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“Never let anyone tell you that you’re too small or too slow”

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Presentation on theme: "“Never let anyone tell you that you’re too small or too slow”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Never let anyone tell you that you’re too small or too slow”
-Chris Paul “Nobody should expect more of you than you expect of yourself.” -Carmelo Anthony “Success is not an accident. Success is actually a choice.” -Stephen Curry Journal: Pick one of the following three quotes and talk about your belief in it and yourself. Are you the type to practice what you preach? 4th Quarter If you do not have a half notebook– then you are now in the WRONG as of Quarter 4. I WILL NEED to give you someone’s old notebook. You will need to ask ME for it.

2 Monday 3/20/17 Agenda: Journal Discussion New/Old Policies What is happening this quarter? Things to Note… Activity

3 New/Old Policies to Remember:
I WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING LATE WORK, EXCUSES, OR “STORIES”. I WILL NOT BE REMINDING YOU TO SEE ME WHEN YOU ARE SICK or ABSENT. You have a day for every day you are out– but that day starts the day you come back. Remind 101 is expected to be viewed—I KNOW IF YOU DO NOT OPEN THE TEXT. If you are going out of town– whether I get the work for you or not– all rules apply (we need to set up a due date earlier). What you miss is YOUR problem– go ONLINE to fix it. Cell phones will be greeted with a referral upon second viewing. I don’t have tissues, pencils, or paper for you– be prepared for class.

4 This Quarter we are… Having a journal summative that will check all of the journals from the time you first entered the class to the second to last week of school. Having a cumulative vocabulary summative. Having a narrative writing summative. Preparing for the FSA Reading. Getting to write more creatively. 

5 Things to Note About the Website…
The full list of vocabulary words that will be on the final exam are on todays date… I will not be printing it. You will be expected to know these for review. The reviews will be the Fridays that quizzes would have been on. There will be 10 more words given to you soon.

6 Things to Note About Summative Grades:
You cannot remediate the summative journal grade. You cannot remediate the theater project we’ll be doing. You CAN remediate the other summatives. 

7 Things to Note About Turning in Work…
If I say, “ Finish this for HW and turn it in tomorrow”… The following day it is your responsibility to turn it in! It is not up to me to remind you!

8 Anticipation Guide/Discussion Questions For Tomorrow 4 sentence minimum…
_____ It is okay to defy my parents’ rules. _____ My loved ones know exactly how I feel about them right now. _____ I enjoy giving gifts without receiving anything in return. _____ Blood is thicker than water (proverbially). _____ If I don’t like the rules to a game, it is okay to make up my own rules. _____ There is no reason for our existence. _____ Sadness is inevitable. _____ The man have a responsibility to provide for his family and loved one. _____ My personality will change, and there is nothing I can do about it. _____ Others’ opinions of me are important to me

9 Tuesday 3/21/17 Materials: Journals, Paper (1 each). Journal:
Tell me about the best day of your life (so far). Who was there? Where were you? How old were you? (It could be recent) Be descriptive and remember that in order to get full points you must have good grammar, stay on topic, and have the entire page filled out.  *Have anything to turn in from yesterday?...

10 Agenda: Journals Discuss (Briefly) Story Board Pre-Read Activity

11 Step 1: Take a sheet of paper out of the notebooks. JUST ONE EACH.
Hold your paper horizontally and place your name on the top right corner. Pick out a slip of paper. Copy down the sentence at the top of your horizontal paper.

12 Step 2: After you have written down all of your slip…
Now, using your pen/pencil and colored pencils– I want for you to draw what you are reading. Utilize the imagery and take everything literally. Draw exactly what you interpret it to be saying. You won’t be judged on your ability but your effort. (FYI)

13 Step 3: Take the next couple minutes to present your pictures to your group members.

14 Step 4: 1. Now, with your group…place your pictures in the order that you think they belong in based on what they say/look like. (What order should they be in chronologically?) 2. Number them accordingly/Which comes first, second, third, fourth, etc…? 3. Once you have made the order, put a brief explanation on the front of the FIRST one to explain the order. Staple them together and turn them in. 

15 Wednesday: 3/22/17 Materials: Journal, Textbook, Paper Journal:
Describe a smell of a place you love and be descriptive! Who is there? What is going on? Are you cooking anything? Are you out in nature? Explain. **Hint: Don’t forget that ACE can work for any sort of writing. If you answer the question first, Tell me where you are and why it smells like it does (Cite), then you can describe it accurately (Explain) and probably fill out the whole page in the process. 

16 Agenda: Journal The Metamorphosis (While I pass out bathroom passes)

17 The Metamorphosis Open up to page 107 and read the following graphic novel version of a famous piece called, “The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka Questions will be displayed shortly…

18 The Metamorphosis Questions: Standard
Answer the following questions utilizing the ACE method (See board to the right of the screen). On page 110, Gregor has three frames above his head. Describe what those frames represent without using any of the words in the frames. Be sure to cite your reasoning for what you think is going on. Why is Gregor a traveling salesman when he hates his job so much? ACE IT! Explain the visual analogy of the hour glass on page 113. Describe how the text is described by the picture and vise versa. Of all the living things for the author to choose, why do you feel he chose a cockroach to be the thing his main character turns into? What is the point of this text/the statement being made in his decision?

19 The Metamorphosis Questions: Honors
Answer the following questions utilizing the ACE method (See board to the right of the screen). On page 110, Gregor has three frames above his head. Describe what those frames represent without using any of the words in the frames. Be sure to cite your reasoning for what you think is going on. Explain the visual analogy of the hour glass on page 113. Describe how the text is described by the picture and vise versa. What is the symbolic meaning behind the idea of an hour glass? Looking at the way the text is presented on page 114 and 115, tell me why you feel the author put the decorative lines/drawings and the text lines on the pages the way he did? What is that saying to the reader/viewer? What do you think the author is trying to convey by filling the page with these pictures? Of all the living things for the author to choose, why do you feel he chose a cockroach to be the thing his main character turns into?

20 Thursday 3/23/17 Materials: Your questions from yesterday, Journal Journal
Describe 3 physical items that you own that describe your life at this point and time. Be sure not to leave out any details– I want to feel as though I could SEE this item. Paint me a word picture.  NOTE: Don’t turn in your questions yet– we’re going over them first.

21 Going over “The Metamorphosis” questions.
Agenda: Journals Presenting journals Going over “The Metamorphosis” questions. Introduction to Narrative writing.

22 Let’s go over the questions!
Take the questions out Answer them FSA relation Turn them in

23 Personal Narrative Your Story

24 A Personal Narrative Is an interesting story about the writer.
Is written in the first person (using the pronouns I, me, and my). Has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Presents events in a clear order. Uses details to help readers see people, places, and events. Shows how the writer feels about the experience and why it is meaningful to him or her.

25 The personal narrative tells about
A bad time A good time

26 The personal narrative tells about
An important time A memorable event A first time A last time

27 Lead or Introduction Grabs the reader's attention!!
Introduces the reader to the situation.

28 Types of Leads Appeal to the reader’s senses by writing a vivid description of the scene. Make readers wonder by asking a question. Lure readers into the story quickly by using dialogue.

29 Conclusion Wrap up the loose ends of the story so that the reader doesn’t have any questions.

30 Friday 3/24/17: Materials: Journal and nothing else…
Journal: Do you feel like all teenagers need structure in their lives to succeed? Explain using your own experiences and the experiences of friends. Be detailed!

31 Socratic Seminar Time! Main Theme: RESPECT/AIM TO UNDERSTAND—NOT JUDGE.
_____ It is okay to defy my parents’ rules. _____ My loved ones know exactly how I feel about them right now. _____ I enjoy giving gifts without receiving anything in return. _____ Blood is thicker than water (proverbially). _____ If I don’t like the rules to a game, it is okay to make up my own rules. _____ There is no reason for our existence. _____ Sadness is inevitable. _____ The man have a responsibility to provide for his family and loved one. _____ My personality will change, and there is nothing I can do about it. _____ Others’ opinions of me are important to me

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