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We are honored to be the voice for rural Cambodians and their children whose lives will be forever changed by your vision to provide solutions for global.

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Presentation on theme: "We are honored to be the voice for rural Cambodians and their children whose lives will be forever changed by your vision to provide solutions for global."— Presentation transcript:

1 We are honored to be the voice for rural Cambodians and their children whose lives will be forever changed by your vision to provide solutions for global challenges …. like theirs. Greetings to Everyone with RandomKid from Everyone with Sustainable Cambodia! Sustainable Cambodia Effecting change in Cambodia… community by community

2 Today we want to invite you on a trip to the other side of the world.

3 Every night when you go to sleep……..


5 ….. young people in rural Cambodia, more like you than you would ever imagine, are awakening to their first chore of the morning …finding and carrying home water for their families.

6 Imagine living in a neighborhood with NO water during the 6-month drought from December to June….every year. Sometimes you walk for hours to the river and back for two buckets of water.

7 How would you prepare your food, clean your clothes and dishes, bathe, brush your teeth, enjoy a glass of water, provide water for your animals, plants, and flush a toilet, that is …if you had one?

8 But on this particular morning, your whole family is joining your neighbors to start digging an immense community pond that will catch all the rainwater during the next 6-month monsoon season. The RandomKid Rain-to-the-Rescue Project has begun!

9 After three months of digging by hand, you finally reach the water table. Earned wages for your community’s hard work will change your family’s lives in profound ways.

10 Captured rainwater in the large pond will be used for garden irrigation, watering life stock, and daily family life needs. After the rainwater flows through your family’s BioSand Filter, it can be safely used for drinking, cooking, and cleaning! Community Ponds 10

11 Your pond and irrigated gardens will bring abundant fruits, vegetables, and fish to fortify your nutrition and health.

12 And now imagine that you and your neighborhood friends are going to school for the first time in your lives!

13 The RandomKid Walk-to-School is open!
For your whole life you have heard about government schools but they are too far away, even by bicycle. But this new day, you are walking along the path with your friends to your own Community School that your parents built in partnership with Sustainable Cambodia and RandomKid. The RandomKid Walk-to-School is open!

14 For the first time in your life, you and your classmates are studying math, and health and hygiene…….

15 ….. and learning to read and write in your own Khmer language.


17 As you walk home after a great day at school, you pass a sign that says Knowledge is Everything
Knowledge is Power … and you are excited about tomorrow.

18 Through the gifts of water, education, and the new skills and experiences that lie ahead, you will empower the people of remote Roveang Village to rebuild their world in lasting ways. Thank You, Friends. Thank you, RandomKid!

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