I accept (or reject) a “friend” request from someone in the church? What’s the difference between being ”prophetic” and being unkind in your ”online” voice? Does the widespread use of technology change the nature of human thinking … and thereby faith? (neuroplasticity?) Is technology making faith more or less possible? Ministry more or less likely? Your questions: ____________________________

7 Problems BASIC METHOD POLICIES Principles Premises

8 Definition Technology = “the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science” “The application of science, especially to industrial or commercial objectives” (

9 Premises Technology itself is morally neutral
Neither right nor wrong Neither good nor bad The use of technology is morally significant Either used rightly or wrongly With either good or bad consequences

10 10 Principles of technology use
Serve no gods but God. (idolatry) Love God. Love people. Nothing else matters. (“Greatest Commandments”) Treat people as you would have them treat you. (“Golden Rule” of reciprocity) Do good to all people. (beneficence) Don’t harm any people. (nonmaleficence) Protect people’s privacy. (confidentiality) Use God’s resources wisely. (stewardship) Use only what is necessary. (simplicity) Go global. (cf. ABC-IM, “Great Commission”) Remember the Body of Christ—it is one. (unity)

11 Problems Policies Principles Premises

12 Social Networking Technology
"…if you're not on Facebook, you don't exist." —Medical student

13 Social Networking Technology
Worldwide, there are over 1.94 billion Facebook monthly active users (MAU) for March 2017… Mark Zuckerberg announced 2 billion mark for members reached in June 2017 Began as a college student interface 923% increase in 2009 of U.S. users age 55+ 29% U.S. Facebook users are ages 35-54

14 Problem: Rev Joe’s FB “friend”
Is this an ethical problem? ? XXXXXX

15 Problem: Rev Joe’s FB “friend”
Principles that apply? 2. Love God. Love people. Nothing else matters. 5. Don’t harm people 9. Go global Marital love is exclusive Be above reproach Avoid even the appearance of evil

16 Problem: Rev Joe’s FB “friend”
Policies to guide us: If in doubt, we DON’T click—but confer (with spouse or colleague or…) In general, we will use social networking sites exclusively for personal and familial relationships, or else set up separate sites for personal and for professional networking (linkedin?) All messages/photos posted will be “ministry appropriate” Security settings are used to limit access to private info Nothing posted online is really private—and we will never forget this fundamental fact of internet technology. ________________________________________________

17 Problem - yours…: ______________________
_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _____________________________________ Is this an ethical problem?

18 CASE Problem yours…: ______________________
Principles that apply? ____________________________

19 CASE Problem yours…: ______________________
Policies to guide us: __________________________________

20 One final principle and policy:
And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father. Colossians 3:17 (New Living Translation © 2007)

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