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Media Studies 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Media Studies 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Media Studies 2

2 Focus Theories on media and narratives Visual media (texts)

3 Requirements Class participation One 5-page paper
Present your topic in class (10 minutes) If no presentation given, then exam on theories and presentations

4 Task: Analyze a work/text using a media theory.
Central Question What cultural phenomena/myths/assumptions underlie a given work? Why is it popular? What does it reveal about the culture? Task: Analyze a work/text using a media theory.

5 Schedule First half of semester Second half of semester
Visual media forms & their history News media TV series Film Music Internet Second half of semester Media & narrative theories Student presentations

6 Theories Male gaze Audience reception (preferred, negotiated, oppositional, aberrant) Color coding Hypodermic theory Todorov’s Narrative Theory Propp’s Narrative Theory Levi-Strauss: Binary Oppositions Roland Barthes: Enigma Code Identify character constellations

7 Texts Music TV series Movie News Can be US, GB, IR, AUS

8 TV Series Breaking Bad The Sopranos The Walking Dead The Simpsons
Orange Is the New Black Fringe Married with Children CSI Your choice

9 Music Rap Hip hop Rock Blues Country Your choice Any song in any genre

10 Films Tarantino Hitchcock Blaxploitation Romantic comedy Action Drama
You choose a film

11 Still can’t find a topic?
Analyze a news network (CNN, Euronews, Fox, BBC) Analyze how different networks (countries?) cover a different news story. Question: What biases are present in news coverage

12 Still nothing? The New Media (Internet)
Analyze the effect of electronic media on public opinion YouTube Special news sites Be sure to see me if you choose this option

13 Deadlines Choose topic by October 16 Submit paper by December 4

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