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TOWARDS AN ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN: More Questions than Answers?

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Presentation on theme: "TOWARDS AN ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN: More Questions than Answers?"— Presentation transcript:

1 TOWARDS AN ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN: More Questions than Answers?

2 Why do we need to evaluate land assets?
To establish the capital value of land assets in LA management accounting processes – often treated as zero To clarify value of operational revenue investment in terms of sustaining asset value and .... .... to clearly present that asset value in terms of delivery and compliance against core social, health and environmental objectives. To support internal and external capital investment To identify and demonstrate partnership opportunities – internal, external and community.

3 What areas of a Council’s land asset do we evaluate?
Whole Council landholding? Managed sports and amenity components? Woodland and other “Natural” greenspace? Council property gardens? Vacant and derelict land? Core path networks? Tenanted agricultural land? Which land types offer most outputs for revenue invested?

4 What components should we be assessing?
QUANTIFIABLE INPUTS Revenue spend and payroll? Past Capital investment? Disposal value? Capital value of infrastructure? Straightforward, if onerous task - identifies revenue required to maintain status quo. How does it help in terms of strategic planning and “best value?” On its own might simply reinforce view of land asset as a liability – “race to the bottom”

5 What components should we be assessing?
QUALITATIVE COMPONENTS Clear links to Open Space Strategy Agreed qualitative model? Legislative compliance Local / Regional Planning policy Greenspace standards and characterisation Benchmarking potential Community health, wellbeing and learning Landscape and Heritage Sustainability and biodiversity

6 Partnership and Resource Sharing
OPPORTUNITIES NHS / Health and Social Care Partnerships? Type 2 diabetes, mental health Active travel networks Can we make better use of significant capital opportunities: Citydeal, Green Infrastructure, etc? Community wellbeing Participation and engagement: Friends Groups, etc. Support frameworks for environmental volunteering

7 Underlying approach? Make land asset management relevant to delivery of wider, public service objectives – not just statutory functions! Make use of assessment and reporting tools that are relevant to health, learning, social care and community wellbeing sectors – e.g. Place Standard? How to we place financial value on Qualitative elements? E.g. SROI? Natural Capital? Robust? Defensible? Comparable?

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