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Buddhism A Reaction to Hinduism.

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1 Buddhism A Reaction to Hinduism

2 Siddhartha Gautama - 566BC
Kshatriya by birth Isolated on estate Explored outside world Suffering everywhere, illness, sadness Why do people suffer? ????????? Left home to search for answers outside of Hinduism Shared ideas “Buddha” = “Enlightened One”

3 The Four Noble Truths 1. All suffer and know sorrow
2. We suffer because our desires bind us to the cycle of rebirth 3. Eliminate your desires and end your suffering 4. You can eliminate desires by following the Eightfold Path

4 Eightfold Path 1. Know the truth 2. Resist evil
3. Say nothing to hurt others 4. Respect life 5. Work for the good of others 6. Free your mind of evil 7. Control your thoughts 8. Practice meditation

5 Goal: Nirvana – “oneness” with the Universe
You achieve enlightenment (Nirvana) by following the path During life (meditation) or after death (release from the cycle of rebirth)

6 Mauryan Empire – India est.
Chandragupta Maurya Harsh govt. – spies, assassins, strong army Arthasastra Law of the fishes Promotes Hindu class hierarchy

7 II. Asoka (Ashoka) 274 BC Kalinga Wars of Conquest
Controls 2/3 of subcontinent Converts to Buddhism Renounces violence Sends missionaries to China & S.E. Asia Uses legend of the Chakravartin


9 Rock Edicts laws of Ashoka posted throughout the Empire
Religious tolerance Justice and punishment of crime Laws promote Ahimsa


11 Acts of Ashoka Army plants trees, digs wells in poor communities
Rest houses for travelers Hospitals established Mauryan Empire declines after Ashoka’s death

12 New Empire Rises – the Gupta Empire
I. 310 AD – Chandragupta I Reverts country to Hinduism (practice of other religions punished) Harsh govt. – spies, assassins, strong army II. Chandragupta II 375 – 455 AD Eases taxes and use of force Gupta Golden Age begins under his reign


14 Gupta Golden Age - Arts and Achievements
1. Temple building 2. Sculptures devoted to Hindu deities 3. Literature – ex: Panchatantra – a book of fables to promote moral behavior, adherence to Hindu hierarchy, and obedience to the emperor 4. Math

15 Gupta Math Arabic numerals 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 (later come to Western Europe through trade with the Arabian Peninsula) Round earth Decimal system Pi Concept of 0 (allows more advanced engineering calculations by going into negative numbers) Concept of infinity

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