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The five act structure.

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1 The five act structure

2 Key terms protasis, epitasis, catastrophe
Prologue / introduction, conflict & rising action, climax, falling action, denouement

3 Prologue / introduction
The introduction explains the situation In Macbeth → first two scenes The first scene establishes the mystical atmosphere which is to pervade the entire play. The second scene describes the brave deeds of Macbeth, the man who is to yield to supernatural solicitings.

4 Conflict & Rising Action
A series of events building up to a point of great interest Macbeth → Act 1, scene 3 – act 3, scene 3 Macbeth, returning from his victories, is tempted to try for the throne, and in the attainment of this aim he is spurred on by the witches and Lady Macbeth. At length he accomplishes his main purpose.

5 Climax Turning point of the play (the place where the reaction sets in against the hero) It is sometimes called "the dramatic center." Macbeth -> act 3, scene 3, where Banquo is killed and Fleance escapes. Macbeth has thus not fully gained what he was striving for. Distracted by fears and hallucinations, he loses (III, iv) his self- control; and at this point we know he is doomed.

6 Falling action Occurs right after the climax, when the main problem of the story is resolved Macbeth → from the banquet to the end of the play. Characters that in the first scenes were kept in the background, now come to the front, — Malcolm and Macduff, in whom is embodied retribution.

7 Falling action Macbeth murders Duncan but Malcolm flees to England for protection and aid (accident #1) Banquo is killed but Fleance escapes (accident #2) The first accident prepares the way for the English invasion; the second frustrates all of Macbeth's plans for holding the throne. One works outwardly: the other inwardly and psychologically; and both together make for Macbeth's ruin.

8 Denouement The final part of the play in which any loose ends are tied (matters explained or resolved) The story is resolved when lady Macbeth and Macbeth die and Malcolm is crowned the new king

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