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The verb ‘IR’ – To go.

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1 The verb ‘IR’ – To go

2 To say where someone is going we use the verb ir – to go.
Do not confuse it with the ending –ir. Ir is an actual verb and its forms switch as we conjugate it since it is an irregular verb.

3 Ir – present tense Yo - voy Nosotros - vamos Tú - vas Él Ella - va Ud.
Vosotros - vais Él Ella va Ud. Ellos Ellas van Uds.

4 The verb ir is almost always followed by ‘a’.
To ask where someone is going, we use ¿Adónde? ¿Adónde vas? - Where are you going (to)? You will often hear people say ¡vamos! – this means, “let’s go!”

5 Contractions… When we want to say that we are “going somewhere” and that place (or destination) is masculine, we use the contraction ‘al’ instead of ‘a el’ Ex: Vamos a el centro comercial Vamos al centro comercial A contraction does not occur when the destination is feminine. Ex: Vamos a la piscina

6 Ir + a+ infinitive We use ir + a + infinitive when we want to state that someone is going to do something. Ex: voy a bailar vamos a cantar ella va a dormir

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