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Word Ladders First Grade

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Presentation on theme: "Word Ladders First Grade"— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Ladders First Grade
Playful - Cat Unit 4 Week 6 Created by Kristi Waltke

2 On the bottom rung of your ladder spell…

3 Drop the suffix in playful to make the root word.

4 You should have spelled…

5 Change the ending of play to make a word that means simple.

6 You should have spelled…

7 Drop one letter in plain to make a word for what you feel when you are hurt.

8 You should have spelled…

9 Add a suffix to pain that makes the word mean full of pain.

10 You should have spelled…

11 Change the root word in painful to make a word that means the same as being full of caution.

12 You should have spelled…

13 Take enough letters away from the end of careful to make a word for an automobile.

14 You should have spelled…

15 Change the last letter in car to make a word for an animal that doesn’t like dogs.

16 You should have spelled…

17 You’ve just gone from playful to cat in eight words.
Way to go!

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