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TRAINING ANATOMY 1. Nerves – trigger message from brain

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1 TRAINING ANATOMY 1. Nerves – trigger message from brain
2. Fibers – long, thin hair like structures that cause muscles to move 3. Blood vessels – provide oxygen and energy to fibers 4. Connective Tissues A. Tendons – connect muscle to bone B. Ligaments – connect bone to bone C. Cartilage – cushion between bones

2 430 Anatomy (cont.) Three types of muscles in your body
Cardiac – Heart 2. Smooth – Organs 3. Skeletal - Movement 430

3 MUSCLES Body moves through “contractions”
Concentric – “work” phase, muscle contracts & shortens Eccentric – “rest” phase, muscle releases & expands

4 Genetic Potential Inherit a set number and % of fibers
Fast Twitch (white) lack blood and oxygen A. Used for quick, powerful activities B. Not good for endurance Slow Twitch (red) full of blood and oxygen A. Used for endurance

5 Trapezius Deltoids Latissimus Dorsi Pectorals Flexors Biceps / Triceps Glutes Abdominals Abductor / Adductor Hamstrings Quadriceps Gastrocnemius

6 Benefits to Training PREVENTS INJURY
Increase size and strength of fibers Increase strength and density of bones Increase strength of tissues PREVENTS INJURY

7 Benefits (cont.) Increase muscular endurance Increase flexibility
Increase Sport Performance Improve Personal Appearance Reduce stress

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