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E-Safety – Using ICT Safely and Responsibly

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2 E-Safety – Using ICT Safely and Responsibly
Miss Pownall

3 Lesson Objectives To understand what e-safety is
To understand why e-safety is important How to stay safe and be responsible users of ICT

4 Lesson Outcomes Identify ways of communicating using ICT
Describe what is meant by e-safety Describe why e-safety is important Suggest ways to stay safe and responsible



7 What is E-Safety? E-Safety refers to staying safe and being
responsible when using any form of ICT: e.g. Mobile Phones Internet X-Box Chat rooms Social networking websites

8 Risks?

9 Risks Talking to people in chat rooms allows them to be anonymous
Personal information may be accessed Inappropriate material may be accessed Easy for “cyber-bullies” Identity theft Viruses from opening s from strangers

10 Solutions NEVER give out personal information
CLOSE any website that is inappropriate DO NOT arrange to meet a stranger AVOID chat rooms REPORT abuse REPORT any bullying DELETE unknown s

11 MC Lars – Internet Relationships

12 Task Use ICT to teach others the possible dangers of using technology and how they can avoid them/report them

13 Technology Choose from one of the following: Chat rooms
Social networking sites e.g. myspace, bebo Instant messenger e.g. MSN, skype Mobile phones Games consoles e.g. X-BOX

14 Possible Risks Choose from one of the following:
Anonymity (can pretend to be someone else) Identity theft (use another persons name/details) Cyber-bullying Viruses Inappropriate information

15 Possible Ideas A short advert made in windows movie maker/photo story 3 A song/rap using audacity A power point presentation You MUST include information for how to avoid the dangers or how to resolve them if they occur

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