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Learn by heart! Рапорт дежурного: Madam, permission to speak. Group 5 _ is ready for the lesson. 10 cadets are on the list and 9 cadets are present (Cadet.

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Presentation on theme: "Learn by heart! Рапорт дежурного: Madam, permission to speak. Group 5 _ is ready for the lesson. 10 cadets are on the list and 9 cadets are present (Cadet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learn by heart! Рапорт дежурного: Madam, permission to speak. Group 5 _ is ready for the lesson. 10 cadets are on the list and 9 cadets are present (Cadet Petrov is absent. He is ill. He in the hospital). Cadet Ivanov is on duty.

2 The 13th of September Tuesday Class Work

3 Little bird, little bird,
[ ð ] Father, mother, Sister, brother, Hand in hand With one another [ l ] Little bird, little bird, Look at me! I have a bird-house Oh, come and see! [ ŋ ] Good morning, good morning, Good morning to you, good morning I am glad to see you [ r ] Rain on the grass And rain on the tree Rain on the house-top But not on me.

4 My home task was: To learn the new words/the rule – учить слова/правило To learn the poem by heart – учить стихотворение наизусть To read and translate the text – читать и переводить текст To retell the text – пересказывать текст To do the exercise number… on page … - выполнить упражнение номер… на стр. … To write … - написать … To tell about… To prepare for a test/dictation- подготовиться к тесту/ диктанту

5 The 13th of September. It’s Tuesday.

6 At school we…

7 read books

8 write in our copybooks

9 listen to the teacher

10 learn interesting things

11 do our homework

12 have breaks and lunch

13 wear uniform

14 School Subjects: English Mathematics Geography History Information
Technology (IT) Music Art Physical Education(PE) ABC order! Science

15 Learn new words: предмет Математика Естествознание История ИЗО
subject предмет Mathematics Математика Science Естествознание History История Art ИЗО Geography География Music Музыка Information Technology(IT) ИВТ Physical Education(PE) Физкультура timetable расписание

16 Timetable

17 Let’s write!

18 Let’s write!

19 H/W Timetable P. 26 EX. 2 Lessons: Monday … Wednesday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4 5 Lunch break 6 H/W P. 26 EX. 2

20 My ideal school My ideal school is the school where pupils do all their homework in time and do it well. They are always ready for the lessons and have a good discipline and manners. It is the school where there are light and large classrooms with computers, whiteboards, new textbooks, a playground, a swimming pool and also a café with a good menu.

21 My ideal school H/W: My ideal school! 5. My ideal school has:
a rock band a music studio a café a drama club 6. In my ideal school there is/are: no teachers one teacher only computers two teachers for each subject 7. In my ideal school children study… 3 days a week 6 days a week 7 days a week 4 days a week 8. The longest holidays are… 3 months 5 months 4 months 2 months My ideal school is… small large huge tiny The lessons start at… 10 o’clock 8 o’clock 12 o’clock your variant My ideal school is … in the centre of the town in the forest near the river on the island The children learn… 3 subjects they choose themselves no subjects 10 subjects IT and PE H/W: My ideal school!

22 What is your favourite day?
My favourite day is … because we have…. on … ?

23 school pencil case school bag pencil ruler rubber book pen


25 What do you put into your schoolbag?
In my school bag I have… a ruler a sharpener a pencil a chair a blackboard paperclips a desk a pen crayons a pencil case copybooks an eraser textbooks glue P EX. 4-6

26 H/W: WB p. 17 Timetable My ideal school!


28 to be am are is

29 И снова посмотрим на волшебную схему
Все остальные слова подлежащее (предмет) To be Это схема повествовательного предложения…

30 To be am are is I мн. ч ед. ч Закрепим?


32 to be

33 Home task: Новые слова выучить (раздатка) Составить свое расписание
Ex. 4, page 27

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