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Reinsurance Insurers purchase reinsurance largely for the same reasons that people and organizations purchase insurance “Insurance for insurers” Functions.

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Presentation on theme: "Reinsurance Insurers purchase reinsurance largely for the same reasons that people and organizations purchase insurance “Insurance for insurers” Functions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reinsurance Insurers purchase reinsurance largely for the same reasons that people and organizations purchase insurance “Insurance for insurers” Functions of reinsurance Capacity: can write more business and larger policy limits Financial: can alter timing of income (and thus financial results) Stabilization (of underwriting results) Catastrophe protection Underwriting advice

2 Example: Stabilization and Catastrophe Protection

3 Example: Stabilization and Catastrophe Protection (cont.)

4 Insurance / Reinsurance Parallels
Insurer (policy limit) Reinsurer (policy limit) Reinsurer “assumes” responsibility for part of loss Policyholder pays premium to insurer Insurer indemnifies against loss Insurer “cedes” part of premium to reinsurer Policyholder (pays deductible) Insurer (pays “retention”)

5 Types of Reinsurance Treaty versus facultative
Treaty: reinsures a group of the insurer’s policies Facultative: reinsures a specific risk written by the insurer Proportional versus excess (non-proportional) Proportional (pro rata): losses and premiums split between insurer and reinsurer on a percentage basis Excess-of-loss: reinsures losses above a certain amount

6 Types of Reinsurance (cont.)
Forms of pro rata reinsurance Quota share: reinsurer pays a fixed percentage of each policy’s losses, and receives a fixed percentage of the original premium Surplus share: reinsurer’s share varies by policy (according to policy limit)

7 Types of Reinsurance (cont.)
Forms of excess-of-loss reinsurance Per risk: covers individual losses from each policy or risk (common for property coverages) Per occurrence cover: covers losses from each event or occurrence, across all policies (common for casualty coverages) Working layer Clash covers Per occurrence / catastrophe cover: covers a single large event (e.g., natural catastrophe) Stop-loss / aggregate excess: protects net results

8 Example: Reinsurance Program
Suppose a primary insurer writes policies with the following characteristics: Homeowners policies $1,000 deductible, $200,000 policy limit Suppose the insurer has the following reinsurance program in place: Quota share: cede 60% of first $ 100,000 of each loss Per-risk excess: $ 90,000 x/s $ 50,000 The quota share “inures to the benefit of” the per-risk excess

9 Example: Reinsurance Program (cont.)
How would each of the following losses be split? Policy- Primary Q/S Excess Loss holder Insurer Reinsurer Reinsurer $ 20,000 111,000 121,000 251,000

10 Other Reinsurance Program Issues
Pricing of reinsurance policies Proportional: percentage of premium ceded (often with a “ceding commission” paid back to the primary insurer to cover expenses) Excess: rate applied to primary insurer’s original premiums, in accordance with expected frequency and severity of losses to reinsurance layer Multiple reinsurers on a reinsurance contract Retrocessions Reinsurance for reinsurers Where does an original dollar of loss eventually end up?

11 The Reinsurance Marketplace
Direct versus broker markets Types of reinsurers Professional reinsurers Reinsurance departments / divisions of primary insurers Government organizations, pools, and associations Lloyd’s of London

12 The Reinsurance Marketplace (cont.)
Some of the major players General Re / Berkshire Hathaway American Re Employers Re Zurich Re Everest Re Swiss Re St. Paul Re SCOR Re

13 Alternatives to “Traditional” Reinsurance
Reinsurance is one of many “risk management” tools at the disposal of a primary insurer -- e.g., Refuse to write certain risks “Co-insurance” Reinsurance Capital market / financial solutions

14 Beyond “Traditional” Reinsurance
“Newer” reinsurance products Portfolio reinsurance Finite (financial) reinsurance Very recent advances Integrated risk policies Insurance securitization Interestingly, although some of these recent advances might be considered competitors of traditional reinsurance, many reinsurers have themselves embraced these new techniques

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