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Middle School History Survival Guide

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1 Middle School History Survival Guide
Everything you need to know about Ms. Ramos’ Classroom Procedures

2 Who Am I? My name is Ms. Ramos Birthday: September 28th
This is my 2nd year teaching at MBLA 1st year teaching middle school History (previously taught Science and Elementary Reading) Originally from Miami, Fl I have 2 younger sisters. I have 2 dogs (Teebow & Groot) I love traveling, Disney, reading, dancing, signing, cooking, and watching movies.

3 Call Me, Beep Me (Contact Information) Phone: Class Dojo: code will be passed out Please allow 24 hours for response

4 Classroom Expectations
Students should exhibit behavior that does not interfere with the learning process in the classroom. Assignments need to be completed on a consistent basis. Homework is chosen to support the topics that will be assessed, so our assignments are relevant and incompletions of classwork invariably result in lower assessment scores. Regular attendance is essential. In the case of an absence, please send me an so that we can communicate about missed material. Since we are on a block schedule students can expect to miss 2 lessons for each class absent. Students are given the same number of days they missed to make up their work. Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible

5 Uniform Policy

6 Missing a review day is not an excuse for not taking the quiz/test.
Grading Policy Quizzes will count once in Gradebook Can be exit slips, vocabulary, or other teacher assessment Tests will count twice in Gradebook Will usually consist of Unit Exam, Midterm, Finals, or larger assessments No cheating. Cheating = 0  Missing a review day is not an excuse for not taking the quiz/test.  You will be graded on quizzes, tests, and any other assessment determined by the teacher.

7 Grading Policy Classwork/ Homework Will be checked regularly
Must adhere by homework policy 3 missed consecutive homework = detention Classwork may count as a homework grade Daily work is to be turned in at the teacher’s request. All assignments must have a proper heading: Student Name Student Number Period Date

8 So what’s my grade? A (90-100) B (80-89)
C (70-79) D (60-69) F (59 and below) 90% Assessments (Quizzes and Tests) 10% Classwork and Homework Late assignments will receive a reduction at teachers discretion

9 In Case of Emergency (I.C.E)
Fire Drill: Line up quietly and walk in a straight line to the designated stop. Ms. Ramos will take attendance once we have reached our stop to ensure everyone is present. Code Yellow: Ms. Ramos will lock the door but we will continue learning. Code Red: Ms. Ramos will lock the door and all students will move to the reading corner. Students must be quiet. THE USE OF PHONES IS NOT PERMITTED IN ANY EMERGENCY.

10 Entering the Classroom
When entering the classroom… Copy homework in agenda Do not wait around in the hallway Put HW to be checked on your desk (do NOT hand it to me!) Enter quietly and in order Gather your materials for the day (book, notebook, writing utensil, etc…) Start working on Bellwork If finished with Bellwork, read a book quietly Take your assigned seat Wait for the further instructions

11 Oops…I’m Late! If you are not seated when the bell rings, you will be considered late. If you are late… You must get a pass from your previous teacher or the office. Enter classroom quietly and in order. Take your assigned seat and join the class activity. If you are not sure of what to do, raise your hand and wait until the teacher approaches you. Excessive tardies to class may result in consequences.

12 What did I miss? (Absent/Sick)
Any important papers or homework can be found in the absent folder matching your period. Missed quizzes and test will be the students responsibility to make up. Failure to do so will result in a 0. Classroom notes must be obtained from another student during “free” time or from me before school, during lunch, or during independent work in class.

13 5- Help! I don't understand
Hand Signals 1- Bathroom 2- Quiet 3- Water 4- Need to speak to me 5- Help! I don't understand

14 Bathroom & Water You may use the restroom, if…
the teacher/visitor has finished the lecture the class is working independently you have not abused this privilege in the past Restroom passes will NOT be granted during the first 10 minutes of class. Use correct hand signal Wait for teacher approval (verbal or gesture) Limited use per 9-weeks

15 Place broken pencil in I sharpened bucket.
Pencil Problem? Already sharpened pencils will be available for you if your pencil breaks. Place broken pencil in I sharpened bucket. At the end of class a student will sharpen all pencils and return them to sharpened bucket

16 Weekly Article Homework (W.A.H.’s)
New article every week Due: Friday or Monday Rubric will be provided Extra copies and online link will be posted on common board

17 Ms. Ramos I’m Done…Now what?
There may be times, when you finish an assignment before the class. If you finish early, you may… Work on missing work, if previously absent Complete homework (only for my class) Study for a test or quiz Go to the reading corner and grab a book **Do NOT disturb, distract, or interrupt your classmates**

18 Classroom Library Books can be used in class whenever work has been completed Check-out will happen the last 15 minutes of class Fines for damaged/lost books RESTRICTED: History books may not be checked-out

19 There may be times when someone may come to visit the class.
When a visitor comes, regardless of who it is, you must… continue to follow the same class rules and procedures continue working on your assignment ~or~ continue paying attention to the teacher while she is lecturing wait for instructions from the teacher  If the visitor needs to speak privately with me, you should… continue working on your assignment  If you do not have a class assignment to work on, you may… work on an assignment for another class **You are NOT to talk to your classmates** We have a visitor

20 Time To Go The bell does not dismiss you, the teacher does. You must:
remain in your seat wait until the teacher dismisses the class take all your belongings and exit the class quickly and in order Remember: These last 10 minutes are you opportunity to check-out books from our class library.

21 Bronco Bucks vs. Ramos Chips
Earned for following school expectations Can be given by all faculty and staff at MBLA To be used for prizes at the Bronco Store or for school events Earned for following classroom expectations, participation, outstanding work Can only be given by Ms. Ramos To be used for prizes in Ms. Ramos’ Class

22 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
“It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” –Albus Dumbledore Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

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