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Russia & the Ottoman Empire

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1 Russia & the Ottoman Empire
Mr. Meester AP European history Pages:

2 The Romanov Dynasty Prior to the 1600s Russia had not truly been considered a part of Europe Following the disastrous reign of Ivan the terrible the Romanov came to power The Romanovs still had to overcome numerous problems within Russia

3 Peter the Great Peter came to power at a very young age
Peter wanted to turn Russia into a great power and toured Europe to get ideas To consolidate his power he had to deal with the streltsy and Boyars

4 Peter consolidates power
After dealing with the streltsy he established a new style military With the Boyars he attacked the traditional culture of the nobility He also built up the navy to challenge the ottomans and swedes

5 The Great northern war (1700-1721)
Following the 30 years’ war Sweden controlled the Baltic sea Peter moved against Sweden to gain a warm water port in the Baltic region Russian military success led to the peace of nystad

6 St. petersburg Peter constructed his new capital of st. Petersburg
Forced the boyars to move Once again imitated European monarchs

7 Peter & Aleksei Peter and his son aleksei had a troubled relationship
Aleksei and Charles vi conspired against Peter Aleksei died under mysterious circumstances

8 Peter vs. the boyars & church
Following his interrogations with Aleksei peter decided to gain more control over the boyars Administrative Colleges Table of Ranks He also wanted secular control over the Orthodox Church Removed the patriarch formed the Holy Synod

9 The ottoman empire The ottoman empire had for centuries been the largest empire in the world It was gradually declining during the 16th and 17th centuries

10 Religious tolerance The ottomans had long dominated the Muslim world, but were much more religiously tolerant than the Europeans They organized their empire using millets or religious communities The Dhimmis were non-Islamic people They encouraged their subjects not to mix

11 Religion & Government The ottoman dynasty didn’t trust or empower the rich elite families within the empire Would often recruit from poor minorities who were loyal Islam played a major role in the secular government Shari’a law largely governed the empire The Ulama controlled the courts and schools

12 Ottoman stasis In the 1600s there was the beginning of a shift in power away from the sultan particularly in Europe The Europeans also became much more competitive in overseas trade with Asia The ottomans also lost several major battles against the Europeans They would cut themselves off from European advances seeing themselves as superior

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