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Listen to My ‘Voice’ Project 2017
Sue Thomas Outreach Manager Children England Inclusion Project Manager working with Stoke City Council Tel: Twitter sue.thomas1959 Head Teachers Update March 2017
Best Practice in Safeguarding
Children England is the leading membership organisation and collective voice for charities working with children, young people and families. We provide a wide range of support to our members, and the wider voluntary and community sector enabling organisations to strengthen and enhance their work and encourage collaborative commissioning and working across sectors and services. Children England has a proven track record in bringing sectors and services together to work in the best interests of children and families through: Best Practice in Safeguarding Quality Assurance Frameworks Engagement and Voice Leadership and Management Business / Strategic Planning Personalisation and Financial Planning.
The Driver
LTMV Project 2017 • Identify issues of current legislation and guidance and the impact on that of the way we record and use information / views of children, young adults and their families, including those with SEND. • Enhance understanding of the SEND Code of Practice section 10 requirements, for those to 25 years of age. • Look at the rights of children and young adults to be listened to and what that means in practice for those facing significant challenges to learning. • Identify the strategic challenges, barriers and successes of getting young people to talk about their realistic aspirations. • identify what those that are responsible for policy and outcomes for the service feel would need to be included to help schools and other settings where young people with SEND engage, particularly where they are preparing to transition to other services as they become young adults.
We are the experts in the subject of our children
It’s not about the label, it’s about the need. – Jayne Some Parents find it hard for their children to be seen on their own [about their – aspirations for learning] -Foster Carer Sometimes parents are just too scared to engage fully because of past experiences in schools themselves. - Grandparent It’s just important to me that regardless of who you are parents leave PEGIS feeling better than how they came. Michelle I have a say in my child’s education. I am a foster carer and know and promote the voice of the children in my care. – Foster Carer The CDC has been a godsend. - Anon A Forum sounds like a great idea. We can share what works and the help available from the council and voluntary sector.- Teacher We are the experts in our children and live with their needs day in and day out. - Melanie Where I used to live every single day was a battle to be taken any notice of. Here in Stoke, the school are lovely and people listen to what I think. - Mary His brothers and sister need support too. Liz
Transitions? Start with Long Term Aspirations (hopes, wishes and dreams.) Rich information awareness/safeguarding Person centred planning Transition to School/Specialist Service How does their voice get heard on assessments/transition Plans/reviews
The Stoke Equation
The importance of friendships needs to be understood across services.
Hidden Resources in communication - Friends The importance of friendships needs to be understood across services. Children should be enabled to undertake leisure activities with other children who can include them in emerging social groups. Circles of friends are important in schools and colleges and for those moving to adult services. These friendships can often start in early years. Every day is an opportunity to plan for ongoing social activity, participation in the community, and friendships.
Toolkit One :A Bit Of Local Help?
Motivators Why do we need to consult children and young people? Challenges of undertaking consultation with children and young people Breaking down the Consultation Process Where are you on the Participation Ladder What does this mean for young people ( Realism vs Expectation Are we Getting It Right – Indicators of Good Practice Action Planning Template Obtaining Views of Children and Young People for Education or Other Reviews Appendices Respect Disability Image Consent Form – Sample Practice Example EHC Assessments and Transfer Reviews Selection of consultation methods to use with children and young people Tips on creating a questionnaire Wall of Support Please note the Parent Carer Forum link is missing from the wall it is:
Toolkit Two -Families ? We will:
4: PRINCIPLES OF ENGAGEMENT OF PARENTS, CARERS AND GUARDIANS IN STOKE-ON-TRENT We will: Value the views of the parents, carers and guardians of children with significant challenges to learning. Promote transparency and communication between services and families. Listen to parents, carers and guardians in a way that is respectful, helpful and understanding. Respect the views of parents, carers and guardians, including those who do not wish to take part. Lead by example and promote the importance and value of collaborative working with families to ensure the best education experience for their children. Encourage active listening, and feedback to parents where their suggestions have been taken on board, or not. Expect from our services an approach that is reliable, supportive and inclusive and meets the needs of parents, carers and guardians for support, information and guidance. Acknowledge and respect that the views of parents are based on the fact that it is their child that is the focus of their involvement.
Toolkit Five Contents: Draft – you may have others
TRANSITIONS –What does it mean and when do we use it?. What young people and young Adults tell us is important to enable us to help them transition effectively? How do we support young adults and their parents? To look ahead to post 18? Expectations within Aspirations. Who works with our young adults ? How do we record their views and aspirations? Friendships – why do they matter? Who needs to know What?
A couple of questions As you are preparing to move children on in their education. Be it Nursery, primary, secondary, college/apprenticeship. What is important to you? What are the barriers for those with a learning need.
Just before we close… A HUGE THANK YOU TO ST JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC ACADEMY FOR THE IMAGES AND WORKSHOP RESULTS. And a special mention to Aimee for the Logo which she designed for some of the work we are doing with families
Thank you for participating and engaging today.
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