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Appropriate for School NOT appropriate for school

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1 Appropriate for School NOT appropriate for school
Sixth Form students should dress smartly and appropriately for a working day ‘in the office’. Remember Hinchingbrooke Sixth Form is your place of work and clothes worn here may be different from how you dress when not at school. Sixth Form students should be sensitive to our community and set a good example to our younger students. Appropriate for School NOT appropriate for school For boys: Collared shirts Smart subdued coloured trousers or chinos Jumper, cardigan or jacket Smart shoes suitable for work   For girls: Smart tops which maintains modesty Smart subdued coloured trousers/chinos, skirt or dress of a modest length Leggings if worn under a skirt or dress Smart shoes suitable for work For all students: Casual t shirts Blue or faded Jeans Shorts Short, stretchy skirts Trainers, canvas shoes   No extremes in hair style or colour

2 We’re smart

3 We are just as smart as the boys!

4 ALL NO Dress should be appropriate for an office. It is not the gym, nor a club, nor a beachside resort.

5 Dress should be appropriate for an office
Dress should be appropriate for an office. It is not the gym, nor a club, nor a beachside resort. ALL NO

But not in these, you’ll be walking home again!

7 We will: ask you to dress appropriately But then…. send a letter home put you on dress code report 4) send you home.

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