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A WebQuest for English 11 Honors

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1 A WebQuest for English 11 Honors
The Power to Change A WebQuest for English 11 Honors

2 Introduction Congratulations!
You have just been appointed to a prestigious, special Youth Task Force that will report directly to the President of the United States. He realizes how important young people are to society, as you are our future leaders. He hopes you will understand how important you are as well by realizing the power you hold to be able to make positive changes occur within your community and nation.

3 Task As a member of this special Youth Task Force, your task will be:
Highlight a problem or social injustice that you see still exists within your community or society today. Determine what, if anything, has been done to solve this problem previously. Propose a way you and members of your community or society can make a difference to alleviate this problem. Your researched responses to these statements will then be used to create a multimedia presentation suitable to be delivered to the President. This WebQuest will guide you through the process to create this presentation.

4 Evaluation

5 Web Based Resources - list of many social change websites   - top 5 social issues today poll - human rights - cool program advocating the power of the individual on social change - articles on many social issues - online historical newspaper database to which my school subscribes (U/P will be given to students) - Library of Congress website – will be helpful to locate historical background on chosen social injustice ei=5RrTTI2cFIWasAO30rXBDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=11&ved=0CEwQ6AEwCg#v=onepage&q=socia l%20injustice%20topics&f=false –social injustice and health care – book preview   n&ei=aBvTTNKZBZOsQPivfi2Dg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=12&ved=0CE4Q6AEwCw#v=onepage&q&f=f alse – sexual preference social injustice – book preview sO&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CDMQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=social%20injustice%20topics&f=f alse –economic inequality – book preview - a great source for images for their presentations

6 MLA Format/Persuasive Writing Resources
MLA Guide – this is available in our school library for students to cite sources correctly in MLA format (this link will work for students as it links to the school intranet which is password protected) - Citation machine will help you create correct MLA formatted citations and Works Cited entries - Online Writing Lab from Purdue University – this page focuses on MLA style and format - Persuasive Strategy Power Point presentation

7 Process Days 1-2 Task due by the end of day 2:
Whenever you are working collaboratively with a group that has a common goal, it is a good idea to determine roles/responsibilities for each member to make sure everyone is being productive. Then for this project, before you can determine the societal issue your Youth Task Force will definitely tackle, you must do some research first to ensure that you can support your stance with valid evidence and create a strong proposal to the President. Using the resource links provided as well as your own online research, respond to the following questions and/or complete the following assignments: Locate Day 2 Task Sheet on our wikispace to complete the following as a group: What is the injustice the action team has decided to research (be specific)? Why? What role will each group member take on to ensure that the proposal is successfully completed? Who is your Youth Task Force Leader? Why? Was this a unanimous decision? What are the roles/responsibilities of all other group members? Locate Source and Notes Sheet on our wikispace to complete the following individually: Have all group members located at least one useful source for the historical background concerning this issue as well as current incidents involving this issue? Have you cited this source correctly using MLA format? How will you document the course correctly as an in-text citation? Task due by the end of day 2: Each group member should respond to the questions above and complete and submit the Proposal Sources and Notes sheet along with the Day 2 Task Sheet which includes all sources you plan to use for your project. Upload all documents to your group’s Evernote account.

8 Process Days 3-4 Now that you have determined there is enough information to support your proposal and you have begun to take notes, it is time to evaluate the strength and validity of the information you have located and begin to organize your proposal. Using the resources and graphic organizers provided, complete the following steps of your proposal: Conduct and evaluate your research: Does your group have adequate evidence to support that this injustice still exists? What have you found? Does your group have adequate evidence to show what has been done in the past to fix this problem? What have you found? What plan will your group propose as a means to help alleviate this issue today? What role does each group member specifically play in this process? Do you have multimedia elements such as pictures, videos, audio, etc. to include in your presentation? Plan the Presentation: Rather than simply writing an essay, this should be put together in a format suitable for presentation such as PowerPoint, Movie Maker, Photo Story, Prezi, or even a website. Which multimedia format will your team be using to present your action plan? What do you plan to do in this format? Task due by end of day 4: Respond to all questions listed above. Complete and submit the Proposal Outline sheet found online on our wikispace to your group’s Evernote account. Remember, it should contain the following sections and all should be properly documented using MLA in-text citations: Social Injustice of Focus for Youth Task Force Current Incidents to Prove This Issue Is Still a Social Concern Past Actions Taken to Alleviate This Injustice Group’s Proposal to Ameliorate This Injustice

9 Process Days 5-6 Task due by the end of day 6:
Since the research has been completed, evaluated, properly documented, and organized, your Youth Task Force now needs to create a polished and persuasive multimedia presentation to present to the President. In order to do this, complete the following: IMPORTANT!! Make sure you can locate your Youth Task Force’s proposal folder on Evernote and that you can access it. If there are any problems with the site, see me immediately. Otherwise, ALL work for the proposal should be saved and uploaded to this site – the project presentation, pictures, video clips, graphics, mp3 files, etc. should all be stored in this central location, so that all task force members have access to all parts of the proposal. Using the information you have gathered and the feedback returned to you on your Proposal Outline sheet, build your Youth Task Force’s multimedia presentation. You should determine roles for all task force members in the oral presentation which will be delivered next class. Practice your presentation to make sure that you are presenting and not merely reading your proposal. Task due by the end of day 6:  Complete and submit the multimedia presentation to your Youth Task Force’s online folder in Evernote by the end of day 6. Use the following checklist to make sure you have prepared an informative, persuasive, and organized proposal. Has evidence been included to prove the social injustice exists today? Has evidence been included to document what has been done in the past to alleviate this injustice? Has a well-thought out and comprehensive plan been included proposing possible action that task force members and other members of society can take to ameliorate this injustice? Has research been documented properly using in-text citations in MLA format? Has a Works Cited page been included in MLA format? Has the presentation been proofread by all members of the Youth Task Force and determined to be free of spelling, grammatical, and usage mistakes? Has the presentation been tested to make sure that all components will work properly during the oral presentation? YOUTH TASK FORCE PROPOSALS WILL BE PRESENTED NEXT BLOCK! BE READY!

10 Conclusion Congratulations once again! You have almost completed your civic duty as a member of a prestigious Youth Task Force. Hopefully, you have learned much about the necessity for equality and alleviating social injustices from society. As we have studied in class, self-reliance is not only important to develop for you but also in your quest to help others. I also hope you have learned about the immense power of persuasion. You have the power to bring about the change you hope to see in the world. Good luck as you present your proposal to the President. Go get ‘em!

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