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Forms of Markets.

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Presentation on theme: "Forms of Markets."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forms of Markets

2 Various Types of Markets

3 Essentials of Markets in Economics
Buyer Seller Essentials of Markets in Economics Commodity Transaction

4 Name the Market based on Features

5 Large Numbers of Sellers Large Numbers of Buyers

6 Homogeneous Commodity Free Entry and Exit of Firms

7 Firm is a Price Taker (a) Industry S D O O Price Revenue
Quantity (millions) Quantity (thousands) (a) Industry

8 Firm is a Price Taker (a) Industry (b) Firm S Pe D O O Price Revenue
Quantity (millions) Quantity (thousands) (a) Industry (b) Firm

9 Firm is a Price Taker (a) Industry (b) Firm S D = AR Pe AR = MR D O O
Revenue Price Line D = AR Pe AR = MR D O O Quantity (millions) Quantity (thousands) (a) Industry (b) Firm

10 Name The Type of Market ? PERFECT COMPETITION

11 Perfect Competition Features Very large number of buyers and sellers
Homogenous products Freedom of entry and exit to the industry Perfect knowledge of market Perfect mobility of factors of production Absence of transport costs 4

12 Name the Market based on Features

13 Large Numbers of Buyers
One Seller Large Numbers of Buyers

14 Restriction on the Entry of New Firms Cartel Formation by Small Firms

15 Super Normal Profits

16 Price Discrimination When the same product is sold at different prices to different buyers

17 Shape of AR & MR Curves Downward sloping curves MR is less than AR
Units sold Price TR AR MR Revenue AR Output MR

18 Equilibrium Output Equilibrium price and output MC = MR MC
Supernormal Profits Cost / Revenue AC AR AC AR MR O Qm Q

19 Name The Type of Market ?

20 Monopoly Defining monopoly Single seller Large number of Buyers
No close substitutes Barriers to entry Super Normal Profits Price Discrimination 8

21 Think of some examples of Monopolies

22 T H I N K

23 Imagine You are a CEO of a global software company.
How will you decide your price policy? Can price discrimination be made socially desirable?


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