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Vision 2020/Quality Schools in Every Neighborhood

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1 Vision 2020/Quality Schools in Every Neighborhood
DRAFT Vision 2020/Quality Schools in Every Neighborhood District Accountability Report LCAP Goal 2: Access to Broad and Challenging Curriculum January 24, 2017 Why we are doing this work – what are the values (not stats) underlying our commitment to the work (in addition to the obvious fact it’s in the LCAP!) What has been our past activity on this issue over the last 4 years under Supt. Marten — what have we done already to address. What are our plans for the current year — what are we committed to doing now — and what resources have we allocated for the work ($ + people) What results do we have to show for what we have tried to do — and what is the state/national context for these results — are others doing better/worse? What changes are we implementing to continue building on the above progress and when will we provide the next update

2 DRAFT Goals & Vision Our vision is that every student enrolled in a Dual/World Language pathway receives the Seal of Biliteracy. Strategically formalize Dual/World Language programs and pathways within the district to promote multilingualism. Expanding communicating methods with stakeholders about multi-literacy. It is our vision that when a student enrolls in a Dual or World Language program that this choice places them on track to the Seal of Biliteracy. We are establishing benchmark achievements at the grades of K, 5, and 8. These markers of achievements will promote, value, and celebrate multilingualism. In support of Vision 2020 and of Proposition 58 establishing and formalizing Dual Language pathways ensures students receive meaningful instruction and competencies in both languages. It is our stance to support bi-literacy or multi-literacy by informing parents, students, and all other stakeholders about the different language opportunities, supports and services offered. And, we will continue to seek input and refine our offerings based on feedback from the community.

3 In the pursuit of biliterate and multiliterate citizenry…
DRAFT In the pursuit of biliterate and multiliterate citizenry… It is our intent that every student enrolled in a Dual/World Language Program Develops academic proficiency in both languages Develops cultural proficiency Earns pathway awards (K, 5, 8) And receives the Seal of Biliteracy (12) The state and the voters support this through this intent with the passing of Proposition 58. The Seal of Biliteracy recognizes and celebrates proficiency in multiple languages as an asset.

4 DRAFT SEAL of Biliteracy 12th grade students receiving SEAL of Biliteracy last year: 463 (100%) The number of potential 12th Graders eligible this year for the SEAL of Biliteracy: 371 Our Goal 100% receive the Seal The Seal of Biliteracy is our goal for all students who have chosen a Dual/World Language pathway. In order to ensure that we support this ideas, we are currently gathering data on the eligible students to receive the Seal of Biliteracy. We will inform all students enrolled in World Language courses, Area Superintendents, Principals, Vice Principals, Head Counselors, Department Heads, and World Language Teachers in grades 9-12 of the process toward the Seal. Criteria for Seal: Eligibility by course enrollment: Honors 7-8 Advance Placement Language or Literature International Baccalaureate

5 Seal of Biliteracy Pipeline of Potential Candidates Grade Level
DRAFT Seal of Biliteracy Pipeline of Potential Candidates Grade Level Candidates 11 591 10 548 9 100 In collaboration with the Office of Secondary Schools, OLA will be targeting underclassmen who meet the criteria for the Seal and create an early application process. We will create a system in order for them to submitted applications before their senior year and receive the Seal upon graduation. We will be prototyping a badge system as we inspire these students to continue on the pathway.

6 Goals for Seal of Biliteracy and Pathway Awards
DRAFT Goals for Seal of Biliteracy and Pathway Awards Goals for Biliteracy Pathway Award/Seal Expectation of Recipients in % Kindergarten 100 5th Grade 70 8th Grade 12th Grade Seal of Biliteracy Milestone celebration to inspire students to continue on the biliteracy pathway. Possibly badge system.

7 LOTE (Language Other Than English) Results for 2016-17
DRAFT LOTE (Language Other Than English) Results for Fourteen Languages Assessed: 1,798 Students Tested & 1,184 Passed Language Tested Passed Percent Arabic 35 28 80 Filipino 111 56 51 Somali 84 63 75 Spanish 1,224 862 70 Vietnamese 234 108 46 Top five languages tested. Last year ( ) the following languages were available: Arabic Cambodian Somali Spanish Swahili Vietnamese We have expanded our language offerings

8 LOTE (Language Other Than English) Results for 2016-17
Tested Passed Percent Amharic 3 2 67 Burmese 11 7 64 Cambodian French 14 78 German 4 75 Japanese 24 17 71 Karen 29 59 Kinyarwanda Swahili 31 8 26

9 Aligning Secondary--Proposed Dual Language Pathways
DRAFT Aligning Secondary--Proposed Dual Language Pathways Area Middle High 1 Millennial Tech/Farb Lincoln/Serra 2 Bell Morse 3 Taft/Montgomery Kearny/Mission Bay 4 Marston/Pershing/Lewis Henry/Madison 5 Roosevelt/Memorial San Diego 6 Wilson/Clark Crawford/Hoover Conversations are ensuing, input and feedback is being collected as we strengthen and build our language pathways from TK-12. Support from families, students, site leadership and the community is critical as we re-imagine how we support true multilingualism.

10 Upcoming Cluster Pathway Conversations
Seeking Input from the community Date Activity Location Feb. 2 ELAC interest in Dual Language Program Zamorano Feb. 8 Morse Cluster Bell Feb. 14 San Diego Cluster San Diego High Feb. 22 TK-12 Articulation Mission Bay Mar. 1 TK-12 Articulation Parent) Ballard Center Mar. 2 Kearny Cluster Room 301

11 Common Curriculum for Dual Language Schools
DRAFT Common Curriculum for Dual Language Schools Adelante Benchmark is being used as the core Spanish Curriculum at 11 Dual Language Schools (K-2) Adams, Audubon, Balboa, Boone, Chavez, Cherokee Point, Fay, Field, Juarez, Rosa Parks, & Tierrasanta In full commitment of strengthening our Dual Language programs, a curriculum was purchased for 11 schools providing a common curriculum for grades K-2. The district has earmarked funding to continue providing curriculum for our schools and will add schools and grade levels over the upcoming years.

12 Building Pathways Continue collaboration with Dr. Julie Martel
Continue conversations at Area Cluster Meetings Strategic planning at sites Collecting feedback from stakeholders

13 Next Steps Support and Alignment with Instructional Cabinet
DRAFT Next Steps Support and Alignment with Instructional Cabinet Moving forward on goals and vision Continue district support and professional learning Continue strengthening pathways Developing common assessments tools KDS Spanish assessment for grades 3-6 to be used for student placement.

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