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Mrs. Lisa Rezac 1st grade Welcome Mrs. Lisa Rezac 1st grade

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Lisa Rezac 1st grade Welcome Mrs. Lisa Rezac 1st grade"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Lisa Rezac 1st grade
Welcome Mrs. Lisa Rezac 1st grade

2 Homework Homework will be assigned on an as needed basis.
Reading is expected every night.

3 Specials Schedule Monday--Music Tuesday--Keyboarding Lab
Wednesday—P.E. Thursday—Art Friday--Library Please pay close attention to your child’s P.E. and Library days.

4 Behavior Rewards Red = Earns a Quarter Orange = Earns a Dime
Red – Invite a friend to lunch Orange – Use of teachers colored pencils or crayons Yellow – Take a bear to lunch Green – Save 5 pennies to make a Nickel and trade up Blue – Note in agenda and ABE Purple –Note in agenda and ABE Pink – Note in agenda, phone call to parent and ABE Red = Earns a Quarter Orange = Earns a Dime Yellow = Earns a Nickel Green = Earns a Penny Blue = Loses a Penny Purple = Loses a Nickel Pink = Loses a Dime

5 You Can Do Better Stamp Money Marks !!!
Your child can earn a money mark during the day for doing what is expected of him/her. Reward for a money mark is one penny for every mark they get. Should your child move down the behavior chart I will write a note in his/her agenda. Their agendas need to be signed every night and returned to school every day.

6 Agenda This year we are using agendas in first grade.
Your child will be responsible for writing their daily assignments in their agendas. They will begin to write their spelling, high frequency words, and story vocabulary when we begin our reading stories.

7 Weekly Overview Sheet Weekly Test Monday – Wednesday Composition/Handwriting Thursday Grammar and Spelling Friday Reading and Math Overview sheets will be posted weekly on my web page.

8 Grading Policy We only take grades on weekly test.
Reading and Math are numerical Reading- Cold read, phonics, vocabulary, and reading skill. ELA – Spelling/Grammar/Composition Science/Health Unit and Benchmark test x2 We do not round grades

9 Weekly Grade Sheet Unit Tests
Unit tests are not sent home. If you would like to see your child’s test please send me a note and I will send it home or you can set up an appointment to come in and go over it.

10 What is ELA? – Spelling 20% - Grammar 40% Composition 40%
ELA is given a MS – meeting standards MPS – Making Progress Toward Standard NMP – Not Making Progress

11 Spelling *We will begin with 10 words 6 that follow a spelling
pattern and 2 challenge words. There will be 2 unknown words weekly which the teacher will choose. The unknown words will follow the spelling pattern for the week. Spelling words sent home on Friday in agendas. A spelling pre-test will be given every Monday. If your child makes a 100 on the pre-test they will be given the "Big C” list which is a challenge spelling word list. This list will still use the same spelling pattern but with more challenging words. **SPELLING TEST IS GIVEN ON THURSDAY UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED

12 Speller’s Choice Menu Spelling practice should be done at home daily
Your child will have this sheet in their blue daily folder to help with spelling practice.

13 Literacy Bags Literacy bags will come home daily.
Books inside are on your child’s independent reading level. Have them read these books to you, their siblings, animals etc. There is a nightly reading log that will need to filled out and signed by you every night. This will remain in their blue daily folder.

14 Read Every Day Your child will be required to read every night and fill out their reading logs with your signatures.

15 Read to Succeed Law Read to Succeed (R2S) is a South Carolina law based on federal reading initiatives (See Act 284, Chapter 155, Title 59). This law was created to address reading deficiencies in struggling students grades K-12, with heavy emphasis placed on students in grades K-3. According to the R2S law, beginning in the school year, any student who is not on grade level by the end of the third grade (as determined by the SC State Assessment) will be retained in third grade. For more information concerning the R2S law, please access the following link:

16 Math Our math series is McGraw-Hill My Math.
Daily lesson done in class. Topic assessments are on McGraw-Hill series Saxon math lesson side A done daily in class Saxon assessments done every 5 to 10 lessons

17 Field Trips We are scheduled for 2 field trips this year.
1 trip to USCA Ruth Patrick Science Center and 1 to the Audubon Site this is a full day field trip. Planetarium is our first field trip in November with the cost for trip being $6. We are allowed 2 parents for free then cost per parent is $3. March field trip – Audubon Site and the cost for trip - $5 per student. We will be learning about soil. Permission slips must be signed and returned. Without a signed permission slip your child cannot go on the field trip.

18 VOLUNTEER TRAINING. If you are interested in volunteering for field trips or coming in to help in the classroom you must receive our volunteer training. Mrs. McDaniel will do volunteer training during both sessions in her classroom B201 located at the front of the school.

All important documents can be found on my school fusion page. Overview sheet with all spelling, vocabulary and lightning words. Weekly target skills

20 Things to Remember Missed work – Call office if you want to pick up your child’s homework/classwork assignments if they are sick. Missed assignment envelopes – complete missed assignments in envelope. Does not need to be the next day. Planning time – 9:30 – 9:55

21 Reminders Transportation: If your child will be going home a different way, I must have a note from home!!! Money: Label any lunch money with your child’s name, my name, what it is for, and how much Early Pick up: no later than 1:45 ½ Day Wednesday: 1st Wednesday of each month starting next week at 12:15. Lunches: Please be mindful of containers that are difficult to open or close, first graders tend to spill things. Absolutely no soft drink or glass containers. If you come to eat with your child please remember not to bring in McDonalds etc.

22 Reminders Birthday Treats: We are now implementing the national guidelines for “Smart Snacks at School. Parents can no longer send in sweet treats to celebrate birthdays at lunch. In lieu of these sweet treats goody bags may be sent in or mini cupcakes and will be distributed to the class at the end of the day. If you send in treat bags for your child’s birthday anything inside must be store bought. We are not allowed to give the children anything made at home. Birthday Invitations: please do not send in invitations for a party to be passed out at school. Lunch with your child: You are free to come have lunch with your child but you may not bring them food. Our lunch time begins at 10:30.

23 Ways you can contribute:
Volunteers: guest speakers, mystery readers, pull papers, etc. Tutors Band-aids Tissue and Paper Towels Baby Wipes Markers/Twistables

24 Holiday Celebrations:
Any and all help is welcomed. We have 2 classroom celebrations. We have our winter break celebration and our end of the year celebration.

25 Holiday Treats and Celebrations:
Halloween – No treat bags – It’s Spooky to be hungry Thanksgiving – Holiday cookies/Healthy treat for afternoon snack outside Winter Celebration – Treat bag and classroom party 100th day of school – trail mix Valentine’s Day – Pass out Valentines only St. Patrick’s Day – Holiday cookies End of Year Celebration – Treat bag and classroom party Treat bag items – pencils, erasers, crayons, glue sticks, etc…

26 PTO Join PTO Remember No School Monday, Sept. 5

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