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1.5 Describe Angle Pair Relationships

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Presentation on theme: "1.5 Describe Angle Pair Relationships"— Presentation transcript:

1 1.5 Describe Angle Pair Relationships
Objective: use special angle relationships to find angle measures Construction activity

2 Relationships based on Measurements
Complementary Supplementary Adjacent

3 Complementary Angles Two angles that have a sum of 90 degrees. They may or may not be right next to each other.

4 Supplementary Angles Two angles that have a sum of 180 degrees. They may or may not be right next to each other.

5 Complementary or Supplementary?

6 Tricks to Keep From Mixing Them Up
C comes first in the alphabet and 90 is smaller that 180 C for corner (90 degrees), S for straight (180 degrees) Others?

7 Adjacent 2 angles next to each other
Must share a common side and vertex

8 EXAMPLE 1 Identify complements and supplements In the figure, name a pair of complementary angles, a pair of supplementary angles, and a pair of adjacent angles. SOLUTION Because 32°+ 58° = 90°, BAC and RST are complementary angles. Because 122° + 58° = 180°, CAD and RST are supplementary angles. Because BAC and CAD share a common vertex and side, they are adjacent.

9 Guided Practice 1 – 2 pg.35

10 GUIDED PRACTICE for Example 1 In the figure, name a pair of complementary angles, a pair of supplementary angles, and a pair of adjacent angles. 1. FGK and GKL, HGK and GKL, FGK and HGK ANSWER

11 GUIDED PRACTICE for Example 1 Are KGH and LKG adjacent angles ? Are FGK and FGH adjacent angles? Explain. 2. No, they do not share a common vertex. No, they have common interior points. ANSWER

12 EXAMPLE 2 Find measures of a complement and a supplement Given that 1 is a complement of and m = 68°, find m SOLUTION a. You can draw a diagram with complementary adjacent angles to illustrate the relationship. m = 90° – m = 90° – 68° = 22°

13 EXAMPLE 2 Find measures of a complement and a supplement b. Given that is a supplement of 4 and m = 56°, find m 3. SOLUTION b. You can draw a diagram with supplementary adjacent angles to illustrate the relationship. m 3 = 180° – m 4 = 180° –56° = 124°

14 EXAMPLE 3 Find angle measures Sports When viewed from the side, the frame of a ball-return net forms a pair of supplementary angles with the ground. Find m BCE and m ECD.

15 Extra Example 3 Two roads intersect to form supplementary angels, angle XYW and angle WYZ. Find the measure of angle XYW and angle WYZ.

16 Guided Practice 3 - 5

17 GUIDED PRACTICE for Examples 2 and 3 3. Given that is a complement of and m = 8o, find m 1. 82o ANSWER 4. Given that is a supplement of and m = 117o, find m 63o ANSWER LMN and PQR are complementary angles. Find the measures of the angles if m LMN = (4x – 2)o and m PQR = (9x + 1)o. ANSWER 26o, 64o

18 Angle Pairs Linear Pair Vertical Angles

19 Linear Pair Adjacent angles that form a straight line
Their noncommon sides form opposite rays.

20 Questions True or False…
Every linear pair of angles is supplementary. Every pair of supplementary angles is a linear pair.

21 Vertical Angles Sides form opposite rays

22 EXAMPLE 4 Identify angle pairs Identify all of the linear pairs and all of the vertical angles in the figure at the right. SOLUTION To find vertical angles, look or angles formed by intersecting lines. 1 and are vertical angles. ANSWER To find linear pairs, look for adjacent angles whose noncommon sides are opposite rays. 1 and 4 are a linear pair and are also a linear pair. ANSWER

23 EXAMPLE 5 Find angle measures in a linear pair Two angles form a linear pair. The measure of one angle is 5 times the measure of the other. Find the measure of each angle. ALGEBRA SOLUTION Let x° be the measure of one angle. The measure of the other angle is 5x°. Then use the fact that the angles of a linear pair are supplementary to write an equation.

24 Find angle measures in a linear pair
EXAMPLE 5 Find angle measures in a linear pair xo + 5xo = 180o Write an equation. 6x = 180 Combine like terms. x = 30o Divide each side by 6. The measures of the angles are 30o and 5(30)o = 150o. ANSWER

25 GUIDED PRACTICE For Examples 4 and 5 Do any of the numbered angles in the diagram below form a linear pair? Which angles are vertical angles? Explain. 6. ANSWER No, no adjacent angles have their noncommon sides as opposite rays, and , and 5, and 6, these pairs of angles have sides that from two pairs of opposite rays.

26 GUIDED PRACTICE For Examples 4 and 5 7. The measure of an angle is twice the measure of its complement. Find the measure of each angle. ANSWER 60°, 30°

27 Review Describe each with a short sentence or sketch.
Complementary Angles Supplementary Angles Adjacent Angles Linear Pair Vertical Angles

28 Homework 1, evens, 17 – 28, 31-38, 49 – 53 Quiz coming up over (study bottom of page 41)

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