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Technology for Your Court (and How to Fund It) July 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Technology for Your Court (and How to Fund It) July 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology for Your Court (and How to Fund It) July 2017
APRIL SESSIONS NEW MEXICO MUNICIPAL COURT AUTOMATION PROGRAM CHARLES BERRY Municipal Court Automation Program; New Mexico Administrative Office of the Courts

2 Technology for Your Court (and How to Fund It)
Learn about essential technology for your court and how the Municipal Court Automation Fund can help you pay for it.  What you really need for automation How to receive reimbursement for automation expenditures and what can be reimbursed Handy tech tips and resources to help your court keep up with technology

3 Why Automate? NMSA 35-14-12. Municipal courts; automation required
Reduce repetitive tasks Keep up with increasing demands Better serve the public

4 The Right Tools for the Job
Computers: servers, workstations Networking infrastructure & equipment Data backups, power backups Printers, copiers, scanners Case management & other software Anti-malware protection & firewall Internet, phones, fax line Someone to help with all of it!

5 Equipment & Service Sources
Check with your software vendor before buying anything! Statewide Price Agreements & state contract pricing available through vendors. The Sunday ads? Let us help you!

6 Equipment & Service Sources
Statewide Price Agreements Select Statewide Price Agreements (by Category) Scroll down to the category you want; e.g., IT then Desktop, Professional Services – OR – Search on the page for what you want to buy, e.g., desktop, laptop, copier

7 Technology For Your Court (and How to Fund It)
July 2017 Equipment & Service Sources Commonly used contracts Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Server and Storage Information Technology Professional Services Municipal Court Automation Program; New Mexico Administrative Office of the Courts

8 Equipment & Service Sources
State contract pricing direct from vendors: CDW-G Dell NM HP NM Work directly with the vendor rep for your municipality Other state contract pricing opportunities: Xerox, Staples Advantage

9 Equipment & Service Sources
Use your common sense (if it sounds too good to be true…) Statewide pricing does not always equal the best deal! Use the expertise of your municipal procurement officer.

10 How Will We Ever Pay For It All !!!
Municipal Court Automation Fund First, secure the funds in your municipal budget Maintain eligibility for reimbursement. Request reimbursement.

11 Applying for Reimbursement
Who is eligible? What can be reimbursed? How much can be reimbursed? Other frequently asked questions (FAQs)

12 Applying for Reimbursement
Cover sheet (include your contact info!) Vendor invoices Payment detail

13 Applying for Reimbursement
Cover sheet examples:

14 Applying for Reimbursement
Invoice and payment examples:

15 Tips for smooth sailing on reimbursements:
1. Include a cover sheet and itemize your request. Use our Excel spreadsheet, a letter, etc. 2. Make your requests timely – no less than quarterly and others no more than 90 days after payment. 3. Make sure items are clearly listed on the invoices and that checks match up to the invoices.

16 Tips for smooth sailing on reimbursements, cont’d:
4. Keep fees and DWI reports up to date It can cause delays if we have to contact you about them Make an allocation request each year For each item requested remember: Invoice …. Payment proof

17 Tips for smooth sailing on reimbursements, cont’d:
7. No staples, please. 8. Scan and if you can. 9. Call or us with questions There are no dumb questions. Really.

18 Court Resources New Web Site!!!!!!!!! use the NM COURTS drop-down list and select Municipal Courts

19 Other Information Resources
New Mexico MVD ( NM One Source ( – Compilation Commission State Court Case Info: Secure Online Public Access (SOPA) Pending: Accurint, Consolidated Offender Query

20 Municipal Court Automation Program 7 Deadly Sins
1. No UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) A UPS on your server is a must. A UPS on your workstation will keep you working during a power surge or drop, and give you time to shut down in an orderly fashion if you have a sustained outage. Plug your credit card terminal into the UPS, but leave printers on a surge protector.

21 Municipal Court Automation Program 7 Deadly Sins
2. No backups Who is backing up your critical data? USB drives are an affordable solution. Get two for your server and create a schedule. Check with your CMS vendor to determine what files need to be backed up.

22 Municipal Court Automation Program 7 Deadly Sins
3. No anti-virus software “Well, the icon is there…” Make sure that you have a functioning, licensed (if necessary) product. Make sure you have the latest updates & definitions. Make sure you are scanning your files on a regular basis. By the way – find your Firewall!

23 Municipal Court Automation Program 7 Deadly Sins
4. No ergonomic chair “it’ll be worth something someday” If you go home with an aching back, a pain in the neck, or numbness in your hands, take a look at what you’re sitting on. Comfortable chairs don’t have to cost a fortune, but remember that nothing lasts forever.

24 Municipal Court Automation Program 7 Deadly Sins
Windows updates ARE critical! Less than Windows 7 means NO support. Get ready for Windows 10 Your CMS updates will provide updates & new features. If you don’t have the hardware, find out what you need. 5. Not updating case management & windows versions

25 Municipal Court Automation Program 7 Deadly Sins
Technology For Your Court (and How to Fund It) July 2017 Municipal Court Automation Program 7 Deadly Sins 6. Shopping for computers at the big box stores Make sure you know what your CMS requires. Make sure you get the Windows and Office versions you need. No sales tax ≠ state contract pricing When in doubt, check with us! Municipal Court Automation Program; New Mexico Administrative Office of the Courts

26 Municipal Court Automation Program 7 Deadly Sins
Monthly: Submit your Automation Fees, or a $Zero report Submit your DWI reports Quarterly: Submit your reimbursements Annually: Submit your Allocation requests 7. NOT Complying with mcap program requirements

27 Technology for Your Court (and How to Fund It) July 2017

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