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Presenter: Beverly D. Charlot

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1 Presenter: Beverly D. Charlot
Digital Preservation: Building a Repository to Ensure Continuous Access to Information for Research HBCU Library Alliance 7th Membership Meeting October 10-11, 2016 Presenter: Beverly D. Charlot Coordinator of Technical Services William C. Jason Library Delaware State University

2 Abstract The rapid transformation of library technology and dwindling budgets require that academic libraries become learning organizations. Our libraries must also be able to adjust to the changing environment and information needs of patrons. The Technical Services Department at Delaware State University is in the sixth year of a small digitization project. Funded by the university's Title III program, the project provides greater access to resources and materials for student and faculty research. These resources and materials include new print materials, electronic databases, library technology, and the digital preservation of older library materials. This presentation will describe the peaks and valleys of the project, the collaboration that continues to occur, and the lessons learned along the way.

3 Target Goals and Objectives
Digitize materials no longer suited for the shelf Collection Analysis (Library Liaisons) Inventory of resources and materials Resources published before 1923 Unique publications Fragile / damaged items Review recommendations by library liaisons (subject specific) includes Library of Congress and Federal Documents

4 Target Goals and Objectives cont.
Provide access to research materials Print, Streaming and Electronic Materials Library Technology and Services LibGuides (eReserve, LibAnalytics (LibInsight Lite) & LibChat Services) Serials Solutions eJournal Link Resolver Collaboration Study Spaces Professional Development Opportunities Workshops and Conferences

5 Why Digitize? Impact(s) student learning outcomes
Provide access to materials no longer suited for the shelf Impact(s) student learning outcomes Primary research sources Out-of-print materials Repurposing library space

6 Resources Selected to Digitize
Materials included in the original collection Resources unique to the university Fragile FDLP materials selected by subject liaisons Education Social Services Agriculture

7 What? Personnel Needs Personnel / Staffing included in grant
1 full time employee Digitize selected materials Cataloging and Metadata Student workers as assistants

8 How? Equipment Evaluation
Evaluated scanning equipment before purchase Zeutschel Book Scanner ScanSnap SV600 Replaced the flatbed scanner used to scan small books, pamphlets, booklets, and brochures (does a better job capturing the pages scanned) Multipurpose use to photocopy Interlibrary Loans and Electronic Faculty Reserve materials when needed Bookeye Scanner (New)

9 Where? Digital Repository Storage
Investigated various digital library software

10 Digital Repository Storage
Issue(s) with Grant Funding Cost sustainability Subscription based services Solution – Collaboration with University IT and Library Technology Purchase Selected Digital Collection Management Software Selected Greenstone open-source software Migrated to Omeka in 2014 Currently (May 2016) Beta Testing DSPACE Library Computer Server

11 Digital Repository Storage
William C. Jason Library Digital Collection

12 Lessons Learned Student engagement (historical interest and knowledge)
Research primary sources Books owned by previous presidents Impact of how learning organizations improve library services Continue to learn, adjust to change and grow Funding, personnel needs and technology changes SWOT analysis helps with changes and workflows Must be able to communicate change and manage projects Quality Control Amount of time needed to rescan materials Check books (pages damaged or missing)

13 Any Questions?

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