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Increase Prop at Sat. camp MIX.

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Presentation on theme: "Increase Prop at Sat. camp MIX."— Presentation transcript:

1 Increase Prop at Sat. camp MIX

2 Boran Genotype conservation
Madda/PA Siminto 4 Bitata 13 Mie’sa 9 Bururi 7 Bulubul Boran X Guji or Boran Arsi Genotype (% of total)

3 Boran Genotype conservation
Locations perceived to have relatively intact Boran cattle Moyalle (laye, Goff) Dire Arero Yabello (Harawayu) Teletele (El Dima, Hoboke, Marmaro) Liben( Hadessa Qorate)

4 Boran Genotype conservation
Areas of concern Bura Didaya Buya Sorora Did Yabello Tula Wayu

5 Boran Genetic Conservation
What is being Done? ILRI snap survey Characteristics (phenotypic) Perception on dilution/verification Potential for collaborative work to: Map areas of concern Map mobility Identify areas of variable dilution Carry out DNA profiling Develop mechanism of conserving the breed -Policy

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