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Factorial Component Relationships of Visual Naming to Serial versus Semantic Verbal Learning Strategy and Intellectual Ability in a Mixed Neuropsychiatric.

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Presentation on theme: "Factorial Component Relationships of Visual Naming to Serial versus Semantic Verbal Learning Strategy and Intellectual Ability in a Mixed Neuropsychiatric."— Presentation transcript:

1 Factorial Component Relationships of Visual Naming to Serial versus Semantic Verbal Learning Strategy and Intellectual Ability in a Mixed Neuropsychiatric Veteran Sample Kaitlyn Young, James A. Moses, and Jenise Lum Palo Alto University and Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System Introduction Conclusion Results Tables This study aims to analyze factorial relationships among components of naming, cognition, and memory in order to facilitate integrated syndrome analysis. These findings support the importance of joint interpretation of specific factorial naming, learning strategy, and Wechsler intelligence scale components when these measures are administered together in clinical evaluations. The first Visual Naming factor (VN1) uniquely loaded on the CVLT Semantic Clustering Index. The second VN factor (VN2) uniquely loaded on the CVLT Serial Clustering Index. Factor scales were computed for these second order CVLT-VN components. Those factorial variables were refactored with Verbal Comprehension (VC), Perceptual Organization (PO), and Freedom from Distractibility (FFD) factorial components of the WAIS-R. The Semantic Clustering-VN1 factor uniquely loaded on the FFD component. Attention span and working memory features were associated with semantic processing. The Serial Clustering-VN2 component uniquely loaded on the VC component. Serial clustering was associated with use of over-learned verbal encoding strategies. Table 1 (IQ) Component 1 2 3 WAISR.VCI 0.852 MAE.Vis.Nam.Fac2 0.694 MAE.Vis.Nam.Fac1 0.371 0.770 WAISR.FFD 0.758 WAISR.POI 0.961 Objective We investigated the relationships of intellectual components and naming ability to use of logical versus rote verbal learning strategies on the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT). References Benton, A. L., Hamsher, K. S., & Sivan, A. B. (1994) Multilingual aphasia examination. Iowa City, Iowa: AJA Associates. Delis, D. C., & Psychological Corporation. (1987). CVLT: California verbal learning test. San Antonio, Tex: Psychological Corporation. Wechsler, D. (1981). Wechsler adult intelligence scale - revised. New York: The Psychological Corporation. Table 2 (Semantic) Method Component 1 2 0.769 CVLT Semantic Cluster Ratio 0.741 0.960 Our case sample included 240 clinically referred, diagnostically unselected inpatient and outpatient military veterans with mixed neuropsychiatric diagnoses. The 30 items of the Multilingual Aphasia Examination Visual Naming (VN) subtest were factored as a single group; two orthogonal factors were extracted. Factor scales based on those results were computed and re-factored separately with the Serial and Semantic Clustering indices of the CVLT. Table 3 (Serial) Component 1 2 CVLT Serial Cluster Ratio 0.754 0.703 0.976 Contact Kaitlyn Young: James A. Moses: Jenise Lum: Component 1 2 CVLT Serial Cluster Ratio 0.754 0.703 0.976 Component 1 2 0.769 CVLT Semantic Cluster Ratio 0.741 0.96 Component 1 2 0.769 CVLT Semantic Cluster Ratio 0.741 0.96 Component 1 2 CVLT Serial Cluster Ratio 0.754 0.703 0.976 Component 1 2 3 WAISR.VCI 0.852 MAE.Vis.Nam.Fac2 0.694 MAE.Vis.Nam.Fac1 0.371 0.77 WAISR.FFD 0.758 WAISR.POI 0.961 Component 1 2 3 WAISR.VCI 0.852 MAE.Vis.Nam.Fac2 0.694 MAE.Vis.Nam.Fac1 0.371 0.77 WAISR.FFD 0.758 WAISR.POI 0.961 Component 1 2 3 WAISR.VCI 0.852 MAE.Vis.Nam.Fac2 0.694 MAE.Vis.Nam.Fac1 0.371 0.77 WAISR.FFD 0.758 WAISR.POI 0.961 Component 1 2 3 WAISR.VCI 0.852 MAE.Vis.Nam.Fac2 0.694 MAE.Vis.Nam.Fac1 0.371 0.770 WAISR.FFD 0.758 WAISR.POI 0.961

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