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Welcome to Neath Port Talbot College!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Neath Port Talbot College!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Neath Port Talbot College!

2 Tutorial Maths & Science Names of who is presenting and positions
What we are here to do today NB: you can also copy and use this slide as a template for further slides required with writing

3 ESTYN 2010 Learner Experience “ The bigger picture!”
Names of who is presenting and positions What we are here to do today NB: you can also copy and use this slide as a template for further slides required with writing

4 Careers and Work Related Education Education
CV’s, Work Experience Enterprise – Miranda Thomas Dynamo Role Models – Miranda Thomas Target setting – ILP’s and termly reviews. Materials available under tutorial resources on the staff intranet. Writing a CV Enterprise Names of who is presenting and positions What we are here to do today NB: you can also copy and use this slide as a template for further slides required with writing

5 Welsh Baccalaureate Materials
Personal and Social Education Wales, Europe and the World Names of who is presenting and positions What we are here to do today NB: you can also copy and use this slide as a template for further slides required with writing

6 Personal and Social Education
Homelessness Domestic Violence Healthy Lifestyle – diet, obesity, drug & alcohol abuse. Sustainability Names of who is presenting and positions What we are here to do today NB: you can also copy and use this slide as a template for further slides required with writing

7 Further Ideas Domestic Violence What is domestic violence?
Who is affected by it? Watch “Sleeping with the Enemy”. Discussion on film. National Statistics online – British Crime Survey – levels of Domestic Violence in Wales. Names of who is presenting and positions What we are here to do today NB: you can also copy and use this slide as a template for further slides required with writing

8 Further Ideas Healthy Lifestyle
Government recommendations regarding diet and alcohol consumption. Watch “Super size me” Discussion on film You tube – videos on behaviour following alcohol consumption. Discussion – Is this behaviour appropriate? What are the side effects of alcohol consumption? Keeping a food diary and working with peers to analyse whether it is a healthy lifestyle. Research levels of obesity in Wales. Names of who is presenting and positions What we are here to do today NB: you can also copy and use this slide as a template for further slides required with writing

9 Further Ideas Sustainability
Global Warming – watch “The end of the world as we know it” by Paul Theroux or “An inconvenient truth” . Discuss films. Trip to the Centre for Alternative Technology . Recycling – research what the college or local council is doing about this. Recycle used spectacles – this will cover global citizenship and particularly charity work – link with Vision Aid Oversees. Analyse carbon footprint and discuss ways of reducing it. Names of who is presenting and positions What we are here to do today NB: you can also copy and use this slide as a template for further slides required with writing

10 Further Ideas “ICE EDGE” Names of who is presenting and positions
What we are here to do today NB: you can also copy and use this slide as a template for further slides required with writing

11 Further Ideas “ICE EDGE” Carbon footprint quiz. Produce a DVD.
Work with local school children – community participation. Board game.



14 Wales, Europe and the World
Global Citizenship Charity Work Understanding Politics Cultural Heritage

15 Further Ideas Understanding Politics – Why should we vote? What do the different parties stand for? Variation in powers of Westminster, Scottish Parliament and the Welsh Assembly. Cultural heritage – What does it mean to be Welsh? Is there such a thing as Welshness? “ Grand Slam”, “Proud Valley”. Famous Welsh people – do they typify Welshness? Should we celebrate St David’s Day in the same way that the Irish celebrate St Patrick’s Day?

16 Resources Welsh Bacc. website Tutorial Diary Tutorial Resources Home Office

17 So that’s a snap shot of why you can see that here at NPTC we have all the ingredients to offer you more, than just an education Thank you for listening!





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