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Presentation on theme: "@futuregencymru."— Presentation transcript:

1 @futuregencymru

2 Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol
Well-being of Future Generations Act

3 Ffordd newydd o weithio fel ein bod ni’n gwneud penderfyniadau gwell, trawsffurfio gwasanaethau, mynd i’r afael a problemau mawr ac osgoi gwastraffu arian Dyletswydd Llesiant – i ymgymryd a datblygu cynaliadwy a gosod amcanion llesiant Berthnasol i 44 corff cyhoeddus yn cynnwys LlC, LlL, Parciau Cenedlaethol, Byrddau Iechyd, CNC, cyrff nawdd New way of working so we all make better decisions, transform services, tackle root problems and avoid wasting money Well-being duty – to carry out SD and set well-being objectives Applies to 44 devolved public bodies including WG, LAs, National Parks, Health Boards, NRW and sponsored bodies

4 Saith Nod Llesiant Seven Well-being goals
BETH ni’n ceisio cyflawni WHAT we are trying to achieve

5 Dulliau Gweithio Ways of working
Newid SUT rydym ni’n gweithio… Hirdymor Atal Integreiddio Cydweithio Cynnwys Changing HOW we do things… Long-term Prevention Integration Collaboration Involvement

6 The behaviour change challenge:

7 The Future Generations Commissioner Sophie Howe
Started Feb 2016 for a 7 year term Her role is to Act as a guardian for the interests of future generations in Wales, and to support the public bodies listed in the Act to work towards achieving the Well- being Goals.

8 Statutory duties to: Advise, encourage and promote Carry out research
Carry out reviews Make recommendations to a public body Future Generations Report once every five years Not: Like the other Commissioners Extra layer of appeal Case work or advocacy Statutory enforcement

9 Sophie’s take: - Spirit or the Act, more than letter of the law - Shift thinking and change approaches - Encouragement to innovate, not compliance - Prevention, not adaptation - Move from interest to action

10 Highlight the big issues, challenges and opportunities facing future generations
Support and challenge public bodies to think about the long term impact of the things they do Work with others to drive the changes needed Walk the talk – be the change we want to see in others Purpose of the Office:

11 Gweithredu heddiw ar gyfer gwell yfory Acting today for a better tomorrow


13 Beth yw’r heriau mawr sydd yn gwynebu cenedlaethau’r dyfodol?
What are the big challenges for future generations? Newid hinsawdd – canolbwyntio ar leihau allyriadau a mynd i’r afael â’u heffeithiau Newid economaidd – addasu i economi sy’n addas ar gyfer y dyfodol Newid yn y boblogaeth – mynd i’r afael â heriau a chyfleoedd poblogaeth sy’n heneiddio, newid cyfansoddiadol ein cymunedau, a phwysigrwydd blynyddoedd cynnar a phrofiadau niweidiol yn ystod plentyndod Ymddieithriad dinasyddion – hyrwyddo cyfranogiad y cyhoedd a’u hymgyfraniad yn y broses benderfynu Climate change – focussing on reducing emissions and tackling impacts Economic change – shifting to an economy that is fit for the future Population change – tackling the challenges and opportunities of an ageing population, the changing composition of our communities, and the importance of early years and adverse childhood experiences Citizen disengagement – championing public participation and involvement in decision making 

14 Join the Conversation Take the survey
Share it with friends, colleagues, members, clients… Tell us about the issues affecting future generations Talk to us about the opportunities and barriers Share your research, evidence, stories, experiences Come and chat during the Behaviour Change Festival #BetterTomorrow #GwellYfory

15 Contact details Dr. Kate #BetterTomorrow #GwellYfory

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