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Transitioning to the Next Grade Level,

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Presentation on theme: "Transitioning to the Next Grade Level,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transitioning to the Next Grade Level,
Welcome! AGENDA Grade-Level Transition Resources Interpreting Georgia Milestones Results (3rd-5th graders) Input Arena: Opportunity to Provide Input on the Revision of our Plans for the School Year Parent Survey Results School & District Parent and Family Engagement Plans Schoolwide School Improvement Plan Parent and Family Engagement Budget Family-School Compacts Feedback New Georgia Elementary 5800 Mulberry Rock Road Villa Rica, GA (770) Transitioning to the Next Grade Level, Understanding Milestones Assessment Results, & Input for the School Year Thursday, May 4, 2017 in the Art Room 8:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.

2 Grade level transition resources

3 Kindergarten and 6th grade transition resources
Kindergarten Slide Show on Title I Website (see previous slide) Scoggins Middle School Transition Meeting Monday, May 8th at 6:30 p.m.

4 Georgia milestones assessment results/Score reports
See Handout

5 Input arena Parent Survey Results
School & District Parent and Family Engagement Plans Schoolwide School Improvement Plan Parent and Family Engagement Budget Family-School Compacts

6 New Georgia 2017 Annual Title I Parent Survey
K12 Insight Export Copyright (c) K12 Insight, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Which of the following parent and family opportunities/activities that take place at your school do you find valuable in supporting family-school partnerships? Please check all that apply. 1.

8 We offer monthly informational meetings for parents and families on a variety of topics, and informational resources on our website and in the Parent Resource Center. Please let us know which topics (if any) have been most helpful to you. Please check all that apply. 2.

9 3. Our Parent Resource Center has materials and resources available for parents/guardians to use in supporting children academically. Please indicate which items (if any) have been most useful to you. Please check all that apply.

10 Our district and school receives Title 1 funds, part of which are dedicated to supporting parents and school staffsto work together for student academic success, and for parents to support their child's learning.This school year, the funds have supported the purchase of the following; please check the items that you would like to see continuation of in the upcoming school year. Please check all that apply. 4.

11 There are computers available for parent use at our school
There are computers available for parent use at our school. So that we may be able to continue to provide this resource and service, please let us know how you use them. Please check all that apply. 5.

12 6. We provide information and share access to educational resources in a variety of ways.So that we may know how to best offer this to you, please share which (if any) devices you or your child use to access the internet. Please check all that apply.

13 7. Which academic related computer programs or websites do you use? Please check all that apply. Your answers will help us identify the best ways to share resources and information with you..

14 My child enjoys coming to school.
8. My child enjoys coming to school.

15 I feel welcome at my child's school.
9. I feel welcome at my child's school.

16 10. I feel like a partner in my child's education with: (Please check all that apply.)

17 11. Would information on any of the following services be of benefit to you? Please check all that apply.

18 I feel that the school communicates often, and clearly with me.
12. I feel that the school communicates often, and clearly with me.

19 13. My child's teacher(s) clearly communicate how my child is doing in class academically.

20 My child's teacher(s) let me know what is expected of my child.
14. My child's teacher(s) let me know what is expected of my child.

21 My child's teacher(s) let me know what I can do to help my child.
15. My child's teacher(s) let me know what I can do to help my child.

22 16. In what ways do you prefer to receive communication from your child's teacher and our school? Please check all that apply.

23 17. Not all parents/guardians are able to attend the various informational meetings and family events that take place at school. The most important waysthat familiescan be a partner with the school tosupport student successisthrough things that take place at home. Please check all the ways that you are able to support your child's academic success. Please check all that apply.

24 New Georgia parent & family engagement plan
Link to Plan

25 PCSD parent & Family engagement plan
Link here

26 New Georgia parent & family engagement budget
The Title I Parent Engagement Budget was used to fund the following: Printing costs for Parent & Family Engagement Plan and Family-School Compacts Materials and resources for Parent Resource Center Materials and resources for parent events (monthly meetings and family nights) Snacks for parent meetings and family nights Professional Learning opportunities for ILT

27 New Georgia family-school compacts
Link to Compacts

28 New Georgia schoolwide school improvement plan
Link to Plan

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