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Critical Social Studies Vocabulary Unit One

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1 Critical Social Studies Vocabulary Unit One
4th Grade Social Studies Mrs. Holly Benedetto Student Name ______________________

2 Geography Terms Compass Rose Cardinal Directions Latitude Longitude

3 Compass Rose Definition Example A compass rose is a figure on a map with arrows that point to the cardinal directions. A compass rose helps us understand north from south on a map.

4 Cardinal Directions Definition Example Cardinal directions are the four main directions: north, south, east, and west. A compass rose usually shows all four of the cardinal directions on a map.

5 Latitude Definition Example Latitude is the distance in degrees north or south of the Equator. The equator is at 0° latitude.

6 Longitude Definition Example Longitude is the distance east or west of the Prime Meridian. The Prime Meridian is 0° longitude.

7 History Terms Declaration Independence Colony Cash Crop Plantation

8 Declaration A declaration is a formal announcement or statement.
Definition Example A declaration is a formal announcement or statement. The Declaration of Independence declared our freedom from England.

9 Independence Definition Example Independence is freedom from the control, influence, or support of others. We are an independent country because we are no longer controlled or supported by England. You will be an independent adult when you no longer need your parents to take care of your needs.

10 Colony Definition Example A colony is an area under the control of another country, usually a distant one. The thirteen original colonies that later became the United States were under the control of England.

11 Cash Crop Definition Example A cash crop is an agricultural crop, such as corn, which is grown to make a profit. Corn is a major cash crop in America. Workers and machines are used to pick the crops to sell to make a profit.

12 Plantation Definition Example A plantation is a large area of land that is used to plant one particular crop. Plantations produce many of the foods we eat on a regular basis.

13 Government Terms Congress Executive Branch Legislative Branch
Judicial Branch Checks and Balances Vote Election Governor

14 Congress Definition Example Congress is the legislative body of our country that includes the Senate and the House of Representatives. Congress meets to decide on laws and budgets and to approve Presidential nominations.

15 Executive Branch Definition Example The executive branch is the branch of government that carries out the laws. The executive branch includes the President and his Cabinet members, such as the Vice President and the Secretary of State.

16 Legislative Branch Definition Example The legislative branch is the branch of government that makes the laws and budgets. The legislative branch includes the Senate and the House of Representatives, who are elected by the American people to represent them in Congress.

17 Judicial Branch Definition Example The judicial branch is the branch of government that interprets the laws and determines if laws are constitutional. The judicial branch is made up of the Supreme Court and other courts throughout the country. 9 Justices make up the Supreme Court.

18 Checks and Balances Definition Example Checks and balances means that each branch of government can check on each other branch of government so that no one branch becomes too powerful over the American people. The three branches of government “check” on each other and “balance” each other out.

19 Vote Definition Example A vote is the official choice you make in an election. We vote every four years for a new President and Governor. We vote every two years for our Representatives and every 6 years for our Senators.


21 Election Definition Example An election is a selection of a person or persons for an official position by voting. 2016 is an election year when we will vote for a new President. Who do you think it will be?

22 Governor Definition Example A governor is the executive leader of a state in the United States who is elected by the people of that state. Our newly elected Governor is John Bel Edwards.

23 Economics Terms Profit Supply and Demand Goods Services

24 Profit Definition Example Profit is money that is made from a business or sale after the expenses are paid. The profit from the french fry sale will benefit the middle school softball team.

25 Supply and Demand Definition Example Supply and demand is the relationship between how much is available (supply) and how much people want (demand). The supply of carrots in this picture is much more than this rabbit could demand for itself.

26 Goods Goods are products that are for sale.
Definition Example Goods are products that are for sale. Goods that we buy for school include pencils, paper, and glue sticks.

27 Services Definition Example Services are jobs performed by people in the economy for a fee. Police officers, mailmen, teachers, and doctors are some people who perform important services for the community.

28 Day One: Geography and History Terms
Definition Compass Rose Cardinal Directions Latitude Longitude Declaration Independence Colony Cash Crop Plantation

29 Day One: Geography and History Terms
Question Answer What is a figure on a map with arrows that point to the cardinal directions? What are the four main directions: north, south, east, and west? What is the distance in degrees north or south of the Equator? What is the distance east or west of the Prime Meridian? What is a formal announcement or statement? What is freedom from the control, influence, or support of others? What is an area under the control of another country, usually a distant one? What is an agricultural crop, such as corn, which is grown to make a profit? What is a large area of land that is used to plant one particular crop?

30 Day Two: Government Terms
Definition Congress Executive Branch Legislative Branch Judicial Branch Checks and Balances Vote Election Governor

31 Day Two: Government Terms
Question Answer What is the legislative body of our country that includes the Senate and the House of Representatives? What is the branch of government that carries out the laws? What is the branch of government that makes the laws and budgets? What is the branch of government that interprets the laws and determines if laws are constitutional? What means that each branch of government can check on each other branch of government so that no one branch becomes too powerful over the American people? What is the official choice you make in an election? What is a selection of a person or persons for an official position by voting? What is the executive leader of a state in the United States who is elected by the people of that state?

32 Day Three: Economics Terms
Definition Profit Supply and Demand Goods Services

33 Day Three: Economics Terms
Question Answer What is money that is made from a business or sale after the expenses are paid? What the relationship between how much is available and how much people want? What are are products that are for sale? What are jobs performed by people in the economy for a fee?

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